Volume 1 ーThe Floating CastleーPrologue

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The sound of a sword being parried was heard as a loud roar followed. I was fighting off a high-level Lizardman on one of the highest floors of a Labyrinth. It charged towards me as I jumped out of the way and aimed my sword at it.

"What the hell you rat? You tricked me again!"

I yelled and charged up a <Sword skill> performing a 5 hit combo, bringing down the Lizardman called an Umolech. It's health got reduced by half as it prepared to attack.

"Ah, well 'heard there was a high-level monster 'round these parts. Thought you and I couldー"

"Who the hell cares?! And why didn't you tell me beforehand?"

I retorted, deflecting the sword of the Umolech, which was a Higher variant of a typical lizardman. Argo the rat charged forward, attacking the Lizard with her wrist-mounted claws.

"The client offered a high price for the information, I invited you in case something bad happens" she stated, finishing off the High-Umolech.

"and even if I told you, ya would've agreed anyway. Nyahaha- Ohー" Argo said, unfazed by the situation, while I began to drag her away.

"Don't "Nyahaha" me. You even stole my kill again. Geez. I can't believe there's such a high-level monster on this floor, it's ridiculous."

"Ah well, my field guide's not complete yet and ya know how important that is for me don't cha' Kei? so how 'bout we continue, hmm? What d'ya say? Won't ya help this poor Onee-chan? I promise to pay ya handsome~ly" she spoke, ending her sentence with a nasal inflection.

"Handsome? Did I just hear you call me handsome?" I questioned as she put on a slight smirk, sending a chill down my spine.

"Ya must be hearin' things Kei-boy. What I said was that I'll pay ya handsomely. D'ya perhaps have a secret crush on this beautiful Onee-chan?" She said in a teasing tone, irritating me as I began to get annoyed by her antics.

"You know, you're really not that much older than me."

"Nyahaha how flattering to hear ya say that. I wonder how much this info would sell onー"

"Alright enough, I get it! I'll go! I'll go!" I yelled, cutting her off as she showed a cunning smile.

"Good. Now then, let's go. 'sides ya still owe me, anyway."

she said, pulling on my arm and dragging me away to use as a bodyguard.

At this point, I thought back to a few years ago. 2022ー also known as the year that changed the course of my entire life. The year that flipped my entire world upside down.

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