v. see you around, fellas

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"Alright, are we ready for warmups?" Coach Bombay asked as he entered the room in a suit with his hair slicked back. Harlow, Fulton, and Dean walked over to him when the rest of the team stopped teasing him. "Good night last night, Coach?" Fulton asked, leaning on the table. "Yeah, it was fine." Coach Bombay responded. "What'd you do?" Dean asked. "Oh, I just watched some TV, got to bed early." He said. "But not without a little dessert, right?" Dean said and walked away. "A little ice cream, maybe?" Fulton said. "Icelandic ice cream." Harlow added before following after her boyfriends.


Team USA cheered as the game started. Jesse took the face off and almost lost as soon as it started, but Dean came in and knocked down the Iceland player. The ref went towards him and he knocked the ref over. Another ref came over and started leading Dean off the ice. He was out of the game. Iceland scored almost immediately. "Wake up, defense. Can't do this all myself." Goldberg said. Harlow skated by him and hit his legs with her stick, knocking him over. She looked over to Fulton. "This wouldn't be happening if Julie was in."

The entire team was getting pummeled. Goldberg actually managed to save one of Gunnar Stahl's shots, but not by much. They needed Julie. Banks got the puck but was knocked over. Luis got the puck but was tripped and flew into the boards. Fulton and Harlow covered Kenny as he tried to do some figure skating moves, but he was knocked down. Iceland ended up scoring again.

The team all huddled in. "Where's our concentration? You guys are out there runnin around like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off!" Coach Bombay complained. "We're doin our best." Jesse said. "Well, your best isn't good enough anymore. Blow this game and we are one loss away from elimination. You guys might want to go home early, but I sure as heck don't." Coach Bombay said and pushed past all of them. "My, that was inspiring." Averman said.

The third period started and they were losing four to nothing. Harlow was on the ice when Goldberg let in another goal. Harlow skated over to the bench. She glared at coach Bombay. "Let her play. We need her." She said, coldly. Coach Bombay nodded. Harlow skated back off to Goldberg. "You're off." She said. "Ah, thank you." He whispered.

Julie skated out onto the ice as Harlow went over to Fulton. Two of the Iceland players skated over to the net where Julie was. Harlow watched them. They seemed to be harassing her. Harlow could tell by the look in Julie's eyes that she had a plan. They leaned down and Julie knocked one of them down while Harlow skated over and hauled the other one. The ref blew his whistle. "That's intent to injure! You're both out of the game! Let's go, young ladies."

"See you around, fellas." The twins said, leaving to go to the locker room. "Thanks for the breather." Goldberg said as they passed him. Julie and Harlow walked into the locker room to see Dean pounding on the medical table. "Hi." He said when he noticed they were there. "We know how you feel." Julie said. "Hell yeah we do." Harlow said, taking of her skate and throwing it at the wall where it got stuck.

They got changed and then they all watched on the TV as Banks scored but Sanderson slammed his stick down onto his wrist. Dean and Harlow ran out of the locker room. They ran through the halls and through the crowd to the penalty box. "Sanderson!" Dean yelled out. "I want a piece of you, Sanderson. You're mine!" Sanderson started laughing. "Oh, you think it's funny?" Harlow said, attempting to climb over the glass. Security came and hauled her down. "I want you." Dean said as they were escorted back to the locker room.


Team USA had lost twelve to one. They all sat in the locker room in silence, waiting for coach Bombay to yell at them. "Twelve to one. Twelve to one. You know what word comes to mind when you think of that? Pathetic! You guys were brought here to play hockey." He ranted. "What about you?" Jesse asked. "What about me, Jesse?" "Coach Stansson knew everything about us. They were ready for us." Julie yelled.

"And you spend your time driving around in convertibles talking to all those sponsor fools." Luis added. "Or hanging with the Iceland lady." Fulton added. "We saw you two Saturday night." Harlow continued. "Eating ice cream with the enemy, huh, coach?" Dean said. Everyone voiced their disbelief. "Hey. Hey, what I do is none of your business. Is that clear?" Everyone groaned. "Don't take those pads off. Everyone stay in your gear. We have practice." "Tonight?" Goldberg questioned.


Coach Bombay blew his whistle. They all skated back and forth across the rink. He blew his whistle again and they all stopped, kneeling on the ice. Charlie spoke to coach Bombay for a bit before he blew his whistle again. "Twenty more sprints! Let's go! Line up! Come on, let's go! Line up, Charlie! Let's go! I'll keep you here all night if I have to." He blew his whistle again and they started skating.


Everyone struggled to stay awake in class the next morning. Harlow was basically falling asleep against Fulton's chest. Ms McKay went over and shook Luis awake. "Why are you guys so tired?" She asked. "Bombay kept us up at the rink until 2:00 am this morning." Fulton mumbled from underneath Harlow. "Alright, I'm cancelling practice today. Go back and rest." Ms McKay told them. Dean picked Harlow in his arms bridal style as they left, planning on bringing her back to his and Fulton's room so that they could cuddle.


Later that afternoon, Dean was leading them in a team stretch out on the field. "Coach isn't here, why do we have to be?" Connie asked. "We have a game tonight. We have to workout." Dean told them. "I say mutiny. Who's with me?" Goldberg asked. "Goldberg, I'm too tired to mutiny." Dwayne said. "Come on, guys, it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning." Harlow said. "Speak for yourself, babe." Dean said, trying to compliment his girlfriend. Harlow winked at him. "Her name is Harlow, not babe." Banks said, trying to defend her.

"Banks, it doesn't bother me." Harlow said but Dean had already made it worse. "Don't tell me how to talk, rich boy!" He said, pushing Banks. "Hey, Portman, chill!" Fulton intervened. "Fulton!" Harlow scolded, jumping on his back. Everyone started pushing each other but were interrupted by someone yelling at them. "Yo, Team USA, what are you gonna do today, a million jumping jacks?"

"This kid's crazier than me. Forget about him. Look, Fulton!" Dean said, turning back around. They all started fighting again. Jesse pushed past them all. "Hey, man, I'm gettin sick of you!" "I'm gettin sick of seeing the USA represented by a bunch of whining babies." "Too bad you can't back up that mouth." "Man, me and my boys can take you anytime, anywhere." "I don't see no boys." "I got em waitin. Grab your gear and let's go play some schoolyard puck. Or maybe you forgot what it's like to play for real pride. Come on, it's not too far, you little wimps. Come on." a security came to escort him out. "What are you doin? Get off! You comin or not? Let's go."


"My little brother Russ here has been telling me that you have been chokin big time." Russ' older brother said. "Well, your brother's got a big mouth." Jesse said. There was a moment of silence. "He does, doesn't he?" Russ smiled. "Anyways, we thought we'd call you all to see what you got." "Yeah, we know you can talk to the press and sign autographs and stuff." Russ said. "We can do more than that." Luis spoke up. "Oh yeah? Well, we can teach your to play like the real team USA." "What would you know about it?" Dean asked.

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