viii. ducks fly together

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Iceland was winning three to nothing. The players on the ice did the Flying V but they were all knocked down by the Iceland players. They stole the puck and scored another goal. "Coach, put Julie in for fucks sake." Harlow said, wiping her face with a towel. Averman took the first face off in the second period, but was immediately knocked down, again. Fulton, Harlow, and Dean looked at each other on the bench. They grabbed their bandanas and put them on and then put on their helmets before heading out onto the ice. If an Iceland player came towards them, they were immediately knocked down.

One of the Iceland players tried to score again but Goldberg actually saved it. He brought the puck behind the net where it was picked up by Kenny. He did some figure skating moves to distract the Iceland players while leaving the puck there. Fulton went towards it and sent it back to Kenny. He shot the puck and it went in. They skated towards Kenny and engulfed him into a group hug.

The goalie started going for Kenny, but he did what Russ' brother taught him. He started punching the goalie in the stomach before the ref dragged him to the penalty box. Fulton and Dean started screaming. "Alright, Ken Wu. Our little bash brother! He's our man!" They screamed, pounding on the glass of the penalty box. They took their helmets off and started hyping the crowd up. They both ran down the side of the Iceland bench and hit all of their heads.

The ref brought them to the box. They stood up on the bench and started pounding on the glass that separated them and the crowd. Connie joined Harlow on the ice. Iceland was gunning for them. One of their players had checked Harlow into the boards and just stood there laughing at her. "You think this is funny? Drop your fucking gloves!" She shouted, dropping her stick and her gloves and her helmet. The Iceland player did the same.

They circled each other for a second before he took the first swing. Harlow dodged it and went for a punch, landing it right on his jaw. She sent another one to his nose. He managed to get her right in the lip, but she stuck her hand out and scratched his face, leaving three big claw marks. The ref came over to her as she picked up her stuff. He escorted her to the box where Kenny, Fulton, and Dean still were.

"That was exhilarating." She said, sitting down next to Fulton. Dean leaned around him. "That was so fucking hot." He said. Harlow smirked. Connie was knocked down to the ground and as the Iceland player skated by the penalty box, he tapped it with his stick. Fulton, Dean, and Harlow got up, banging on the glass. One of the other Iceland players sent to puck into the corner and Connie went to get it.

Fulton and Dean were let out of the box as Sanderson had Connie lined up. Next thing Harlow knew, Dwayne was on the ice without his helmet, with his rope. "I'm coming Connie!" He yelled. He swung the rope around and wrapped it around Sanderson just before he got to Connie. He hauled dragged him down to the ground before dragging him back up. Connie went over to them before slamming Sanderson down onto the ground. Dwayne was brought to the penalty box and Harlow was let out. "Nice job, cowboy!" She shouted out as he jumped up and started banging on the glass.


"Did you all enjoy that?" Coach Bombay asked in the locker room. "Yeah!" Everyone shouted. "Okay, well, so did they, because they're still three points up and we're one period away from defeat." Everyone sat down except for Jesse. "If we can't beat them, we might as well keep our pride." He said and everyone agreed with him. "Jesse, that's not pride. Sure, when Dwayne roped that big oaf, part of me cheered. But, guys, I've been there. I know how you feel. I wanted to cream that jerk that busted my knee when I played in the minors. And I really, really wanted to go after Stansson for that cheap shot. But you know what? My knee will heal. And if I become someone I'm not, if I sink to their level, well, then, I lost more than my knee. You understand?"

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