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"Sorry I'm late!" you said.

"No, it's fine. I actually got here." the setter said.

"I see. Thank goodness. I was hoping that you didn't come here in a hour before hand." you said, smiling. Suddenly an arrow had hit Kageyama's heart. He was actually been here for in a hour.

"Shall we get going then?" he said.

"A-ah. Yes." You and Kageyama had planned to go to the movies. After that it would probably be lunch and then go home.

"By the way, the outfit you're wearing.."

"Oh. I was actually late because I didn't know what to wear. I never usually wear these sort of things. Does it look weird on me?"

"Oh, no. It suits you. You look cute." 'She looks more cute then usual!' he said, slightly blushing. He was trying to keep his cool, making sure you don't see his embarrassing side.

"I live alone with my older brother. So when I told him that I was hanging out with a boy besides Kei and Yamaguchi, he wanted to meet you."

"Does he have a brother complex or something?"

"No, nothing like that. The exact opposite. He's always so rude and make me do all the chores while he is lazing around playing video games. I'm not his sister, more like a slave! But like all older brothers, I guess he have a soft side and worries for me. That's what Kei always tell me anyway." You see Kageyama looking touched.

"You two must have a wonderful relationship."

"Ah. A brother is still a brother. He is one lazy ass." you said, pouting while Kageyama laughs.


"So what do you want to watch?" Kageyama asks.

"You're the one who invited me out. I don't really mind."

"Want to watch an anime then?"

"Not in the mood. How about an action movie?"

"Then this movie?"

"Yeah!" you said, smiling. Kageyama looks at you before he decided to pay. He notice that you were looking around.

"Are you sure you want this movie? You can choose any movie. I don't mind what we're watching."

"Really? I think that's too much trouble. I would feel bad." he sighed.

"I was the one inviting you out. Let me pay for what you want to watch."

"O-oh. Um.. Then this movie. It suppose to be a tragic romance movie. It even has a volleyball theme to it too, so.." you said, smiling. For a moment there, you thought Kageyama look cool.

"Okay. So two tickets for this movie please." Kageyama said.


'Ah this movie is really not my thing. It's on the beginning but I feel like I could sleep through it. But it looks like (L/N) is enjoying herself, so it's fine.' the setter thought. He was mostly looking at you then watching the movie. He notice your hand near his hand. '(L/N)'s hand! I kind of want to hold onto it.'

'Man.. It's only been 4-5 minutes in the movie but I'm already getting the feels. I'm such a child. I'm already crying.' All of a sudden Kageyama had put his hand over yours. 'Did Kageyama see me crying? Is that why his hand over mines? He really is a nice person..'

'I can't believe I did it..! (L/N) didn't say anything, so it's okay, right? Right?!' A few minutes later, Kageyama had fell asleep.


"That movie was so sad. I can't believe you didn't cry at all!"

'I can't believe I slept through most of it and woke up when the credits started rolling.' "Guess it didn't touch me that much." I said. "I'm going to get some drinks for us okay?"

"Sure." (L/N) said.

When I got back, I see Oikawa talking to (L/N). 'WHAT WAS HE DOING HERE?!'

Embarrassed! [Kageyama Tobio x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now