Chapter 4

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The sound of metal clashing against each other rung out.

"Eva, get away from us."

Eva didn't waste anytime and sprinted away as soon as she got up. I kicked this guy away from me and sprung onto my feet resting my scythe on my shoulders. The man stood up with a bigger smirk on his face. The man noticed everyone staring at us and the man showed a shocked expression.

"I'm surprised Miranda! You didn't know that miss super general over here was The Death Bringer? Oh, or you didn't know she was infected with the Cadou. That's probably it. To be honest, I'm surprised that Eva managed to keep that a secret!"

I gritted my teeth. I threw my scythe at the man and of course he jumped up into the air. Unknowing to him that whenever my scythe hits the ground, it let's out a shockwave. The shockwave made the man lose control of himself in midair and everyone else got shaken up by it.

"Miss Y/n! Do that mind trick ability you can do! Make him bleed!" Eva said a bit too happy.

I don't know why Eva is so obsessed with my abilities. But I didn't waste anytime with my influence. The man held his head as I kept making his mind spike in pain. The man was resisting my ability a bit which caused me to start bleeding from my eyes. I have never figured out why I do that when someone is resisting me but I think it's because I'm enhancing my own abilities.

"God! I won't be able to resist her for much longer!" The man complained.

The man started coughing violently and some blood did come out. A random smoke bomb came from nowhere. Thick smoke surrounded everyone and obscured everyone's vision. I know this type of smoke only lasts for a couple of seconds. Once the smoke cleared, the man was gone. Well, whoever he is around is going to get a rude awakening because my influence can spread to others so long one is infected with it.

"Miss Y/n! Miss Y/n!" Eva said running over to me.

"Why didn't he bleed like the one guy did?" Eva asked.

"He was more resistant to my influence but nonetheless he is still infected with it. Are you okay?"

Eva nodded and hugged my waist.

"Also, Chris, thanks for standing there. I know why everyone else was standing there but you have no excuse."

"You..." Miranda said.

"You have the the Cadou? How did I not notice sooner?" Miranda finished.

I looked over to see that my scythe had disintegrated into nnothingness. I hugged Eva back while waiting for someone to say something.

"How did you get the Cadou?" Miranda asked and she suddenly became very intimidating.

"I-I don't know."

"You don't know?" Karl said snippy.

"I'm serious! I really don't know how I got it! I don't remember anything that had happened at that time."

"Mother, miss Y/n isn't lying. I believe her! You should too! She is in a lot of pain." Eva said.

Miranda was taken back at Eva's words.

"How do you know that?" Angie asked Eva.

"Because I can feel her emotional waves. Miss Y/n is in a lot of pain and the loneliness she feels seems to be devouring her slowly. I wish I can make you feel better." Eva said hugging me tightly.

I was trying so hard not to cry. I don't know how this child was able to tell how I was feeling let alone bothering me. I managed to suppress my feelings but only temporarily.


I looked over at Donna and Angie. Angie didn't say that, so was it Donna who said that?

"Anyway, it's about time Chris and I get going."

"No!" Eva screamed now having a death grip on me.

"Eva, I need to go back. I'm sorry."

"No! I don't want you to go back! Not while you are suffering! And you are my friend! Please don't leave!" Eva cried.

I looked over at Chris for some guidance because I didn't know what to do.

"Um, I..."

I don't like seeing her so upset.

"Chris, I'm taking vacation time."

"What!?" Chris said panicked almost.

"I'll stay for a bit longer and if a serious mission comes up, I'll go on it and come right back if my vacation time isn't over. Do not fight with me, I'm too tired and you know where I am so you can check up on me whenever you feel the need too."

Chris looked at me like I was a walking corpse.

"Fine. I'm not going to force you to do anything. Like I could anyway. Well, I let you take it from here I guess. And please guys don't try and pick a fight with Y/n. I don't need her getting her or any of you." Chris said.

I could Chris wasn't sure about this but he trusted so it's all good. Chris waved goodbye and I looked at Miranda waiting to see what she was going to say.

"Well, this is a weird turn of events. I'm not sure who you are to stay with Y/n." Miranda said.

"Oh! Mother!" Eva said excited.

"What is it my sweet Eva?"

"Miss Y/n can stay with Auntie Donna!" Eva said.

"Wait what?" The lords said in unison.

"The reason is because Auntie Donna is lonely as well! Maybe they can help each other! Please mother! I don't want Auntie Donna to be sad as well!" Eva whined.

Miranda turned to Donna then me.

"Well, I suppose that will be fine. Donna, Y/n is in your care and I'm sure Eva is going to go with you so have fun with that." Miranda said as she walked off.

Karl scoffed alongside Alcina and Salvatore just walked away with everyone else leaving me, Eva, and Donna.

"C'mon! Let's go!" Eva said dragged me into a random direction. Donna and Angie quietly followed.

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