Chapter I

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Bang! Emery jumps, falling off the bed. She lands on the floor with another loud thud. She huffs wiping sweat from her brow as she grabs her fallen book, standing up. She rubs her sore bottom, the cool tile making her already cold feet go numb. Huffing Emery flops down on the bed, waiting for sleep to claim her when she hears the healer's footsteps. "Is everything ok?" Marya asks. "Everything is fine, I just dropped my book," She replies, shooting her friend a grateful smile. "Ok, do you want me to get more of your prescription? Is the headache back?" she probes. "No, I just want to sleep," Emery says, from under her pillow. To her relief, she hears the healer walk away. 

After twenty restless minutes have passed Emery decides to forgo sleeping in. She sits up examining the infirmary room she has become far too familiar with. The white thread-bare linens provide no protection against the chill. The lumpy mattress of the single bed causes her to toss and turn all throughout the night and being on constant surveillance here doesn't help her anxiety. Emery knows she is being silly and all patients' conditions are monitored but it still makes her uncomfortable. 

Groaning, she gets up pulling on a simple black blouse and trousers. Before grabbing her blue summoner kefta and lacing up her boots. Looking down at the little black band of her watch the time reads 5:30. The young girl internally groans. Sleeping in wouldn't kill me it would actually be rather nice. Just as she is about to do her hair, Genya strides into the room.

"What on earth happened to you?" the red-head asks, two breakfast trays balanced in her hands. "Nothing," Emery replies, hands nervously combing her hair. She walks over to Genya, gathering some of the papers on the bedside table before Genya places the trays down in their stead. "You look like you've been run over by the Darkling's coach," She asks. "Um- I slept weird," Emery replies hesitantly. Genya narrows her eyes.

"Did you have another nightmare?"

"No. What did the chef give you today?" Emery asks.

"Cinnamon buns and I was kind enough to get one for you."

"What would I ever do without you," Emery's eyes roll to the back of her head as she inhales the steam from the buns.

"You'd be stuck eating herring."

"Don't joke about that. That's the true nightmare." Genya giggles.

"So what was this dream about?" She questions.

"I didn't have one," Emery replies, stuffing a piece of cinnamon bun into her mouth.

"Then why did you change the subject?" Genya inquires, shooting up quizzically.

"I didn't mean to," She says. Her mouth is full of pastry.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Genya reprimands. The two girls finish their breakfast before Genya insists on doing Emery's hair.

"Emery Tarasovna sit your ass down and stop wiggling," Genya commands exasperatedly. Emery takes a seat allowing Genya to braid the hair before pinning it up."See how you don't look like the living dead," She remarks. Emery snorts," I have to go or Madame Belovna will have my head." The tailor nods her head in agreement, the tales of Madame Belovna having not escaped her ears.

"Wait! You have to take your medicine," She calls after Emery. The younger girl collects the white pills from her friend's hand, "Thanks, Gen."

The girls walk out of the room, arms linked. "We wouldn't want that would we," Genya teases before giving the younger girl a brief hug. "Kick some etheralki ass for me," Genya says before leaving Emery and disappearing down the hall.

"See you later Genya!" Emery calls after her. Sighing, Emery jogs to the banks of the lake where the class would be held today. A few other students are present silently practicing waiting for class to begin. Emery unlaces her boots taking a few steps in the water as she moves her wrists back and forth. A small wave appears moving to the rhythm of her wrists, she smiles softly to herself. "Would you look at what the tide dragged in." Emery's smile drops at the sound of his voice. 

Author's note 

Word count: 700

Hey guys

This chapter is short as fuck, so sorry about that. I'm going to try and edit it some more but until then bear with me. A cliffhanger dun dun dun. I know cliffhangers aren't fun but I won't leave you hanging. I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes. I hope you have enjoyed reading so far. Please comment, vote, or any way you can interact it means I lot to me. Hope you have a wonderful day or night whichever it is! 


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