Chapter V

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Emery jogs down the halls of the little palace. Fedyor come out come out wherever you are. She jogs for what feels like hours but in reality, is only a few minutes. "Saints, Fedyor where are you?" She mumbles after combing through yet another hall with no sign of Fedyor. Begrudgingly the tidemaker walks towards Ivan's chambers. Stealing her nerves she knocks on the door.

"Ivan, it's Emery Tarasovna, is Fedyor there?" She waited. She heard some shuffling then and an angry-looking Ivan opened the door. He looks like a bear he carries with him.

"Yes, Miss. Tarasovna, what do you want?"

What does she want? Wasn't he listening? "I need to speak with Fedyor is he here?"


"Well do you know where he is?"

"No." Useless, he's utterly useless. Doesn't even know where his own boyfriend is. As Ivan moves to close the door Fedyor's voice rings out, "Don't you dare close that door on her."

Ivan huffs opening the door wider allowing Emery to see the bubbly heartrender. Fedyor walks over to the pair, straightening his kefta as he does.

"What do you need my dear?" Fedyor asks.

"I need the names of the grisha going on the mission and your measurements," she rushes. Fedyor steps back startled by her panic, Ivan glares at her.  "Please," She adds.  

"Why can't you just wait?" Ivan questions irritably.

"It's for the mission. Please, I need to get the measurements back to Seki so they'll be ready in time."

"So what will be ready in time?" Fedyor asks.

"Clothes like keftas but aren't so bright so the grisha won't have walking targets on their backs," Emery explains.

"You want grisha to hike through Druskelle territory without their keftas?" Ivan scolds.

"The clothes will still be bulletproof," She counters.

"Who is Seki?" Fedyor chimes in.

"She's a fabrikator that has agreed to help me, but if I don't get these measurements she'll kill me."

"A fabrikator isn't the one you should be worrying about," Ivan interjects.

"Don't even get me started on the Darkling," She says, adjusting her necklace.

"Me. You should be worried about me," Ivan threatens.

"Now's no time for jokes, Ivan," Emery whines chewing her lip. She hadn't realized she'd said it out loud until Fedyor's laugh rings in her ears.

"You little-" Ivan starts.

"IVAN!" Fedyor scolds. "Come Miss. Tarasovna, let me meet your fabrikator friend." Emery can only nod. Her feet take her down the hall before her mind catches up, she turns back around to see Fedyor kiss Ivan on the cheek and hurry after her. "Bye Ivan!" She calls before turning the corner. A few grumbles is all she hears before Fedyor is next to her, his long strides easily able to keep up with her rushed ones. Turning down a series of corridors the pair find themselves in front of the fabrikators workshop.

Fedyor opens the door motioning for Emery to go in first. "Thank you," She whispers earning a smile from the heartrender. Emery rubs her temple as the ache in her head worsens. She spots Seki hanging up a lavender coat adorned in pearls next to the pink one Emery saw her working on before.

"Seki!" She whispers to no avail. "Come on," Emery beckons to Fedyor. The heartrender follows her to Seki's work table.

"Oh! Emery, perfect timing I just finished. Do you have the measurements?" Seki asks cheerfully.

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