Chapter IV

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"Tanya, would you stop your pacing? You're causing a draft," Alexi calls from the table. Tanya continues to pace in the hall in front of the dining room. "She's never been this late before. Are you sure she wasn't in the library?" Tanya calls back missing Alexi's eye roll. "Yes, I'm sure. Now come sit down and eat. You're not going to conjure her with your pacing," the squallor boy replies. He pulls out a chair, beckoning her to sit.

Heaving a sigh Tanya slouches down next to her friend. Solemnly staring at her herring. "I'm sure she's fine. It's not like she could have died in the middle of the day. She's probably in the infirmary or her room. You know she can only handle so much of these fools," Alexi reassures. Tanya nods, "you're right." They fall into uneasy silence. Both are interrupted by the commotion of Eryx Solovev joining the summoners' table. Most of the table and some grisha from other orders swooned as he sat down. 

"Solovev!" Tanya calls.

"Maximovna!" Solovev mocks as Tanya leans towards him from across the table. 

"Do you know where Emery is?"

"Why are you asking me where Tarasovna is? Aren't you guys 'friends?"

"You disappeared after her. What did you do to her?"

"Me? Now Miss. Maximovna I thought we were closer than this," He taunts.

"What did you do to her?" Alexi asks, voice low.

"I haven't seen her since this morning, Semenov," He replies.

Tanya looks at her friend. He stares back at her before walking away. "Thanks for nothing Solovev," Tanya spits hurrying after Alexi.

"We have to find Emery," Alexi tells Tanya.

"No shit sherlock. Now you know how I feel."

"You go ask Marya if she's seen her and I'll go check her room."

"Ok, but don't be late to Botkin's," She replies before running towards the infirmary. Following his friend's lead, Alexi sprints toward Emery's bedroom. Boots thudding against the polished marble floor.


Alexi is out of breath by the time he reaches his friend's door. Taking a moment to compose himself he knocks on the door. "Emery? Emery are you in there?" He asks. No response. "Emery?" He tries again. Still no response. Alexi sighs. 

"What are you doing?" Alexi turns around at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. When he turns he is face to face with a girl around his height with raven black hair. Her storm-blue eyes pierce his own. 

"Ah Zoya, good to see you're back. How was your trip?" Alexi replies flashing a smile. 

Zoya rolls her eyes, "What are you doing?" 

The younger boy shrugs, "Looking for my friend. What's it to you?" Zoya scoffs.

"why aren't you at lunch?" 

"I told you I'm looking for my friend. "

"Why isn't your friend at lunch?" 

"Why Zoya! Is that concern I hear? For me?" Alexi teases sliding up next to her. 

"Absolutely not!" 

"Oh, Zoya there's no need to be embarrassed. I'll keep your secret," He wraps his arm around her. " I can't blame you. I too would have a crush on me." Zoya steps under his arm twisting it. 

"Don't. I do not care about you, I only cared why you were banging on the door like some pathetic oaf," Zoya spat releasing his arm before storming off. Alexi rolled his shoulder grimacing. "Pleasent at always Zoya," He called sarcastically. Zoya doesn't hear him or ignores him if she does. Alexi runs a hand through his hair reminded of his missing friend. In the little palace, grisha don't go missing. Unless there was a problem or a threat, Zoya would have known and freaked out when learning Emery was missing, but she didn't. Emery isn't in mortal danger Alexi concluded as he started his trek to the library. The young tidemaker fell asleep there often enough it wouldn't be out of the ordinary if she fell asleep and missed lunch but he already checked the library. 


Tanya burst through the infirmary door startling a few healers. "Has anyone seen Marya?" She questions. They look at her confused before one of them speaks. He's a man that looks to be in his early 40s. "Mayra has been stationed in Balkeriv for the week. May I ask why you need her? Are you her patient?" He asks voice calm and even. Tanya shakes her head. 

"No. I'm looking for one of her patients" she replies wiping sweat from her brow. The man looks concerned. 

"Who is her patient? Are they a danger?" 

Tanya almost laughs at the absurdity. Emery dangerous? They clearly haven't met her. "No. She couldn't hurt a fly even if it asked her to. I was just wondering where she was and since she comes here often to deal with headaches I thought Mayra would have seen her, but that's obviously not true so I'll be going now." The healer only nods as Tanya leaves slamming the door behind her hoping Alexi's had better luck than her. 

Tanya heads towards Botkin's lessons. If she was late she'd have to run an extra mile and that was something she didn't want to deal with. Tanya makes her way outside before running into Alexi. "Find her?" She asks nervously. Alexi only shakes his head solemnly. "Where in Saint's name could she be?" Tanya mutters. 

"Students start running!" Botkin barks.  Immediately the gathered grisha start running around the grounds of the little palace. Alexi and Tanya scour the faces for their friends. "You two why are you standing there? Run!" Botkins yells. Alexi jumps at the sound but Tanya is unperturbed. 

"Sorry, Sir we're looking for our friend. We're worried for her," She replies sketching her brow with worry. 

"You don't have time to look for friends when running for your lives!" Botkin yells gesturing for them to start running. 

"But Sir we haven't seen her in a while and she isn't here. She never misses your class," Alexi counters. Tanya and Alexi share a look recognizing the little lie. Emery often has to skip or leave Botkins class early due to her migraines and fatigue.  

"Who is this friend?" Botkin questions. 

"Emery Tarasovna," both reply simultaneously.  

"Don't worry little girl is accounted for," Botkin replies. "Now run." 

"What? Where is she?" Tanya asks. 

"Run now!" 

"But-" Alexi starts.

"No buts run!" The two exchange glances before starting their running. 

Author's Note:

Word Count: 1057



I'm back! I'm sorry this chapter sucks, but I'm experimenting with the story following the other characters. Let me know what you think. What do you think of Alexi, Tanya, and Eryx? I still like Eryx is creepy and that's not my intention. As always Please comment, vote or any way you can interact it makes me think people actually enjoy these and I'm not just an insane person talking to themselves. Hope you have a wonderful day or night whichever it is!


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