chapter III

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Emery's heart flutters causing Fedyor to send her a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure everything will be fine, Miss. Tarasova," He reassures. She shoots him a grateful smile. Over the years Emery had seen very little of the powerful heartrenders; they tended not to mingle with the students having graduated a few years prior. However, in the few interactions, Emery had with the two, Fedyor has always been nothing but polite and kind. His other half on the other hand has never been unkind, he more or less never showed emotion when around her. Ivan was always so stoic; it was a wonder the two could stand each other. 

Emery takes deep breaths as the trio walks into the dining hall towards the ebony double doors that lead to the Darkling's war room. The sun in eclipse carved on the doors making the harsh reality crash down on top of her all over again. She abruptly stops, causing Ivan and Fedyor to walk past her before noticing she isn't walking with them. Fedyor turns back to her smiling, "It's nothing to worry about. The Darkling only wishes to speak with you."

"The Darkling sent his second in command and most powerful heartrender just to talk?" She whispers. Her breathing became more ragged and uneven. "I haven't even seen him in seven years and now of all days he calls on me?" She squeaks her voice cracking. She is thankful that the dining hall is empty, the last thing she'd need is her panic attack to be displayed to everyone. "You need to calm down," Fedyor explains softly. He puts a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"What do you mean today of all days?" Ivan asks. She looks at him incredulously but says nothing. Fedyor shoots him a slight glare and Ivan's expression softens. Ivan puts his hands up and moves them in a circle. Emery can feel her heart slow and her breaths become more even. "We should go before the Darkling is the one to come and get you. Emery's eyes widen at the prospect and she hastily adjusts her blue kefta.

Ivan and Feydor stand by the doors waiting. Taking a deep breath she nods, the doors open with surprising ease revealing a dark hallway. Ivan and Feydor lead the way to another set of doors marked with the sun in eclipse, the Darkling's symbol, Emery's stomach twists. Ivan raises a hand knocking once. "Come in," a deep voice calls. Butterflies form in her stomach as the doors open to reveal the Darkling hunched over a pile of papers and maps. His slate eyes move side to side as he reads the one in his hand.

The Darkling looks younger than Emery expected. With raven black hair perfectly combed back and baby-smooth pale skin, he didn't look much older than Emery, despite him being several decades older. Growing up in the little palace she was taught Grisha theory and knew that some Grisha lived longer lives but she had always thought they would look much older as the years dragged on, but now she isn't so sure. Emery questions how old he really is and if he would tell the truth if she asked. Her palms begin to sweat as the nerves kick in again.

Ivan cleared his throat causing the Darkling to look up. His eyes immediately met Emery's. Emery's stomach does summersaults.  "Emery Tarasovna Moi soverennyi," Ivan says, bowing slightly. The Darkling doesn't acknowledge him, too busy studying the young tidemaker before him. Said tidemaker resisting the urge to squirm under his gaze. "I have called you here for a very important matter. A group of Grisha is going on a mission to the base in the Petrazoi over the coming weeks. Recent sightings of Drüskelle on the main path have increased and I need someone who knows the area to guide them on a different path to get to the base. You are familiar with this area?" His question is more of a statement. "Yes I am," Emery replies.

"I want you to lead the group on a safe and reclusive path to the base. Can you manage?"

"I remember those paths well enough Sir, but I will need more information before I can say for certain," Emery replies. Her voice is steady but her fingers betray nervousness as they pick at a thread in her sleeve.

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