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"Are you sure you're okay?" Deena asks from outside her bathroom door, head pressed against the surface trying to hear inside where she could hear a very steady stream of gasps and curses from Simon who had insisted that he was good enough for a shower.

"I'm fine!" He calls out from inside, annoyed and still in quite a lot of pain.

"Are you sure?"

"Deena— If I say no are you going to come in here and wash my balls?" Simon groans, hand on the wall to try and steady himself as Deena practically jumps away from the door, shuddering.

"Just don't slip and die." Deena fires back, walking away in disgust.

Deena goes to her room; she was all sorted out except for the glaring fact that she was nervous as hell. Like, can barely breathe or walk without feeling like fainting kind of nervous. Not to mention she didn't know if Sam was coming, and Deena just can't stop fantasizing about her great, big, fuck up and Sam realizing how much she regrets kissing Deena when she chokes on stage.

But she'll be fine, right?

Deena plays her drums for a few minutes until Simon comes stumbling in wearing some jeans Deena fished from her dad's closet and her sweater in his hands. He stood there shirtless, the bruises on his body on full display as Deena tried to keep a straight face. No matter how many times they consoled her, she'd always feel the blame for what happened. Seeing Simon like that will always break her heart, even when he's smiling at her like nothing's wrong.

"So maybe I do need your help." He nods over to the sweater, and Deena just chuckles as she sets her sticks down and moves around her set.

"What's wrong? Can't dress yourself, big boy?" Deena hums in amusement, taking the sweater from Simon as he extends his arms halfway up amidst a small huff.

Deena slips the sleeves in first, and she slowly coaxes Simon's head in until she's able to tug the sweater down over his torso. It was almost hilariously small, riding up every time Simon moved his arms but he loved it anyway. He thinks it makes him look sexy, but Deena thinks seeing Simon's treasure trail every few minutes might just be the root of her nightmares. But Deena doesn't say anything, because Simon was really excited. She even brushed his hair back, even when Simon would just mess it up because he 'didn't want to look like a five year old.'

"So are you guys dating now?" Simon asks as Deena helps him sit back on the couch. They were just waiting for Kate and Sarah, and possibly Sam, before leaving.

"No. I don't know? I don't think so. I've never done that." Deena sighs, taking the spot next to the boy.

"Wait, you've never done it? Like... kissing someone?" Simon asks in surprise, because he vividly remembers Deena telling them the summer after eighth grade that she kissed someone behind the mall.

"Yeah. Sam was... my first kiss." Deena admits, and Simon practically jumps in his place, whipping around to point at Deena and instantly regretting it because of how much pain had spurred through his movements.

"I knew it!" He exclaims, even when his face is cringed in pain, taking Deena by surprise entirely as she looks back at him like he was crazy.


"I knew you lied about the mall thing. I knew it! Kate owes me five bucks." Simon beams, doing a little victory wiggle because he couldn't really move much, so he ended up looking like a worm in salt on the couch next to Deena.

"You bet on that? Seriously?" Deena gasps, even when honestly, it was such a Simon and Kate thing to do.

"Yeah! You told us his name was Eddie. Fucking Eddie? Seriously? Who'd believe that?" Simon snorts, and Deena has to actively hold herself back from punching him in the arm because of how annoying he was being.

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