Chapter 6

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(At home in the morning)

"Amy, wake up. You have to wake up for school". Anthony said happily while shaking me. Brittney heard the noise that Anthony was making and woke up. "Amy, come on. Mom wants you up". Anthony said while shaking me again. "Michelle!!!! Help me get Amy up"!!!!! Anthony called. Michelle came running up the stairs and climbed on me. "Wake up right now or I will take your phone"!!!!! After I heard that, I woke up. "Why didnt I think of that"?? Anthony said confused. Brittney laughed and we all went downstairs. "Finally. You woke up". Mom said relieved. We all got breakfast and got ready for school. "Ready for revenge today". Brittney whispered. "Revenge?? What revenge"?? Anthony asked Brittney. "Whos getting revenge"?? Michelle popped up. "Are they always like this"?? Brittney asked while whispering. "Yes. Yes they are". I whispered. "Tell us about the revenge". Anthony complained. "Please tell us". Michelle begged. "Ugh. Fine". I groaned. Atfer I explained what the plan was, Michelle and Anthony wanted in. "Please please let us help you". Anthony begged. "Please"?? Michelle joined in. I looked at Brittney and she nodded her head. "Fine. You can help us. But you cant do alot". I agreed. "You guys can make sure we dont get caught". Brittney said trying to make them happy. "How would we do that"?? Michelle asked as she looked at Anthony. "We are doing this before school starts so you guys can make sure nobody comes in the room". I explained. "We can do that. Right Michelle"?? Anthony asked her. "Yes we can"!! Michelle said with pride as she and Anthony ran downstairs. Brittney and I followed them and got in the car. As we got to school, Michelle and Anthony sneaked out of the car. "Are they right behind us"?? Brittney asked. I turned around saw Michelle and Anthony smiling like they did something bad. Brittney and I walked quietly into the computer room to meet Greg. Michelle and Anthony were making sure nobody came or went near that room. "Hows it going Greg"?? I asked worried. "Its going pretty well. We will be". He said relieved. Now our only plan was to sneak Michelle and Anthony out of the school. "How are we going to sneak Michelle and Anthony out of here"?? Brittney asked worried. "Dont worry. I got a way". Greg said sneaky. He made them go through the window and the bushes. Michelle and Anthony ran to school like nothing happened. Brittney kept looking out for Harshini. We needed her so she can check if we did the revenge right. The door opened and in came Kayla with Harshini. "I met your little friend here". Kayla snapped at me. "Soo, this is Kayla"?? Harshini asked while pointing at Kayla. "They talked about me?? Im not shocked". Kayla said while showing off. Kayla walked off and Harshini checked if we did the revenge right. According to Harshini, we did it right and the school should see the comments in a minute. Harshini, Greg, Brittney and I walked out into the hallway. Thats when I saw the cutest boy I could ever see. The captain of the wrestling team. I didnt know his name but I couldnt help but staring at him. "Amy is in loooove". Greg teased. Brittney laughed and looked at what I saw staring at. "Wow. Hes cute". Brittney said as she joined me. "Hey". Greg complained. "Sorry babe". Brittney said flirty. I stared at the captain of the wrestling team again. "His name is Dustin". Kayla said as she popped up out of nowhere. Brittney and I jumped and Greg looked like he wanted to beat her. Kayla walked away and there I go again staring at Dustin. This time Dustin must have saw me staring at him because he walked by me and smiled. It was the cutest smile I have ever seen in my life. "Amy, stop staring and lets go to class". Brittney said as she dragged me. Greg followed quietly and we finally got to class. Class was boring until somebodys phone went off. The person read their phone and starting laughing right away. Then another person read their phone and started laughing. Then the whole class was laughing. Im guessing they saw the comments the Harshini, Greg, and Brittney and I made about Kayla. Harshini was laughing in the back, Greg and Brittney were laughing together, Lei and Adam were laughing with me. Even Jacob was laughing. Kayla looked like she wanted to cry. Thats just how I looked when Kayla did this to me. Kayla stormed out of the room really really mad. Harshini, Greg, Adam, Lei, Brittney, Jacob and I walked out of the room after Kayla did. "I know you guys did this". Kayla growled. "You know nothing". Greg snapped. "Go Greg". Lei cheered. Brittney and I high fived and Adam and Jacob fist bumped. "Whats going here"?? Dustin asked curiously. Harshini explained everything to him but left out the part about how we made those comments about Kayla. "Why would you do that to her, Kayla"?? Dustin said getting mad. "She had something I wanted". Kayla asked sounding regretful. "Im sure Amy would never do anything to hurt you". Dustin said while putting his hand on my shoulder. I almost melted when he did that. "Im just glad that I got what I wanted". Kayla snapped and walked away like she just won an award. When the comments were posted, nobody really laughed at Kayla like they did for me. I walked outside for gym class, and I saw the weirdest thing. Kayla crying. Kayla never cries. Ive never seen her cry so I dont think that she ever has. I walked over to where she was crying and she pushed me down. Dustin saw me on the ground and dragged Kayla away from me. Then came running back. "Are you ok. Did she hurt you"?? Dustin asked while sounding like my mom. "No mom. Im fine". I laughed at him as he helped me up. He pulled me up hard I ended up staring in his beautiful blue eyes. The moment felt like a Cinderella story. Until the moment was interupted by Greg. "Hey, lovebirds!!! Stop staring at each other and lets go"!!! Greg called. Brittney looked at Greg mad. "What"?? He asked confused. Brittney shook her head and Dustin and I walked over to the track. Gym class was really boring since we ran around the track the whole time. When class was over, Kayla claimed she tripped and thats how she fell into me. "Ow"!!! I growled. "Oh sorry. I tripped". Kayla said pretending to care. I heard her laugh when she walked away. "Why does she hate you"?? Dustin asked. "Apperently, I had something that she wanted, she got mad and started hating my guts". I explained. "Well, that explains it". Dustin replied. "Yea I guess it does". I said really nervous. I was starting to think if I had feelings for Dustin or not. He is nice, kind, and I can talk to him about anything. But I think he has a girlfriend. I looked at him and he smiled at me. "Hey, how are you guys"?? Harshini asked while running up to us. "We're good. How are you"?? Dustin asked nicely. "Im good. Thanks for asking". Harshini replied while running away. "She seems nice". Dustin said while walking with me to the locker rooms. "Shes very nice. She is also a great friend". I replied nicely. Dustin looked at me and smiled a little. Brittney was watching us from a distance and as I looked at her, she smiled at me. "Excuse me". I said to Dustin. "Sure, take your time". Dustin replied quietly. I walked over to Brittney and she looked like she wanted to slap me. "Why are you giving me that look"?? I asked. "You had the perfect moment to ask him out". Brittney said in a low voice. "Im sorry. Im nervous around him". I said quietly. "Go do it now". Brittney demanded. "I'll try". I replied nervously. As I was walking back to Dustin to ask him out, I saw Kayla with him. I wasnt surprised. Kayla is with everybody. "Hey, whats up"?? Jacob asked as he popped up out of nowhere. I jumped a little. "Nothing, just daydreaming". I said trying to not make it look like I was staring at Kayla and Dustin. "So your not staring at Kayla and Dustin"?? He asked. "Umm no". I said really nervous. Jacob looked at me like he knew I was lying. I put my head down. Kayla saw Jacob talking to me and immediately flipped out. "Dont talk to her babe". Kayla yelled as her voice echoed in the hallway. Jacob put his head down and walked away. Kayla smirked at me and walked with him. As I was at my locker, Kayla came running up to me like something was on fire. "Omg, Amy!!! You have to come with me"!!! Kayla said very worried. "Ummm. Are you feeling ok"?? I asked trying to change the subject. Kayla acted like she didnt hear me and grabbed my wrist and dragged me to an open, empty locker. Greg, Dustin, Jacob and Adam were watching from a distance. Brittney, Harshini, and Lei were also watching but in a different spot. "Look in the locker". Kayla ordered. I looked in the locker and the next thing I knew, I was on the floor. Greg, Brittney, Adam, Lei, Harshini, Jacob and Dustin all ran over to where Kayla and I were. "What did you do to her"?!?!?! Jacob screamed. "Nothing. I only told her to look in the locker". Kayla cried. "Please, Amy. Wake up"!! Greg cried while shaking me. "Lets take her to the hospital"!!!! Brittney shouted. Everybody ran to the car and Greg drove. When they got to the hospital, I got a room quickly. Even Kayla came. My brother and sister came with my mom and dad. "Who did this to her"?!?!? Michelle said very angry. "Umm I did". Kayla answered quietly as she raised her hand. "Why"?!?!? Anthony cried. Mom, Dad, Michelle and Anthony went home and my friends stayed. "Visiting hours are over. You guys can come back tomorrow". One doctor said. "We will call you guys if anything happens". Another doctor whispered. Greg, Brittney, Harshini, Adam and Lei went home. Dustin and Jacob didnt listen to the doctor. "Guys you have to leave". A doctor said. "No. I want to be here when she wakes up". Jacob demanded. "Yea, me too". Dustin joined in. "Guys, trust us. Please leave". The doctor begged. Jacob and Dustin sighed deeply and finally left. Tomorrow was a new day for me. At the hospital.

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