Chapter 7

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(At the hospital)

The doctors kept doing tests on me to see what happened. I still wasnt awake and no one had visited me yet. Since I was not awake, time went by quickly. "Hey. We are here to visit Amy". Brittney said walking into the hospital with Greg, Lei, Adam, Jacob, Harshini and Dustin. "Sure. Right this way". A doctor replied while showing them to my room. They each had 5 minutes to say what they wanted and they had to go to the café downstairs. Brittney went first. "Amy, please wake up. Your my best friend and I dont want to lose you. I know I have Greg but it wont be the same. Please come back". Brittney said almost crying. Greg went next. "Your a really nice and fun girl and Brittney really gets along with you. Im glad you make her happy". Greg said next. After Greg, came Lei and Adam. Lei went first. "I know I haven't known you for a while but your nice and kind. I like how you tell Kayla off". Lei said laughing a little. "Kayla, why dont u go"?? Jacob asked. Of course, Kayla listened to him. "I know I have been mean to you and I stole your boyfriend but Jacob is happy with me and he doesn't need you". Kayla said meanly. Everybody looked at her like she had something on her face. "What"?? Kayla asked confused. Greg shook his head and told Adam to go next. "I agree with what Lei said so I'm not really going to say anything". Adam said agreeing with Lei. Harshini went next. "Your nice, funny and kind. I had fun working with you. Harshini cried. Jacob went next. "I really liked you from when we starting dating. Im sorry Kayla took me away from you but I know you will get someone else to make you as happy as I did". Jacob said while sighing. Dustin went last. "I really like you. Your pretty, nice, funny, and awesome. I hope we can hang out soon. I also hope we can start dating". Dustin said while crying. Everybody left and the doctor did more tests. There was something about Dustin's last words that made me feel happy and warm. After he said those words, I woke up. I looked around the room confused and in pain. I couldn't talk yet but the doctor said I will in a couple of hours. "Your awake". The doctor said while doing more tests. I nodded but I had so many thoughts in my head. Where was I?? How did I get here?? Who did this to me??? I saw Greg peek in the door and he smiled instantly. The door flew open and in came my friends and family. "Guys she cant speak yet". The doctor warned. They all nodded and went by my bed. I looked at everyone and blinked. I was trying to remember who everybody was. Then I saw Kayla. Kayla had half a smile on her face. "Serves you right". Kayla whispered. I didnt hear it but Jacob sure did. He gave her a dirty look and dragged her out of the room. "What do you mean by that"??? Jacob whispered. "She gets what she desreves". Kayla said while looking in the door. "She doesnt deserve this". Jacob replied. Kayla put her head down and faced the wall. "I guess she doesnt". Kayla said full of regret. "Why do you hate her"?? Jacob asked quietly. "I didnt always hate her. I liked you and Amy knew that. Then you and Amy started dating. That really hurt me. I got angry and started hating her. My plan was to lock her in that locker. Instead she tripped over me hit her head on the side of it". Kayla explained while crying. Jacob gave her a hug. "Maybe if you tell her that, she will understand and you guys can become friends again". Jacob said while letting go of her. They walked back in the room and Kayla looked at me. "Where was everybody at the time this happened"?? The doctor asked. "Greg, Jacob, Adam and I were hanging out by the water fountain when we saw Kayla and Amy go by the locker". Dustin explained to the doctor. "Brittney, Harshini and I were hanging out by my locker when we saw them". Lei explained. Everybody looked at Kayla. "I was with her when this happened". Kayla said nervously. The doctor looked surprised and called some cops in. "Ok. Whos responsible for this"?? One cop asked. No one spoke up. "We are going to have to ask you all questions". The other cop said. Kayla looked really nervous and started shaking. Everybody went out of the room. "W-Wait". I spoke up. Eevrybody stopped and turned to look at me. "Yay. Your awake"!!! Michelle said while running to me with everybody. "We missed you". Harshini said while smiling. Anthony, Michelle, Mom, and Dad gave me a hug. The cops looked angry and wanted to get the questions over with. Everybody went in the hall and the doctor had to ask me questions. "Do you know where you are"?? The doctor asked while closing the door. I shook my head. "Do you know what happened"?? The doctor asked next. Again, I shook my head. "Do you know who those people were"?? He asked. I shook my head again. "Do you know who you are"?? He asked. I nodded. I saw Kayla looking at me from the window. She didnt look very happy. She kept giving me dirty looks until Jacob stopped her. He waved at me. Anyone who was done with their questions, had to come back in the room. Kayla, Jacob, Dustin and Harshini were done. Dustin smiled at me and I smiled back. Jacob put his head down and walked to the corner of the room. "I think someone is jealous". Kayla teased. "Why are you teasing him?? I thought he was your boyfriend"?? Dustin asked. "Oh he is. But I get to tease him because hes my boyfriend". Kayla said while hugging Jacob. I can tell by his facial expression that he didnt want to be hugged. At least not by Kayla. Brittney came in next with Greg. My mom and dad took Michelle and Anthony home. "Can Amy and I talk alone"?? Dustin asked. Greg nodded and took everybody out. Dustin looked at me and sighed. "Do you know who I am"?? Dustin asked me. "Umm no". I answered. Dustin sighed again and held my hand. "When you werent awake it was hard for everybody except Kayla. Her plan was to lock you in the locker. Instead you tripped over her and hit your head. Thats why you cant remember anything. Ive liked you for a long time and I really wanna be more than friends". Dustin explained. He kissed my forhead and walked out. Kayla came in. "I have something to say to you". Kayla growled. "Umm I dont know who you are but ok". I said confused. "You will not tell the truth. You wont tell anybody that Im responsible for this. I will not go to jail because of you. If you do, you will regret it". Kayla said as she threatened me. Right when I was going to say something else, the boys kicked the door open. "You will not hurt Amy"!!!! Adam shouted. "If you hurt her or touch her in anyway, I will hurt you"!!! Dustin warned. "Stay away from Amy"!!!! Jacob screamed at Kayla. Kayla looked like as if she seen a ghost. The girls were cheering around them. I looked at the boys and smiled. They are my protectors. I never knew they cared for me this much. I still didnt know who they were but the doctor said that I will get out of the hospital today and hopefully my memory back. My mom was filling out papers and the doctor was trying to see what and who I remember. "I remember Greg, Brittney, Harshini and Dustin". I said while pointing at them. For some reason, I couldnt remember Jacob and Kayla. "Do you remember what happened now"?? Greg asked while starting at me. "I remember standing by a locker with Kayla. I looked in the locker and I dont know what happened next". I answered while turning on my side. "Its ok. We dont need you to remember". Kayla said quickly while winking at me. Jacob looked at Kayla confused and Kayla smiled at him like she never did anything. A few hours later, everybody went home and I was getting released tomorrow morning. I had remembered everything except what happened after I looked in the locker. Then I remebered that Dustin told me what happened. I tripped over Kayla. Was it on purpose?? Did she want me to be in the hospital?? After thinking, I fell asleep and it became morning. "Good morning. Your getting released today". A nurse said as she came in. I groaned because my head still hurt. The nurse gave me some medicine and I finally got out of my comfortable hospital bed. I was a little dizzy and tried to keep my balance. "Whos picking me up"?? I asked. "One of your friends". The nurse replied. Its got to be Harshini, Dustin, Jacob, Lei, Adam, Greg, or Brittney. "Is it a boy or a girl"? I asked. "Girl". The nurse answered quickly. Now its got to be Harshini, Brittney or Lei. Somebody knocked on the door. "Shes here". The nurse said while going to the door. When the nurse opened the door, I couldnt believe who I saw.

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