Chapter 8

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(Still at the hospital)

I saw Kayla!!!!!!! "We are going to have a fun ride, are we Amy?? Kayla said with a fake smile. I didnt say anything because I was still in shock that I was actually getting in a car with Kayla, my worst enemy. Shes the one the put me in the hospital in the first place. How do I know that she wont try again?? "Umm sure". I replied confused and scared. Little did she know, Greg and Brittney were watching. They found out from Harshini. She spied on Kayla and the nurse and heard their conversation. Thats how Brittney and Greg found out. Kayla dragged me out of the room and into the car. She made me open the door for her. I rolled my eyes and got in. Kayla drove nice and she didnt look at me once. "Omg"!!! Kayla screamed while driving. "What"?!?! I shouted while trying to catch my breath. "A car is following us". Kayla said freaked out. She pulled off to the side to see if the car would go away. But the car pulled right behind Kayla. I looked at Kayla and she looked really scared. "You wont get away with this Kayla". Brittney snapped. Kayla gave Brittney a 'what do you mean look' and shook her head. "You know what she means". Greg growled with his arms crossed. "You guys dont scare me". Kayla said while taking a step closer towards Brittney. She pushed Brittney and Greg ran behind Kayla and grabbed her. Brittney slapped Kayla and threw all kinds of punches and kicks. Kayla has bruises on her and a little blood. But Brittney didnt care. I was standing there watching because I didnt know what to do. Brittney looked at me like she was trying to tell me something. I looked at my phone and I called Harshini. "Hey. We need your help. Things got crazy here". I said quickly into the phone. "Im on my way". Harshini said as she hung up. 10 minutes later, Harshini showed up with Dustin, Lei, Adam and Jacob. Jacob told Greg to move and grabbed Kayla while Dustin and Adam tried to calm Brittney down. Lei looked at me like 'what happened'?? I explained to her that for what ever reason, Kayla wanted to pick me up. "Are we going to call the cops"?? Adam asked while helping up Brittney. I shook my head. I couldn't call the cops on Brittney for beating up Kayla. But I could call the cops on Kayla for all the stuff she has done to me. I smiled and nodded. I got in Brittneys car and Jacob went with Kayla. "Please dont tell anyone about this". Brittney begged. Just then, Kayla crashed into Brittney's car. Everybody was ok. Thank God for seatbealts and air bags. Kayla got out and Brittney followed. Brittney looked at her car and the back was damaged a little. "You will pay for this Kayla". Brittney growled. "But this was your fault". Kayla snapped back. Dustin and came and saw what happened. "Who hit who first"?? Dustin asked. "Kayla hit Brittney first"!!!! Greg yelled. "I did not"!!!!!! Kayla shouted while standing in front of Greg. I called the cops without anyone knowing. When the cops pulled up, everybody turned their heads. "This is Officer Lane and Officer Jones". I said while introducing the cops. First, I told the cops everything that Kayla has done to me. They asked her questions and she actually told the truth. Then, Brittney explained what happened here with her car. Kayla told the truth about that. I wonder why she was telling the truth about everything. She told me that she wouldnt go to jail because of me. The cops told Kayla and Brittney to go home and they will call them back. Kayla dragged me back to her car, Greg went with Brittney and Dustin, Jacob, Harshini, Lei and Adam went together. As Kayla was driving, I kept looking around because I didnt recognize the area we were in. "Umm, Kayla?? Where are we going"?? I asked. "Im taking you home". Kayla said nervously. She drove for another half hour and dropped me off in the middle of no where. "Bye"!!! Kayla called as she drove off. I sighed and looked around. I looked at my phone and saw no service. "Great. Now I cant call anyone". I said out loud. "WHOS THERE"?!?!? A voice growled. I jumped and started to run. I didnt know where I was going, if I was going to live, why Kayla did this and what that voice was. I heard whispering. Then I heard voices. "W-Whos there"?? I asked really scared. The voices stopped and I heard footsteps. I stood still and the footsteps stopped. I started to run again and this time I tripped. My ankle really hurt from falling and I heard a car go by. The person must have saw me because it stopped. Dustin came out of the car. He gasped and ran to me. "What are you doing out here"?? He asked really worried and out of breath. "Kayla said she was dropping me off. Then she dropped me off here. I heard voices and I ran and tripped. I have no service so I couldnt call you". I explained. "I am going to kill Kayla if I see her again". Dustin said angry. "What were you doing out here"?? I asked. "Kayla said that you were out here somewhere, so I looked for you. Jacob said he was going to but he had to make sure Kayla doesnt kill anybody next". Dustin answered while carrying me to his car. He looked at me and smiled. "Your really pretty". He said nicely. I blushed. Then he got closer and I got closer and we kissed. It was a great kiss. It was long and magical. I felt like my whole world went away. He stopped then blushed. He got down on one knee and found a flower. "Amy, will you do the honor and be my girlfriend"?? He asked while holding out the beautiful flower he found. I couldn't help but crying. "Yes". I cried and gave him a big hug. He drove me home and Kayla was watching me when I was walking with him. "Jacob is so going to know about this". Kayla growled. Dustin turned around and saw Harshini. He waved and she came over. "Hey". Harshini said as she greeted Dustin. I waved and Dustin smiled. Kayla saw Harshini and pulled her over. "I need you to work for me". Kayla whispered. "Umm, ok". Harshini replied. "I need you to ruin Amy for me. But dont kill her". Kayla explained. "Amy is my bestfriend. I wont ruin her or do anything to her". Harshini yelled. She walked out and Kayla smiled meanly as she watched her. "I'll just have to ruin her myself". Kayla said as she laughed an evil laugh. I didnt hear it but I sure know that Kayla was going to keep doing stuff to me until shes proven her point:dont take her boyfriend. Now, I better watch myself. Because Kayla can strike at anytime.

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