Chapter 9

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(At school the next morning)

I had just arrived at school and I saw a note on my locker. The note said: "You better watch yourself. I know where your locker is and I know your schedule. You will be filled with bad luck until I get what I want. Watch your back. Signed Your Worst Enemy". I looked around and shook a little. Who sent me this?? Whos after me?? I needed help but I didnt want to freak anyone out. I put the note in my pocket and went to lunch. Greg must have saw me because he dragged me over to where he was. "What does that note say"?? He asked. "N-Nothing". I stuttered. He took the note out of my pocket and read it before I could grab it back. "Who sent you this"?? Greg asked sounding angry. "I-I dont know". I stuttered again. "Stop stuttering and tell me the truth because I can tell your lying". Greg demanded. "I really dont know. I found it on my locker". I explained. Greg looked around and something caught his eye. Kayla with Dustin. I saw Harshini and waved. She came over and looked disappointed. "Do you see"?? Harshini asked. I nodded and looked over. What was she dong with my boyfriend?? Greg, Harshini and I walked past them and hid behind a wall so we can listen to what they were saying. "Are you sure you want to do this"?? Dustin asked Kayla. "Yes. Im sure". Kayla said sounding happy. "What if she gets hurt"?? Dustin asked. "She did it to me, so Im doing it to her". Kayla growled. "What exactly are we doing"?? Dustin whispered. Kayla shook her head and gave him a mean look. "If Amy can take Jacob away from me, then I can take you away from her. This is part of her bad luck". Kayla snapped. "She sent you that note". Greg whispered. I shrugged and kept listening until Brittney scared us. Dustin looked around the corner and saw me, Greg, Harshini, and Brittney. Kayla gave us all dirty looks. "I heard all about your little plan". I growled at Kayla. Then I saw a girl who looked just like Kayla. I blinked my eyes twice to see if I was dreaming. Sure enough, I was. I looked around the hallway and she was gone. I waved goodbye to my friends and walked to lunch slowly. I kept looking around to see if I would see the mystery girl again. I got to lunch and I saw the girl again. This time, she was right in front of me. "Hello". The girl said. "H-Hello". I said nervously. "My name is Mystery". The girl said while introducing herself. "Im Amy". I said really scared. "Kayla isnt a mean person. Theres something about her that you dont know. You have to find out the reason why shes so mean". Mystery explained. Then she disappeared. I thought about what she said about Kayla. If I ask her questions, then she will probably accuse me of stalking her. If I get someone else to ask her questions, she will possibly answer them. I sat down and Kayla came over and sat with me. She didnt say anything. She just sat there. Then she looked at me. "I have to tell you something". Kayla said breaking the silence. I nodded and listened. "I know you didnt mean to steal Jacob away from me. You knew I liked him and you started dating him. That really hurt me. Thats why I became a bully and thats why I started hating you. I really didnt mean for you to end up in the hospital. That was my fault. You tripped over me and you hit your head on the side of the locker". Kayla said spilling her guts out. I was shocked after Kayla said all that. "Can I ask you something"?? I asked hoping for a nice answer. Kayla nodded. "I know this sounds crazy but I saw this girl. She came up to me and told me things about you. She said that theres things that I dont know about you". I whispered. Kayla put her head down and sighed. "That girl wasnt lying". Kayla whispered. I looked at her in shock. "Then, why are you so mean"?? I asked. "Its because of my house. I get yelled at alot at home and it makes me angry. Thats why Im so mean to everybody.". Kayla explained. "Im sorry for taking Jacob from you". I said while putting my hand on her shoulder. She looked at it like it was a bug. I quickly took it off and looked behind me. I saw Dustin and Jacob hanging out and talking. They looked pretty angry. I tapped Kayla and pointed at Dustin and Jacob. We both looked at them and heard them screaming. "I love her more than you do"!!!!!!! Jacob screamed. By that time, everybody in the lunch room was looking. A few kids were crowding around. "You lost her. I have her!!!! Dustin shouted. "You liar"!!!! Jacob growled while standing. "You have Kayla!!! I have Amy"!!!! Dustin screamed. Jacob threw a punch at Dustin but he ducked. Dustin knocked Jacob down and both of them were wrestling on the floor. "Im captain of the wrestling team"!! Dustin growled. "BOTH OF YOU STOP IT"!!!!! Greg screamed as loud as he could. Everybody froze. "What are you guys doing"?!?!? Greg screamed some more. "Fighing gets you nowhere!! Walk away from eachother and stop fighting"!!! Greg demanded. Jacob and Dustin walked away from each other and Greg put his head down. I turned around to look at Kayla, but she was gone. I looked around the room and I didnt see her. I saw Lei and Adam but they told me to go away. I shrugged and walked over to Harshini. She also told me to go away. "Maybe their upset". I thought. I walked out of the lunch room and headed for my locker. Thats when I saw it. Kayla kissing Dustin, my boyfriend. Jacob came over and saw what I was staring at. He gasped and I saw tears in his eyes. Kayla and Dustin kept kissing I started to cry. Jacob put his arms around me and told me it was ok. Greg and Brittney saw me crying and rushed over. "Whats wrong with Amy"?? Brittney asked worried. Jacob pointed at Kayla and Dustin and Greg looked furious. He walked over to them and stared. Kayla looked up and saw Greg standing there. She stopped quickly. "Hey, Greg". Kayla said nervously. "Dont tell Amy and Jacob about this". Dustin begged. "They already know". Brittney growled. Dustin turned around and saw me crying. He rushed over and I ran away from him. I ran until I got outside. I sat by a tree and cried. Lei came over. "Whats wrong"?? She asked. "I-I saw Kayla k-kissing Dustin". I cried. Lei gasped and gave me a hug. I started to walk back inside when Kayla stopped me. I turned away from her but she just faced me again. "Did you like what you saw"?? Kayla asked smiling. I tried not to cry and shook my head. "N-No I did not". I growled while fighting back my tears. Kayla got in my face and I pushed her back. She smacked me and I kicked her. She pushed me into the wall and I yelled a little in pain. I shoved her back and she fell into a locker. Kayla cursed at me and Adam heard it. He saw me brusied and Kayla smiling. Kayla came at me and I dodged out of the way. Adam looked impressed. He called a few of other kids over to watch. I came at Kayla and punched her. She cried a little and knocked me down. She was going to jump on me but I rolled out of the way so she would jump on the floor. Kayla got me trapped in a corner. She punched and kicked me over and over again. I couldnt break free. I cried and screamed for help. I had so much anger in me. I pushed Kayla and she knocked down the garbage can. Adam laughed and so did I. She had trash all over her. I jumped out of the way when she came at me again. I had blood on me and possibly a broken nose or jaw. Greg saw me and Kayla fighting and broke it up. I was cut, bruised and bloody. Kayla was cut and bruised. Adam carried me to the nurse while Greg stayed with Kayla who kept cursing. She pushed Greg out of the way and stopped Adam. "Where are you taking her"?? Kayla asked. "Umm, Im taking to the nurse". Adam answered. "She can walk". Kayla replied while pulling me off of Adam. I was a little dizzy from getting punched and kicked. "See?? She cant walk". Adam said angry. Kayla grabbed my hand and started taking me to the nurse's office. She passed it and headed outside. When we got outside, she let go of my hand and I tripped. "Hahaha. Have fun". Kayla laughed as she shut the door and locked me out of the school. I layed on the ground dizzy and confused. I dont know what I did to make her hate me, but thats what I have to find out.

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