Chapter 15

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(At my house)

As I reached home, I looked up at the sky. I pictured Jacob and I holding a baby boy. I went inside and completely ignored my family. "Hi Amy". Michelle said while waving. I looked at her but didn't say anything. "Where are you going"?? Anthony asked as he ran upstairs. Michelle and Anthony watched me pack and followed me outside. "Are you going to a friends house"?? Michelle asked. I nodded so they would be quiet. I stopped in the middle of the road. "I cant do this". I said out loud. "Amy. Somebody is on the phone for you". Dad called. I nodded and walked to get the phone. "Hello". Jacob said into th phone. I looked a little shocked to hear his voice again. "Hi". I mumbled quietly. "I have to tell you something". Jacob said while starting to cry. "Well, what is it"?? I asked while growing impatient. "Breaking up with you is the dumbest thing Ive ever did. I would like you to travel the world with me to my soccer games". Jacob explained. My face lit up. I was so happy and excited to hear those words. "I would be glad to come with you". I replied happily. Jacob said goodbye and I hung up.
Just then, somebody knocked on the door. "Ive got it". Mom called as she was answering the door. "Can I help you"?? Mom asked. "Can I see Amy"?? The person at the door asked. I froze. "Are you ok"?? Anthony asked. I knew that voice anywhere. It belonged to the one and only, Dustin. "Arent you the boy that broke Amy's heart"?? Dad asked suspiciously. Dustin nodded and sighed. He didn't look happy. "Amy doesnt want to see you". Michelle growled. "Please let me see her". Dustin pleaded. My parents sighed and I came out. "Lets talk outside". I said while pulling him. "Why are you here?? Are you here to break me again?? You broke me but Jacob was there to fix me. And where were you?? Making out with your girlfriend"?? I shouted. "Kayla and I are not together any more". Dustin yelled while he could finally get words out. "Why"?? I asked quietly. "We had a fight. I was going to apologize but she is missing". Dustin explained. I gasped a little. Kayla was missing?!?! I texted my friends that. The reactions I got back were expected. "Well we have to find her"!!! I shouted. "But why?? You dont like her". Dustin asked. "Even though we dont get along, I feel like that she is still apart of me. Like a bestfriend". I explained. Dustin smiled and we went to look for Kayla. Theres one problem. We don't know where to look. "Where was the last place you saw her"?? I asked. "In the park". Dustin replied while running. Dustin and I went to the park and we didnt see her. But we did see some woods. "D-Do you think shes in the woods"?? I asked scared. Dustin shrugged and ran in. "Wait for me"!!! I called as I ran after him. We looked and called for Kayla, but there was no sign of her. "Look, theres a body"!! I yelled while pointing at the body. Dustin walked over and looked like he wanted to cry. I followed and couldn't believe what I saw. Kaylas body!!!! "She could have been attacked or shot". Dustin explained. I started to cry but Dustin stopped me. I texted my friends and minutes later, they came. "Omg"!!! Brittney shouted. "What do we do"??! Bayleigh screamed. "What happened to her"?!?! Harshini yelled while shaking. "We have to call the cops". Greg suggested. "I agree". Jacob said while nodding. Lei called the cops and she told them what happened. 10 minutes later, they came with an ambulance. "Whats going on here"?? One cop asked. "Well. This girl and I were walking through the woods when we found our friends body". Dustin explained. The cop wrote that down and one ambulance man checked Kayla. "Shes dead". He said. (Shout-out to Alexendra_Cunning because she gave me that idea). Everybody cried. "Do you know what happened to her"?? Hugh asked. "Well, she was attacked by a person". The man explained. Everybody gasped and looked shocked. "Welcome to my home". A voice said. We all turned around and saw some random homeless guy. "Did you kill my sister"?? Hugh asked sounding angry. The man laughed. "Of course I did. I was hungry". The man said while laughing. Hugh looked really mad. He stepped towards the guy. "You are going to pay for that". Hugh growled. Ive never seen him that angry. "Dont worry dude. We got your back". Adam called while putting his arm around Jacob and Greg. The two cops pointed their guns at the homeless man and arrested him for killing Kayla. The cops went away with the guy and the ambulance took Kayla to the graveyard. "Amy, will you marry me"?? Jacob whispered. My heart raced after he said that. I didnt care it wasnt romantic. "Yes". I replied. Jacob smiled. Two months later,(sorry I skipped months) its our wedding day. Everything was perfect. I wanted Kayla to be there. Jacob kept telling me that Kayla is watching me from above. The wedding started and my bridesmaids, Harshini, Lei and Brittney walked down the isle. Bayleigh and Hugh were getting married on the same day I was. We shared bridesmaids and Jacob and Hugh shared a best man which was Adam. Greg was the head usher. "Do you Amy, take Jacob to be your lawfully wedded husband"?? The priest asked. "I do". I replied. "And do you Jacob, take Amy to be your lawfully wedded wife"?? The priest asked again. "I do". Jacob replied while smiling at me. "And now to you. Do you Hugh, take Bayleigh to be your lawfully wedded wife"?? The priest asked one more time. "I do". Bayleigh replied happily. "And do you Bayleigh take Hugh to be your lawfully wedded husband"?? The priest asked for the last time. "I do". Hugh beamed. "Then its settled. I pronounce you all husband and wife". He said while closing his book. Everybody cheered. My mom cried. Typical mothers. We all partied and had a blast. "That was so beautiful. Great job girls". Mom said. "Thank you". Bayleigh and I said together. "Now you better treat my daughter right". Dad said while glaring at Jacob. "Y-yes sir". Jacob replied nervously. (Sorry im skipping again.) A few weeks later, Jacob and I had moved into a house together. Hugh and Bayleigh did the same. Brittney and Greg moved in with Gregs parents. Adam and Lei moved in together. Dustin found a new girl and started living with her. "Jacob, I have to tell you something important". I said approaching him. He looked up and closed his laptop. "I-Im pregnant". I said nervously. Jacobs mouth dropped open. He jumped up and hugged me. I could tell he was excited. "Whens the baby due"?? He asked. "Any day now". I replied happily. "What"?!?! Jacob yelled. He took deep breaths. "Im ready". He whispered happily. I smiled and looked at my stomach. There was a baby in there. But I didnt know what it was. I was so happy to be having a baby. "How long were you pregnant"?? Jacob asked. "For awhile. Ive just been hiding it". I explained. Jacob nodded and looked down. He looked scared. "Whats wrong"?? I asked worried. "Look down". He replied. I looked down and immediately screamed. My water broke. Jacob picked me up and ran me to the car. He got in a drove to the hospital. "She needs a room like now"!! Jacob demanded. Two doctors got a room ready and two prepared for the birth. "Your going to push". A nurse said nicely. I pushed and pushed and pushed. Out came a baby. "Its a boy"!! The doctor cheered. I cried tears of happiness. "Wait, theres another"!! Another doctor yelled. I pushed harder and out came the last baby. "Its another boy"!! A nurse cheered. Jacob and I kissed. "Thank you for giving me the greatest gift of my life". Jacob said happily. I was thrilled of my baby boys. I couldnt believe I had twins. The babies were cleaned up and my friends came to visit me. "Everybody freeze"!!! A doctor shouted. I jumped and so did Jacob. "What are you going to name them"?? The doctor asked while laughing. "Dude not funny". Brittney said seriously. "We will name them Chris and Greg". Jacob replied. "Yay baby named after me"!! Greg cheered. Everybody laughed at him. "When are the babies coming home"?? I asked. "If the babies are ready, then tomorrow. But if not then the day after tomorrow". The nurse replied. "Wait, who came first"?? Hugh asked. "Seriously, who did come first"?? Harshini added. I shrugged and looked at the nurse. "Dont tell me you dont know". Dustin said shocked. "You do know. Dont you"?? Bayleigh and Lei asked together. The nurse was going to say something but she didnt. Brittney gasped and ran out to look for the doctor. Just then a girl came in. She was looking for Harshini. "Hey. Sorry to interrupt. Harshini, I need to have a word with you". The girl said meanly. Harshini went out with her. "You killed my bestfriend". Hayling growled. "What?!? No I didn't!!!" Harshini yelled. "Dont talk to me like that"!!! Hayling shouted. "I didnt kill Kayla. She was attacked by a guy in the woods we found her in"!!! Harshini screamed. Hayling didnt believe that so she smirked just like Kayla would. "Treat me right or the whole world will be laughing at you". Hayling demanded and walked away. Harshini came back in looking scared. "Are you ok?? Did she hurt you"?? Hugh asked curiously. "If she hurt you, I will kill her". Greg threatened. "She threatened my life". Harshini said quietly. Greg looked furious. He ran out of the room with the other boys to try to find her. He came back a minute later. "Did you get her"?? I asked. Greg shook his head. "Guys visiting hours are over. You have to go home". A doctor said. My friends left and so did Jacob. I said goodnight to my babies and went to sleep. Morning came fast. But I didnt wake up. "Is Amy still here"?? Jacob asked. "Yes but shes sleeping". The secretary answered while whispering. Jacob walked past my room and saw me sleeping. He sighed deeply and walked away. "Can I come back later"?? Jacob asked. The secretary nodded and watched Jacob walk out. I woke up and smiled because I knew I wasnt dreaming when I had twins. My nurse came in. I waved and she smiled. "Where are my babies"?? I asked. She went out and got them. "By the way, Chris came first. Then 2 seconds later, Greg came". I explained. The nurse nodded and wrote that down. "Good news". The nurse said happily. "My babies come home today"?!? I asked loudly. The nurse smiled and laughed. I cheered. Everybody had to work today, so I got no visitors. I napped and it was already the evening. I was getting out soon. Jacob came to pick me up and he carried Chris to his baby seat in the car. I put Greg in and smiled. So there was Jacob and I in our new house with two boys. This was going to be a happy time for the both of us. Jacob and I were happy. But Kayla will remain with us forever. Jacob and I were going to live happily ever after. The end.

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