Chapter 13

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(Author's note: Hey my readers. I have decided that I will skip a couple of chapters in my story. If you are not ok with that idea, please feel free to message me. On to the chapter. Byeee!!!!!)
(A few years later, I am now an adult with a nice job, Jacob is a soccer player, Dustin is a professional wrestler, Kayla is in jail but will be out soon, Brittney is living with Greg, Lei got together with Adam, Harshini lives with me, Hugh has the house all to himself since Kayla is not there, Bayleigh lives with me and Harshini, Mom didnt change, Dad didnt change, Michelle is in high school and so is Anthony.)
I had just got out of work when I went to visit Kayla. I walked in and saw her signing papers. "Hi Kayla". I waved. She gave me a mean look and I rolled my eyes. She showed me the papers she was signing and I felt sick. It was business papers. She was working with the other prisoners. "What are you planning to do"?? I asked. "Mind your own business and stay out of my way". Kayla growled as she pushed me to the side and walked away like she was in a fashion show. "That girl has serious issues". I said out loud. I looked at a cop and he looked at me like he was afraid of me. I waved nicely and he walked away quickly. "Dude, wanna mess with this girl"?? One prisoner whispered to another. "Sure. She looks easy enough". The other one replied. The two prisoners came over to me and I looked really afraid. My heart was beating really fats and I was sweating. "W-What are you going to do with me"?? I stuttered. One prisoner picked me up and I gulped. I looked at his face and thought this is the end. The other prisoner locked all the exits. "Would I ever get out of here"?? I asked nervously. The two prisoners laughed and shook their heads. "A cop is coming"!!! One prisoner shouted. The other prisoner threw me down and ran to sit down. I looked up at the cop and cried. He ran over and helped me up. "Who did this to you"?? He asked. I pointed at the prisoner that threw me down and the cop ran over and took him back to his cell. I looked around the room and I saw Kayla getting released. I didnt care that she got released but I'm pretty sure Brittney would. I looked around some more and some of these prisoners look really scary. One came up to me. "Hey, you wanna help me out of here"?? The prisoner asked. "No. You belong in jail for whatever you did". I growled. "You are going to wish you never said that". The prisoner snapped. He pulled out a knife and a gun and chased me. I ran outside and across the street. He pinned me down on the ground and I screamed in fear. "SHUT UP"!!! He demanded as he stabbed me in the arm. I cried in pain. I wish Dustin was here to save me. But he's busy with work. So is everyone else. I screamed louder and this time, he shot me. The bang was loud and terrifying. There I was, laying on the ground bleeding. I had just gotten shot in the stomach. The prisoner kicked me and ran away. Eventually, I saw Brittney and Greg. "Is that Amy"?? Greg asked. Brittney nodded her head and ran over. Greg put his head down and drove me to the hospital followed by everyone else. I needed stitches on my arm and stomach and had to take it easy for weeks. "Your safe now". Mom said while hugging me carefully. "Who did this to you"?? Dad asked. "Prisoner". I answered. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy. Just then, Hashini looked really scared like she had seen a ghost. "Whats wrong"?? Brittney asked. Harshini showed her a random text that she got. It said:Hello Harshini. Remember me?? I'm back. And I'm ready to talk about you some more. Bye bye for now~Hayling. "Umm, who's Hayling"?? Baleigh asked. Harshini looked really scared. "She is my enemy. I hate her". Harshini replied. Dustin came running in. "Sorry I'm late. Traffic was really bad". Dustin said while panting. I looked up and saw Dustin smiling at me. "What were you and Greg doing in the prison anyway"?? I asked Brittney. "We were working there part time". Brittney explained. I nodded and looked at the doctors that came in to my room. "Excuse me. We are going to work on Amy. So I need you guys to leave the room". The doctor said while coming over to me. Everybody left the room and it was just me and the doctors. One doctor put me to sleep while the other started the operation. The procedure took a couple hours and finally it was done. I woke up and automatically felt pain. I groaned loudly. I thought about Kayla getting released and Brittney not knowing that. I waited for somebody to visit me. But I guess they dont know that the operation is done. One doctor went to the waiting room to get the others. "Good news. The operation was successful and Amy is doing fine. Just a little pain". The doctor explained. Dustin smiled and Jacob sighed in relief. They all came in at once. "Awww". Harshini said while smiling. I waved(sort of) and smiled. "Well look at you". Greg said while putting his hand on my leg. "Hey. Im in pain". I replied kind of tired. "Where did the person hit you"?? Dustin asked. I showed them all my stitches and my bruises. "That looks painful". Jacob said while breaking the scilence. I nodded and looked out the window. Why does this have to happen to me?? Maybe if I run away, it will be better?? Dustin came over to the side of the bed and whispered to Harshini, "shes here". Harshini looked white as a ghost but red as a devil. Harshini and Dustin walked out of the rooom. "Umm Brittney?? I have to tell you something important about Kayla". I whispered to Brittney. "Kayla is in jail'. Greg joined in. "Be quiet Greg". Brittney shushed him and shook her head. I explained to her how I saw Kayla signing paper to be released. "What"?!? Brittney shouted. "I dont want her coming after my Brittney". Greg replied while hugging Brittney. Adam looked at Lei and smiled. "I dont want her coming after my Amy". Dustin joined in. "Your Amy"?? Jacob asked sounding shocked and jealous. "Yes. My Amy. After all, she is my girlfriend". Dustin answered sounding happy and proud. I smiled after he said that. "Why dont you stop rubbing in my face and shut up"?? Jacob growled. He sounded angry. "Dont make me mad". Dustin snapped. "What are you going to do, kiss Amy in front of me to make me even more angry"?? Jacob teased. And thats just what he did. Dustin smiled and kissed me. It was a long, soft kiss. But it felt nice. Jacob screamed and threw Dustin into Greg. That made Greg fall into Brittney. "Sorry babe". Greg said while helping Brittney up. "Sorry man". Dustin said while shoving Jacob. "BOTH OF YOU STOP IT"!!!! I shouted. Everybody froze and looked at me. "Jacob why do you hate Dustin"?? I asked. "Because he stole you from me"!!!! Jacob yelled. Harshini looked at Adam scared. "Its ok". He whispered. "Dustin, why do you hate Jacob"?? I asked. "I tried to be nice to him. But he insists that I stole you from him". Dustin explained. "Jacob, if you cant get along with Dustin, then Im sorry we cant be friends. And Dustin, if you cant get along with Jacob, then Im sorry I cant be your girlfriend". I warned. Dustin cried a little but stayed strong. "Dude, lets get along for Amy". Jacob said while sighing. Dustin agreed and shook his hand. I smiled. I got up and hugged them both. "Excuse me. Visiting hours are over. Tou all can come back tomorrow". A nurse said while coming in. Everybody said goodbye to me and walked out. "How are you feeling"?? The nurse asked. "Pretty good for now". I answered. (Lets check up on Kayla) Kayla was pacing the floor like she was wating for something important. Then, her phone rang. "Did you do it"?? Kayla asked. "Yea I did it". The prisoner said into the phone. "Did you hurt her badly"?? Kayla asked worried. "Kind of". The prisoner replied quietly. "That wasnt part of the plan". Kayla growled. "What was I supposed to do"?? The prisoner asked. "Ugh. You were supposed to make everyone hate her. Including Dustin and Jacob". Kayla explained angrily. "Oh". The prisoner whispered. Kayla hung up and slammed the table. "If you want something done, you have to do it yourself". Kayla said out loud. (Back to me) I woke up early in the morning because of pain. "Ughhhhh". I groaned. I got up and walked to the door. I walked out of my room and saw a doctor. I hid in another room and Kayla was in there. "W-What are you doing here"?? I asked quietly. "Speak up honey. I dont speak mumble". Kayla snapped. "What are you doing here"?? I asked loudly. "Relax. I came here over night". Kayla explained. "But why"?? I asked again. "B-Becuase of my father". Kayla said quietly while crying. Even though we dont like each other, I felt really bad for her. Nobody should be treated like this. "May I ask what he did to you"?? I asked. "H-He threw me out side and tried to run me over with his car. Then he finally did". Kayla explained while sobbing. I hugged her and she actually accepted it. "We should get you help". I replied. "Ok, maybe you are right". Kayla said while nodding. I said goodbye and went to a doctor. "Am I ready to be released"?? I asked impatiently. The doctor laughed a little and nodded. "Take it easy and keep those stitches in for 6 weeks". The doctor explained. I nodded and went to the police station. "Hello. I would like to press charges on this man". I said while entering. "Ok. What did he do"?? One cop asked. "He threw my "friend" outside and ran her over with his car". I explained while showing them a picture of Kaylas dad. The cop nodded and had me fill out papers. I walked out and went back to Kayla. She was wating for me. "Did it go well?? What happened"?? Kayla asked. "I pressed charges on him". I explained. "Perfect". Kayla said while smiling her evil smile. I high fived her. Maybe I was becoming friends with her. Maybe shes tricking me. If she is, then I put charges on him for no reason. But Hugh said that she was abused at home. Just then, a girl came running up to us. "Hey, you with the brown hair". The girl yelled while pointing at me. "You known I have a name". I snapped. The girl shook her head and came over. "What do you know about Harshini"?? She asked. "Sorry. I dont give out information about my friends without permission". I answered. "I know things about Harshini". Kayla popped up. "Perfect". The girl said while smiling Kaylas evil smile. "What is your name"?? Kayla asked. "The name is Hayling". The girl answered. I nodded and walked away. I have to warn Harshini about this. As I was walking to find Harshini, Dustin stopped me. "Hey babe". He said while kissing me like he always does. "Hey. I really have to go somewhere". I said quickly. "Please listen to me. Let me take you somewhere to show you how much I love you". Dustin begged. I sighed and followed him. He took me to this beautiful garden with a waterfall and flowers. "Amy, will you marry me"?? Dustin asked while getting down on one knee and holding out a diamond ring. I didnt know what to say or how to react. This is something I definitely have to think about. (Author's note:hey my readers. Sorry this chapter is really long. I had to let my ideas out but not all. Its sad to say that my story is coming to an end soon. I think Im going to stop at 15 chapters. If you think I should make my story longer, please feel free to message me. Byeee guys. And read on :D)

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