Chapter 11

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(At school in the main office)

I held in my hand the information that we need to find out why Kayla is so mean. Apparently, Kayla has a brother that we never knew of. "Umm, you have to meet someone". Brittney whispered while walking towards the door. She opened the door and in came a girl. This girl was a little shorter then Brittney but looked a little like her. She had brown hair, brown eyes and glasses. She looked like me but with glasses and no freckles. She was pretty. "This is my sister Bayleigh". Brittney said out loud. Bayleigh waved and smiled. "I want you to meet my boyfriend". Bayleigh said while pulling in a boy. This boy had on rich clothes, nicely combed hair brushed to the side and black hair and brown eyes. He look like Kayla but different. "My name is Hugh". The boy introduced himself. Just then, Kayla came barging in. "Brother, why are you hanging out with people who get their clothes out of poor bins"?? Kayla asked while glaring at Bayleigh. Bayleigh looked down and turned away. Hugh looked at Kayla and punched her arm. "Dont ever talk about my girlfriend or her sister or her friends like that"!!! Hugh shouted. I looked at Brittney in shock. He wasnt mean and awful like Kayla. He was sweet, cute, and nice. Kayla looked at me like she wanted to punch me in the face. I gave her a dirty look and stuck my tongue out. She cursed and walked out. "Why does she hate everybody"?? I asked Hugh. I asked him because I thought he might know since he has to live with her. Hugh sighed and dragged me out of the office. "Kayla gets abused and and bullied". Hugh whispered. I looked at him in shock. I couldnt believe what I was hearing. "Please dont tell her I told you. She will kill me". Hugh begged. I nodded my head. I couldnt tell anybody about this. Shes mean to me and now that I know her secret, I could still be mean to her but not too bad. I walked to my locker and of course, I saw Kayla. Why is she always by my locker?? I walked up to her and smiled an evil smile. She looked at me confused. "Why are you looking at me like that"?? She asked. I shook my head. "I know your secret". Kayla whispered. I looked nervous and shook a little. "Y-You do"?? I asked while stuttering. She nodded her head. "I know you have issues with your temper and you hate being insulted. You cry when you get yelled at". Kayla said full of evil. I walked away. It was all true. How did she know it all?? "One more thing". Kayla said while coming up to me. I turned around. "Im going to tell the whole school your secret. It will also be on the internet". Kayla snapped. "I know your secret too"!! I shouted. Kayla looked as if she got beaten up. "Im sorry. I shouldnt have said that". I said quickly. "Its ok". Kayla whispered. I nodded my head and continued to walk to the bathroom. I heard Brittney and Harshini and Lei talking. I quickly ran behind a corner to listen to what they were saying. "What do you think of Amy"?? Lei asked. "Amy is my bestfriend. Shes awesome". Brittney answered. "Amy is nice. I like her. Shes cool and sneaky". Harshini joined in. "What about Kayla"?? Brittney asked. "Kayla could be nice if she wanted to be". Harshini replied. "Shes mean and I dont like her". Lei said meanly. "But shes still at person with feelings. Like you". Brittney added. Lei put her head down, sighed and walked out. Harshini followed her and Brittney stayed. I walked in and found her looking in the mirror. She looked at me and put her head down. "Whats wrong"?? I asked. "I feel like your hiding something from me and the rest of us". Brittney said quietly. I looked down and sighed. I couldnt tell anyone about this but shes my bestfriend. I looked around and closed the bathroom door. "I know why Kayla is mean to everybody". I whispered. "And"?? Brittney asked while becoming impatient. "She gets abused and bullied". I said quietly. Brittney looked at me like I was kidding. Kayla came in and I quickly moved away from Brittney. "Hi girls". Kayla waved. Brittney and I waved and sat on the floor. Kayla sat down and looked unhappy. "Did you tell"?? Kayla asked us. "No. Did you tell"?? I asked as I shook my head and looked Brittney. Brittney shook her head. "Somebody told my secret and now the whole school knows". Kayla said with anger. "Well, it wasnt us". Brittney snapped. Kayla looked really angry and walked out. "What is her problem"?? Brittney asked angry. I shrugged and walked out with Brittney. Greg jumped out of nowhere with Hugh and scared us. They cracked up. Brittney kicked both of them and walked away. I laughed and walked over to Bayleigh, Harshini, Lei, Jacob, Dustin, and Adam. "Hey". I said as I approached the group. Hugh, Greg, and Brittney had joined a little while after and we walked outside. Kayla came storming outside and pushed me down. "I know you told everyone"!!! She screamed at me. "Why would I do that"?!?! I yelled. "Maybe to get revenge"?? Greg asked quietly. I gave him a 'stay out of this' look and he hid behind a tree. "Greg is right. Maybe you told everybody my secret to get revenge". Kayla agreed. I shook my head in shock. I couldnt believe that she would accuse me of telling people a secret that I promised I wouldnt tell. "What kind of person do you take me as"?!? I asked while shouting. "Everybody stop"!!! Jacob screamed. We all turned our heads and looked at him. "I told everybody Kaylas secret"!! Jacob confessed. Everybody gasped. Kayla cried. "My own boyfriend went against me". Kayla cried. "I had nothing to do with this". I said while putting my hands up. "Kayla, our relationship is over"!! Jacob yelled and walked home. That made Kayla cry loud and hard. Hugh ran over and gave her a hug. I was going to but she hates me. I couldnt believe what I just saw. Kaylas boyfriend went against her and broke up with her. And the worst part is, its their anniversary and Kaylas birthday. Kayla will remember this day forever.

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