Fake friends- Never ask for food
Real friends- Are the reason you have NO food
Fake friends- Call your parents Mr./Mrs.
Real friends- Call your parents Mom/Dad
Fake friends- Have never seen you cry
Real friends- Cry with you
Fake friends- Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back
Real friends- Keep your stuff so long they forget its yours
Fake friends- Know about you...
Real friends- Could write a book about you
Fake friends- Would knock on your front door...
Real friends- Walk right in and say "I'm home!"
Fake friends- Will help you when you fall over...
Real friends- Will laugh then jump on top of you and scream "DOG PILE!"
Fake friends- Are around for a while
Real friends- Are for life
Fake friends- Say "I love you" in a joking manner
Real friends- Say "I love you" and mean it
Fake friends- Will read this...
Real friends- Will steal this
This Is What Goes On In My Mind...
RandomSo this is just a bunch of clunk (Maze Runner Reference;)) that I put together just for the fun of it! All of the things that you're about to read are either already made by other people or things that I just rant about and make up. Hope you guys li...