Thanks @HiccaLEMON for the nomination man.
Okay here it goes!!!
What are you wearing?- Had to look down I forgot what I was wearing, ha!
Um, a Minnesota Vikings shirt and black capris with a sequence heart on the side
How old are you?- Imma lot of days old ;)
Ever had a boyfriend?- Does dating a fictional character count?
If so then yes, I am dating Leo Valdez.SUCK IT BITCHES!!!! (JK love you all)
Someone you miss?- My Pawpaw I never really got to meet him but I still miss him, and my granddaddy
What's your goal in life?- To inspire kids to love to read and to always be loved and give love to someone
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?- My horrible laugh -_-
What do you want to be when you grow up?- Author and artist
Favorite TV show?- Um, lots of stuff
One thing you regret?- Liking my first crush....evil bastard
Last time you cried?- Yesterday
Quotes?"Listen to the mustn'ts, child
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
The impossibles,
The won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
Then listen close to me.....
Anything can happen, child
Anything can be."
~Shell Silverstein12)
Event that chose your destiny?- When I read my first book, listened to my first song, took my first steps, spoke my first word....and said I love you to my best friend.
Hair length?- Eh, not quite halfway down my back
YAY!!!!! I nominate:
This Is What Goes On In My Mind...
RandomSo this is just a bunch of clunk (Maze Runner Reference;)) that I put together just for the fun of it! All of the things that you're about to read are either already made by other people or things that I just rant about and make up. Hope you guys li...