Inlove with a Jerk - Chapter 52

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I suck.

I'm reading this story right now called "Trying to Impress Matt" by xxitunes22 , and I LOVE it.

You guys should read it ;] Just saying.

So, I'm home all week after school, 'cause my mom wasn't working.

Then, I'll be home all week for March Break....that , or I'll be out having fun ;D

So, Emo Mazing and He's My Lover .... will be delayed.

THE KEYBOARD GOT FIXED AT MY GRAMMAS. So, He's My Lover...Soon He'll be my Brother will be working again ;)


So, here is Inlove with a Jerk.

Recap - Johnny, Taylor, Angie and Chris are staying at Angie's house on Christmas Day/Night. Chris was dared to let Taylor do 'something' to her, and she did, and liked it.

Blah blah blah.

This is all Angie's POV ;)


YOUTUBE; ( Or my account is MAARYTV )



Chapter 52.


I stared at the clock for probably, like, an hour.

It's now 2:03 am.

I couldn't sleep at ALL. Johnny, Taylor and Chris are like, out like a light.

I smiled in 'awe' when I looked at the lovebirds. Taylor and Chris were cuddled together, with Taylor's arm around her, and her head on his chest.

They are so cute, no homo.

Johnny was tangled in the blankets beside Chris, also in deep sleep.

I rubbed my eyes. I'm so tired, but then I can't sleep. My muscles are so sore, and for some reason my boobs hurt. Plus, my mind is all jumbled up, thinking about the baby, about Daman, about sleeping the wrong way and hurting Fotiz.....

It's just all too much.

I tiredly stumbled to the kitchen, and opened the fridge. I'm so HUNGRY.

Another stressful thing on my mind: My body.

I'm so FAT now.....even my arms are getting a little bigger.

I'm also losing a bit of hair from being stressed in the dfirst place, and that's making me stressed, and that's giving me headaches - and THAT makes me stressed, which creates a whole new cycle.

I got out the tub of ice cream, and took it to the table, while grabbing a spoon while walking by the drawer.

I'm craving - I looked at the tub - cookies and cream ice cream.

After opening the ice cream, I sighed.

The non-preggo Angie would probably not even buy ice cream in the first place.

The non-preggo Angie would stick to her diet, to stay thin and fit.

Also, the non-preggo Angie wouldn't get pregnant in the first place.

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