Inlove with a Jerk - Chapter 44

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Sorry for taking so long D:

But, good things will come . This story's just starting to enter the 'drama'.

Stay tuned ;D



                                      Chapter 43.

 (The next day)


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Great. Just what I need...

To be awaken by my annoying alarm clock.

All night I've been thinking of Angie and her pregnancy....

I really want to be there for her, and in a way, I'm scared.

Scared of how people will react when they find out.

Angie is a really amazing girl....people could ruin her life if they knew...

Same with Daman....

Daman's like, changed.

He's like, possessed.

Possessed over niceness.

Kindness, consideration, caring...all those nice qualities are eating at my brother.

He's gone gaga over baby.

It's cute, but for me, since I'm his sister, who expects him to tackle me all the time (which he does)'s weird.

I dragged myself out of bed, and rubbed my eyes.

I stood up, and paced back and forth, waiting for Daman to finish with his shower.

Another problem with Daman ; he's always waking up at like, 5:30 in the morning.

For no reason. You see? Possessed, I tell you.

I stared at myself through my body-length mirror, and saw faint purple shadows under my eyes.

Because of my dumb brother, I haven't been able to get sleep, because he's been downstairs watching reruns of Robot Chicken or South Park.

Typical Daman Garrett.

That one night when I went downstairs to see what the hell was wrong with 5:35 in the morning....he would groan, and say 'Chris, I'm tired, go to bed.'

I wanted to laugh. Like, ROFL....but , I seriously think he's gone mental.

I pulled my shirt off, revealing my black bra with pink polka-dots, and stripped down my pyjama shorts, revealing matching underwear.

I saw this little red mark I had on my side....

It was from Taylor.

But, don't jump to conclusions!! It was an accident!

Okay, lets just say we were having ... 'too much fun' .. and he didn't know how tight he was holding on to me.

But, it wasn't a hurtful pain....

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