Inlove with a Jerk - Chapter 16

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BTW- the accident Christina experiences was actually based on a real life incident that happened to my cousin.

She's completely fine, though. Thank god!♥


Chapter 16.


There was a slight pinch on the back of my head, but that's not what I was worried about.

How did that rock just magically appear behind me?

The only thing that makes sense at the moment, is that somebody placed it there un purpose.

Either someone doesn't like me, or someone was just trying to pull a cheesy prank....

I gasped.

"Sorry, almost done," Breanna said.

I wasn't trying to think of any suspects, 'cause if it wasn't them, that would make things awkward.

But, the only person that was awake with me, other than the lovebirds of Daman and Angie.....

Was Alex.

Alex? He was up with me, and he wanted to go with me, but I told him no....


Shut up Chris, I snapped at myself. It can't be him.

He likes me.....doesn't he?

Well, he's the one who carried me half the time.....then Taylor took over....which made me feel better.

Taylor's a better carrier than Alex.

There was a slight stinging, and Breanna told me she was done.

"You have 3 stitches," she smiled at me. "There's something to tell your parents."

I gritted my teeth, then sighed. "Right. My parents...."

The parents I don't have....

I won't tell Krissy though. I'll force my brother not to tell.

"Here," Breanna said, giving me a white wrap. Oh no.

"Wrap this around your head, sweetie. You need support on your stitches...."

Ugh! "Do I have to go to school like this?"

"Hm, maybe skip one day.....then you'll be fine.....but you should still wear that."

"Ew," I muttered. Breanna wrapped the wrap around my head.

"I'm gonna tell a family member to wake you up every 2-3 hours tonight."

"Why?" I asked.

"So you don't fall into a coma. It might not even happen...but just incase, right?"

I shrugged.

Breanna wanted me to just rest on the hospital bed for a few minutes....and so I did, and she left me alone.

I laid my head against the uncomfortable pillow, and stared at the ceiling lights.

What would happen if Krissy found out what happened?

Possible scenario is....

'Krissy I cracked my head open from tripping over a rock.....'

'oh chris, how'd you trip over a rock?'

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