Inlove with a Jerk - Chapter 55

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Hey guys. Ugh, sorry for the long wait. I truly suck.

I've been in the studio all week, recording, and remastering.

I'm going to repost the songs on youtube, the new mixes sound way better-ish.

The vocals are louder (:

But my singing isn't great.....ugh, screw that.

About the story....

I don't think it's ever going to end ! :O

I have so much that's going to happen later on....but there'll probably be like, 70 chapters!


Anyways, after this chapter, I'm skipping to New Years Eve. I'm going to be doing a lot of skipping, now, to get to a certain point...

Recap : Angie, Chris, Taylor and Daman were at the beach, fooling around and talking. The 'Drew' topic came on, and it turns out she's coming back after Winter Vacay, which is what they're having at the moment.

Enjoy! (:♥



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[ Remember, they're at the beach xD ↓ ]


Chapter 55.

I completely forgot about Drew.

She's coming back to school when we all get back after winter break.

"Oh yeah," Angie frowned. "She is, too."

"This is just great!" I scowled. "What's she going to do to me this time?"

"She can't do anything to you, Chris," Angie said. "You got us. Who does she have, huh? Nobody important," she winked. "Like me."

"I know," I smirked.

The number of cars driving by decreased a little, and when there were no cars, Angie and I ran to the other side.

"Angie" I gasped when we hit the curb. "The baby!"

"Sorry, mom," she said. I rolled my eyes.

We saw the boys on the beach, sliding back and forth on the ice.

I still couldn't see how they could survive out here without jackets.

Angie and I were wearing heavy winter coats, with scarves and everything, and we were still freezing.

"My tongue is going to turn into a tongue cube," Angie said, watching her breath.

"Come on," I took her glove-covered hand, and we went to join the guys.

When we got closer, we noticed them laughing as they slid, and then Taylor wiped out on the ice.

Daman burst into laughter. Again. So did Taylor.

Jeez, guys are so fun, aren't they?

"What are you guys doing?" Angie asked as she almost slipped. I caught her.

"Sliding," Taylor said from the ground, his eyes closed.

"I can see that. You suck by the way," Angie smirked down at him.

"Is this like, the 50th time you slipped on ice this year?" I smirked.

"Hey, I have bad balance," he admitted.

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