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Octavia ran into the Commander and her group of warriors on the afternoon of the fifth day. The sound of horses and people talking, gave her enough of a warning, and by the time they reached her, Octavia was hidden behind a bush. Through the branches, she was able to see Indra on the horse closest to her, and a sharp pang rippled through her heart.

"Chit taim disha hukop ste odon?" Indra wondered quietly, eyes scanning the forest. Octavia bit back a growl at Indra's question; of course the alliance was over, Lexa had abandoned the Sky People.  

"Chil au. Oso don sad klin, ogeda hukop ste ifi." The Commander replied, keeping her eyes forward."

Indra's lip curled slightly. "Yu don sad klin." She corrected, voice strained.

The Commander turned her cat like eyes on the warrior. "Hod yu rein daun." Lexa hissed.

"Sha, Heda." The woman muttered, slowing her horse so she fell behind the Commander.

~ Okay, I'm just going to translate some of this for those of you who don't understand :) Chit taim disha hukop ste odon: what if this alliance is over. Chil au oso don sad klin ogeda hukop ste ifi: stay calm we made a choice all alliances are risky. Yu don sad klin: You made a choice. Hod yu rein daun: Mind your place. Sha heda: yes commander. Okay, back to the story!~

Octavia narrowed her eyes, but remained hidden until the Grounders were out of sight. She decided to stay a good distance behind them to be safe, but Octavia had a feeling that Lexa knew where Clarke was so she was going to follow them. She was glad that she wasn't the only one that didn't agree with Lexa's choice to retreat, that Indra disliked it just as much as her. The only difference was, Octavia was allowed to hate it, whereas Indra couldn't...not openly anyways.

She hated moving so slow. Keeping up to the Grounders was easy, staying behind them was hard. The pace she had set for herself was ridiculously slow, and she was sure that it would be dark by the time she made it to the village the Grounders were heading to. There were a few times when she was tempted to just let them know she was there, and ask to join them; Octavia already knew the answer though, and the pain from the reminder kept her sneaking around after them. She arrived at the village just as the sun was setting, and was stopped at the entrance by a guard.

"I'm here for Clarke." Octavia snapped, eyeing him dangerously.

The guard paused for a moment. "And who are you, girl?"

Her blood boiled and she bared her teeth at the giant before her. " Ai laik Okteivia, and I am here to see my Commander." She growled.

The guard didn't move, he simply glowered at her, a scare tactic that had no effect on Octavia. "She isn't here."

Octavia sneered at him. "Spicha."

"Daun pleni! Teik em thru, Jaikob." Indra thundered, storming over to them. The anger in her voice was enough to make the warrior shrink back and bow his head, stepping aside to let Octavia pass. Octavia narrowed her eyes at Jaikob as she walked away, falling into step with Indra.

"Thanks." She muttered after a moment.

Indra shook her head, still looking quite furious. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." She fired back, irritated.

"Hod yu rein daun, yongon." The warrior warned.

Octavia chuckled darkly, shaking her head. "I'm not your second anymore Indra. You don't tell me what to do."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Indra flinch, and guilt twisted in her stomach. The woman sighed but said nothing as she lead Octavia to a large shack. "Clarke is in there with the Commander. You can go in when they are finished. Until then, we wait."

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