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"Have you guys ever thought that you could have the same birthday as a random animal and you'd never know?"

It's Sunday. They're all sitting behind one of the buildings on campus. Under a tree. Niall is high.

"That's sort of sad. Do you think animals celebrate their birthdays with their family or something?"

Liam is also high.

"Nah, mate. That's not possible. They can't blow candles"

They're all high.

Louis is not as bad as the rest of them, though. He just took one drag of the joint Niall brought with him. He honestly doesn't know where the fuck Niall got the weed from, and he didn't ask. But maybe it's easier to get drugs than he had initially thought. Louis is not really that interested in checking it out for himself.

He's drawing some random doodles in his notepad while Niall lays his feet on his lap, Louis basically using his legs to support the notepad. But Niall doesn't complain because he's most likely currently travelling the third dimension right now. Liam is sat with his back against the brick wall as Zayn rests his head on his lap too, while the brown-haired boy plays with his hair, which is something only he is allowed to do. And only when Zayn is stoned.

He's wondering why his mind thinks what it thinks when he's smoked weed. Like what's that all about? It's funny actually. He also wonders why the inside of his mouth feels like cotton right now.

Okay, maybe he is a bit more high than he originally claimed to be.

He never liked getting too wasted at parties back at home, but Stan would always tell him to smoke more or drink more because otherwise, he was a 'pussy' or something like that. So Louis ended up hating those parties. Or loving them too much, which was twice as dangerous.

"What if you sat next to God one day in the subway and you never knew that it was him?" Liam suddenly says, looking at a random spot past Louis and Niall.

Louis looks at him. "So you believe in God?" he asks, trying to suppress a yawn.

"No, why?" Liam replies, his gaze drifting to the source of the question, which he finds out to be Louis, who just chuckles and shakes his head.

"God is dead, you know? They said so on the radio my grandma listens to. She almost threw a fucking rock at it" Niall says, moving his feet on Louis' lap, at which the boy swats his shin because he moved him when he was drawing a very crucial part of his doodle and know there's a random line all across Courage, the Cowardly Dog's body. 

"Nietzsche said it first" he mentions while he uses an eraser to try and fix his drawing.

"Who?" Liam asks.

"I think he was like a superhero, wasn't he?" Niall says, sounding very sure of himself. Louis just watches the conversation unfold while Zayn bursts into a fit of giggles at Niall's comment, that wouldn't be so funny if it weren't for the fact that they're all stoned.

"No, you idiot. He was the guy who wrote Superman" Zayn says and then snorts as he starts giggling again. 

"Oh, so Superman killed God? I don't remember that in the comics..." Niall says as he looks at the clouds above them with a dopey smile.

Louis then can't contain it anymore and bursts into laughter. He can't believe these are actually his friends. Louis couldn't have asked for better ones, honestly. Because when everything becomes too much, he knows they will be there to taint the meaning of one of the most respected philosophy books in history if he needs them to. At least for now... Because nothing lasts forever.

Under Coloured Trees || Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now