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Yusei Yagamira was quite an eccentric child, he was usually never sad and was always cheerful. No matter what life threw at him, he would accept it with a smile but, that would soon change..

It was currently Thursday after school. He had arrived home and knocked on the door expecting his mom to open but after waiting a few minutes no one came. Yusei decided to open the door and saw that it was unlocked so he walked in. 

The house was dark, there were no lights on which freaked Yusei out. He had seen a horror movie a few nights ago and this scared him.

Yusei: Mom I'm home.. mom? Dad?

He looked around his living room thinking that this was some kind of prank to scare him. Yusei decided that enough was enough.

Yusei: Stop playing around, I don't want to play anymore!

He heard a small noise coming from a particular room and saw the worst scene, he had ever witnessed in his 7 years of life. 

Yusei: What? Why..why..why is there a monster chewing on my parent's skin????

His small eyes widen in fear as he realized that a monster was eating his parents. His heart rate began to increase. The monster still hasn't noticed him, Yusei wanted to look away but couldn't as he was paralyzed in fear. 'This must be some kind of sick prank. Right?' He tried lying to himself but Yusei already knew the truth.

???: These two humans were quite tasty, I cannot get over the taste of human flesh, it truly is the most wonderful thing.

It had finished eating Yusei's parents and quickly it noticed that there was another living being in the room. It turned around which gave the boy a good look at it. It had an upper body of a normal human man but his bottom half was goat legs with long toe-claws.

???: Well look what we have, I assume the child of these two? I wonder what you will taste like? Will you taste the same as them? Or will you be sweeter? I wonder?

Yusei was shaking, and couldn't help but piss his pants. He was barely 7 and this scene scared the life out of him. It was so cowardly, yet he couldn't stop shaking in fear.

???: *Haha* How amusing, you pissed your pants in fear huh? That's the usual reaction of the other children I have eaten. It's always fun to see people cower in fear especially children.

It showed its disgusting teeth, they were yellow and a clear red stain was shown.

Yusei: 'Other children? They went through the same experience as me and were eaten?' His mind couldn't believe how other children felt the same fear as him as they saw a monster eat their parents and how they felt knowing they were next. 

The monster seemed to be bored of playing around and decided to kill Yusei. It lunges towards him, with its monster-like legs, though before it could reach him. *Plagh* 

It had been split in half by someone. The women looked at Yusei's parents before looking at him sadly, "Oh you poor thing." She told him.

Yusei strode past her and the stray devil, he looked at the pool of blood on the floor. It was all that was left of his parents. He touched the warm blood and tears ran down his face.

Yusei: "Why did this happen? Why us? Why, my family?"

The women pitifully looked at Yusei, "Coincidence, they were merely home at the wrong time. That's the only reason."

Yusei: "I see... Coincidence huh? 

That was the last straw, tears came running down his eyes faster than before. He couldn't believe what he had heard. This all happened due to coincidence, that was all???? Yusei couldn't help but recall that the monster spoke about the other kids, it had eaten, this meant that they also died to the monster only because they coincidently were there.

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