Arc 1: Wholehearted Bonds

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Ahem, does anyone play Dokkan Battle on the global side? If you do, how many Dragon Stones do you have saved up for the 7th Anniversary? I for one got 200 Stones. :(


It wasn't hard for Yusei to find his room, on the door, there was a piece of paper that had his name on it in big font. 

He entered his room and found that it looked exactly how he expected it to. It was a simple room that had brownish-colored walls, a bed, and finally a small desk with a chair to sit on. He didn't want to call it cheap because it had a slight homely vibe that reminded him of home.

Yusei sat on the bed and pondered to himself exactly how could he get the mission is done, he couldn't just attack her in this Church, that would be the fastest way for him to get killed. 

Eventually, he decided to get some rest. 


"What are we doing here?" Yusei questioned with a dull face looking towards Xenovia. She had knocked on his door and woken him up earlier than needed to. After he opened the door, he got dragged by her into an empty room which is where they are now.

Emotionlessly Xenovia answered his question, "We're here so I can teach you, the prayers we need to know." 

Yusei rolled his eyes, "Does it have to be here though? It's kind of suspicious that the two of us are here in an empty room alone."

This caused Xenovia to turn slightly red and she looked away before turning back with a neutral expression. Yusei assumed it was from embarrassment before she spoke with a serious tone, "Get your mind out of the gutter, I got permission." 

He raised his brow and asked slightly teasingly, "Oh and who did you get permission from?" 

To Yusei's surprise, there was a quick look of fear on Xenovia's face before quicking turning back to her usual passive look. "Griselda, a sister and an Exorcist who is my guardian." 

"Anyway enough of the questions, today I will teach you a morning prayer that we do every day. It goes like this.

O God, you have folded back the cover of the night to clothe us in the golden glory of the day.

Chase from our hearts all gloomy thoughts, and make us glad with the brightness of hope, that we may effectively aspire to promised virtues; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen"

Xenovia glanced towards Yusei, "That is our morning prayer, now repeat it with me." 

She began praying once more albeit a bit slower so Yusei could follow however the latter wasn't taking it seriously at all which caused her to get upset.

"Take this seriously or I won't help you anymore." Xenovia coldly said, and once more began to pray without giving Yusei a chance to talk.

It seemed that the threat worked because Yusei stopped playing around and began earnestly repeating the prayer. They repeated the prayer multiple times until Yusei was able to repeat it without much issue. 

Xenovia had a slight look of pride, perhaps impressed by her skill at teaching, "Now that you know our morning prayers, I will tell you the 10 Commandments that we follow but I will simplify them for you." 

Yusei didn't know how to feel when she said "simplify," he felt that she was insulting him but he decided to say nothing. 

"1. Love God more than you love anything else.
  2. Nothing is more important than God.
  3. Always say God's name with respect and love.
  4. Honor the Lord by resting on the seventh day of the week
  5. Honor your father and mother.
  6. You shall not murder
  7. You shall not commit adultery
  8. You shall not steal
  9. Always tell the truth
 10. You shall not convent the things others have" 

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