────➼ ⌜ Mission 1 ⌟

397 19 631

●●● ♡[Entrance Test]♡

♡[1st Mission]♡ ●●●

So this entrance test will decide where you'll stay till the announcement of next mission. Milkyway? Or...Blackhole?

There will be 6 concepts


And these concepts will be Portrayed by some of the famous kpop girl groups.


(🐹)༄ Kim Soeun- Hi this is Soeun and the first entrance test is arranged by me!

Now, you must me thinking what's the use of the concepts right?

So let me first answer some basic questions-

✦how you will form a group? For each group there will be some slots given to you, and it's you, who will decide that in which group you will go!

✦How you will do that? You just have to come and reserve a slot by commenting after it!

Now in each group there will be an option of two groups which you can use as a portrayal. You can choose a song from any one of the group.


In the reservation section u have to comment:-

✓OC name-
✓Slot number-
✓Portrayals in 2 teams-

Eg- Oc name- Kim Soeun
Slot number - slot 1
Team- Crazy
Portrayals- (if) Itzy - Lia
(if) Red velvet- Wendy


♧《Team Cute》♧
(9 members)

{Portrayed by- Twice/Fromis_9}

(Slot 1)- ddeonustar(Slot 2)- Mahjoobhoquesoha(Slot 3)- WriterGirl2309477(Slot 4)- Snowflwr_(Slot 5)- Cerealessunwoo(Slot 6)- brxliights(Slot 7)- multifan_clown(Slot 8)- 0X1L0VSONG(Slot 9)- 0X1L0VSONG

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(Slot 1)- ddeonustar
(Slot 2)- Mahjoobhoquesoha
(Slot 3)- WriterGirl2309477
(Slot 4)- Snowflwr_
(Slot 5)- Cerealessunwoo
(Slot 6)- brxliights
(Slot 7)- multifan_clown
(Slot 8)- 0X1L0VSONG
(Slot 9)- 0X1L0VSONG

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