→❁𓂃 ִֶָ ❝ Episode 3 ❞

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"The moment we all were waiting is here now", a lady's soft voice echoed

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"The moment we all were waiting is here now", a lady's soft voice echoed.
"30 young girls born between 1999-2007, are here to show the world their skills and compete with others to be in the debut line",  a man's voice followed.

??- "Pass the test, go to Milkyway"

??- "Fail the test, move to BlackHole"

??- Let's see whose dreams will come true..

??- and whose will be shattered.

"Anneyonghaseyo! I'm Jisoo of BlackPink and I'll be one of the main host", Jisoo said.
"Anneyonghaseyo! I'm Sehun of EXO and I'll be the other main host", Sehun said.
"And we welcome you to PROJECT STARDUST"

Jisoo- Let's welcome all the judges now.

Jae-sang (PSY) enters the room and looks around everywhere in awe. Then his attention goes towards the monitors where the stage and the rooms of the Milkyway are shown. "Woah! They kinda outdid themselves", he murmured. IU enters the room and bows to PSY. "Anneyonghaseyo Sunbae", said IU. "Anneyonghaseyo Ji-eun! Hope you are doing good", PSY said. "Yes sunbae! I'm doing good and I'm excited now haha! Can't wait to see the beautiful girls", IU said looking towards the monitor now. Sunmi then enters the room and greets both the judges. "Is this where we will get to see the trainees'performance?", Sunmi asks. IU was going to answer when Zico steps in the room. "Oh Anneyonghaseyo sunbaenims!", Zico greeted his sunbaes. "Hello Zico! How have you been?", PSY asks him. "I've been good. The dorm is nice by the way-- is this your first time seeing this too?", Zico asks the other three judges. "Yes. It's our first time too and we are surprised", IU said. "Yes it's beautiful..they even have a library. Let's see how many book worms are there haha", Sunmi said.

"Now let's welcome all the units", the hosts said.



Unit Revolution were the first unit to enter the hall. "Are we the first or second?", Mini asked looking around to see if anyone else is there. "I don't know..let's keep walking we will find out eventually I guess?", Ruru said looking everywhere in awe. "No noises yet... I guess we are the first one", Asked TiAmo. Mini was going to push the door open when the door opened automatically. Ruru gasped and said, "Did the doors open automatically or you just pull out a Stephen Strange?". The other three girls looked at her in confusion. "Oh Nevermind", Ruru said. They soon entered the hall and saw many chairs. "I think we can sit according to what we think our rank will be", Dove said. TiAmo took seat 18, Ruru took 6, Mini took 24 and Dove took 10. "Oh look the next unit is coming now", Dove pointed towards the monitor.



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