→❁𓂃 ִֶָ ❝ Episode 4 ❞

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The 15 girls' jaws dropped at the sight that was in front of them. There stands a huge and beautiful dorm. The front door automatically opened and they let out 'woahs' and stepped in. They soon were inside the dorm.

"Oh my God! This is so beautiful!", Aera said.

"Yeah! I'm feeling like I'm in some kind of Mafia movie. I mean look how spacious this dorm is!", Hua said.

Ryun ran and started jumping on the sofa. "These. Are. So. Soft. And. Jumpy", she said pausing after every time she jumped.

"Hey, be careful! And get down Ryunnie!", Rainey said running towards Ryun.

[Rainey's Mother Mode is on]

"Hey, why don't we explore?", Dove suggested.

"Yeah! Let's go!", said Tohru.

They all went in different directions to explore. Suddenly Ruru's scream was heard and all the trainees got scared and ran to find Ruru.

"What happened? Who do I have to kill?", Tohru asked her eyes scanning the room to see if they had an intruder.

"Nothing happened. Look here. I'm hungry now. There are so many foods!", Ruru said.

Liah looked at Ruru blankly--a bit irritated and said, "You screamed for this? I thought something happened to someone and I was fully ready to fight!"

[Oh short-tempered?]

"It's okay! Cooldown. But you know what did I find, it's--", but before Sunhee could continue, Areum spoke, "No we don't"

"Unnie!", Sunhee whined and started speaking again, "anyways as I was telling you before I got rudely interrupted", Sunhee said pouting towards Areum. " I saw the bedrooms and there is one electric messaging chair in each room!"

"Those who like to work out..they have a gym here. So yeah enjoy. I hate working out!", Sanayaah said making a face when she talked about working out.

"Woah! I saw the library. It's good and the dance practice room is pretty cool too. We are going to love it here", Haneul said.

"There are our names in front of the beds!! It's so cool! I think they have given the bedroom rank-wise", Yongyoo said while smiling widely, still in awe.

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