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"Hi, Mitsuya Takashi!"

Mitsuya Takashi looked at the girl who greeted him. He stopped what he's doing and he immediately smiled when he realized that it was his girlfriend.

His girlfriend is standing beside the door.

"Hi, beautiful!" Mitsuya greeted back. "I didn't expect to see you here?"

His girlfriend pouted her kissable lips.

"I watched the show. So, I wanted to see you here."

Mitsuya smirked. "What a coincidence. I wanted to see you too."

Yuzuha Shiba smiled and finally entered the room and hugged his boyfriend, Mitsuya.

"How are you?" Yuzuha asked. "I was happy because the show was successful."

"Yes. I was happy too. They really like the gowns that we made."

"Hi, Taka-chan!"

Suddenly, Hakkai entered the room with Hanagaki Takemichi and Tachibana Naoto. They are also there because they want to congratulate Mitsuya.

"Mitsuya-kun! Congratulations!" Takemichi said. "The model that wore the gowns you made were really beautiful. Hina like it so much."

"Thank you, Takemichi!"

"Where is Hina?" Yuzuha asked. "Why just the three of you?"

Mitsuya approached Yuzuha and he wrapped his hand around his girlfriend's waist.

"Yeah," he agreed. "Where is your fiancee?"

"She's talking with your partner," Tachibana Naoto answered. "My older sister really like your designs."

Mitsuya chuckled. "Well. I can't do that alone. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be successful as this."

Yuzuha leaned his head on Mitsuya's chest.

"Yeah. I agree. We only know her for a months but we got really close. She's so beautiful and kind."

"I agreed!" Hakkai said.

Yuzuha looked at her brother. "You're really now good at complementing people, huh, little bro?"

Hakkai glared at Yuzuha. "Shut up!"

They all laughed together.

"I plan to celebrate our successfulness this night. Do you want to join, Naoto? Takemichi? Hina can join too."

"Sure!" Naoto agreed.

"E-Eh, I'll ask Hina first if she wants to join too."

"Sure sure!"

"Hi, guys!"

Hina entered the room then greeted them.

"Hina!" Yuzuha went to Hina to hugged her.

"Hi, Yuzuha!" she hugged Yuzuha back.

"I'm glad that you're here!"

Hina faced her. "Me too. Anyways, congratulations to your boyfriend!"

"Thanks, Hina!" Mitsuya said.

"Anyways, Hina. Do you want to join us? Mitsuya plan to celebrate this night."

Hina smiled.

"Of course! I will join!"

"Now, Takemichi. Your girlfriend agreed. So you will come?" Mitsuya asked.

Takemichi smiled awkwardly.

"O-Okay, Mitsuya-kun. If Hina will come, I'll come too."

"So it's settled now. We're all going to celebrate. I'll call the gang too."

The Delinquent's Downfall (Bonten #2)Where stories live. Discover now