3. Let The Game Begin

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   "He cheated on her?"

   "Who is that girl?"

   "Dorian cheated?"

   Murmurs went around the cafeteria as people stared at the image shown on screen. A close up image of Dorian kissing a girl. The girl's face was blurred out, but her brown hair was visible. Dorian stood speechless for a minute, but as the murmuring got louder he broke it, "That's photo shopped! That's not me! She's the one that cheated on me." But the murmurs continued. "C'mon, she's a sympathetic bitch who just wants attention," he continued. Everyone was looking at him with suspicion. Amelia got up and stomped towards him. "I swear I would never do something to hurt my girl." Amelia stopped in front of him. He looked at her and she slapped him. Dorian held his face in shock.

   "How dare you cheat on my Rosie!!" Amelia yelled at him. "She trusted you! My Rosie trusted you. How could you be so heartless." She started crying again. Her new girl gang quickly escorted her away before she could cause any more drama. Dorian stood there with his head hanging low.

   Meanwhile, Ila had no clue what was happening. She sat in the principal's chair and twirled around as she played games on her phone. The video on the laptop kept playing, and she hadn't realized that an unplanned clip was being projected. Mr. Bulcock dashed into the room and Ila startled. She quickly stood up and removed her ear plugs. "Ms. Martin, what are you playing?" he asked. She looked at him in confusion and then turned her head to the laptop. She gasped and started clicking random buttons. "Mr. Bulcock I had no clue I was-"

   "Move! He pushed her to a side and tried stopping the video, but the pause button was nowhere to be seen. Then he clicked the power button and shut down the computer. He turned and looked at the girl, who was still in shock. "Ms. Martin, I'm very disappointed in you."

   "I swear I didn't add that picture. I have no clue where it came from. Ask my mom. She went through the video this morning."

   "Okay wait outside. I'm gonna call for your mom." She nodded and left the room.

   The other students were made to go back to class. Dorian sat at the back and stayed quiet during the entire class. He didn't talk or make fun of the teacher like he usually would. He seemed deep in thoughts, so much so when the teacher called him, he had no clue.

   "Dorian!!" Mr. Leek screamed for the third time. Dorian startled and sprung to his feet. The entire class started laughing at him, and he just hung his head. I sat there watching him, enjoying the kind of embarrassment he was going through. But there is still more to come, for the game was just beginning.

   "Can you tell me what did I talk about?" asked Mr. Leek for which Dorian had no reply. He just stood there with his head hanging down. "Stacy, can you tell your friend what I said?" So Stacy stood up and explained everything. Dorian nodded. "Better listen," Mr. Leek warned. Dorian obeyed and sat down. Right then the bell rang and Dorian took of without even waiting for the teacher to dismiss the class.

   Ila paced back and forth outside the principal's office. It had been 15 minutes since her mother went inside, and she had no clue what was happening. "You!" Ila turned around and saw Dorian standing in front of her. His cheeks were pink and he was flared up. He stormed towards her as he spoke, "You think you are way smart, uh? Trying to get revenge for what I did, uh?" Dorian was now standing only an inch away from her.

   "Ey, If I wanted revenge I wouldn't have beeped your name bruh. I would have uploaded more than just a picture of you smooching," Ila retorted.

   "You little bitch-" He raised his hand to hit her, but someone grabbed his hand. He turned around to see Ruth holding his hand. "You man whore!" she yelled and threw a fist at him. It came to Dorian unexpected, making his stumble back. He regained his balance and sprung at Ruth. He tackled her to the floor and raised his hand to hit her, but she was quick to grab his fist.

   "Mr. Gray what are you doing?" a voice made them freeze. Dorian quickly got off Ruth and stood up. She got to her feet and dusted herself as Ila inquired if she was okay. "What's happening here?" Mrs. Martin demanded. Ila looked at her mother and said, "Mom, Dorian tried to threaten me and when Ruth questioned him. He swung at her."

   "No she's lying," Dorian tried to defend himself but Mrs. Martin shook her head in disapproval. "Trying to hit a girl is no manners of a gentle man, Mr. Gray."


   "Inside the principal's room. Now!" Ruth smirked as Dorian nodded and walked inside with his head hanging once again.

   Within an hour his parents were called for. Mr. Gray sat down with his son, while Ila and her mother stood by the principal. Mr. Bulcock when on to explain what had happened in the cafeteria and Ila was made to apologize. "I checked the tape in the morning. It had nothing about your son. Someone must have tampered it while my daughter came to school," Mrs. Martin explained, and her daughter added, "I apologize for the mishap."

   Mr. Grey nodded, listening them very attentively and when Ila apologized he looked at her and nodded again. Then he looked at the principal and said, "Can I see this picture you claim to have of my son?"

   "Sure!" Ila replied before Mr. Bulcock could. "Ila..." her mother hissed, but she ignored her and started typing on the laptop. Mr. Bulcock looked at Mrs. Martin, and they exchanged glanced. The video of Rosie crying started to play, and Ila turned the screen to Mr. Gray.

   Ila caught Dorian looking at her. She smiled and looked away. After the video finished playing, Mr. Bulcock explained how Dorian tried hitting Ruth. "Is this true?" Mr. Gray asked looked at Dorian.

   "Dad I swear she-" Ila quickly cut him mid-sentence saying, "I'm so sorry Mr. Gray. I swear I didn't make that video. My bag zip was opened when I came back to class after P.E."

   "I apologize for what he did my dear," Mr. Gray said and stood up.

   "Please ensure it doesn't happen again," Mr. Bulcock warned. Mr. Gray nodded and replied, "And you make sure you find who did this."

   "Yes I will."

   When Dorian got home, his father took him straight to his office and sat down. "Who's the girl?" was the first question he asked.

   "Dad I swear-"

   "Who is the girl?"

   Mr. Gray repeated. Dorian kept silent. The truth was better not said because the truth could cause Dorian a lot more trouble.

   "I'm truly disappointed in you. First you break that girl's heart, and then you hit her friend?" Dorian comes to say something, but his dad cuts him off, "I don't want any excuses. That poor thing committed suicide all because of you?!"

   "Dad I swear-"

   "Zip it. You are grounded for an entire month. You will only leave the house for practice, and I'm taking away your phone."

   Poor. Poor Dorian. The kids of this generation couldn't even be five minutes without having their fingers on the phone. Poor Dorian couldn't use it for an entire month. Just the thought of it made him so angry. He stayed up all night feeling anxious about the secrets on his phone. If his dad went through it, he was dead for sure.

   The next day when Dorian came to school, he heard people still talking about him. He bent his hand and went to his locker. Just as he opened his locker, something fell by his feet. He bent down and grabbed the pillow in terror. It was the same heart shaped pillow he gave Rosie. The letters D + R embroidered on it. A knife was stabbed through the letter D. Fresh blood soaked the area the knife was stabbed in. Dorian gasped and quickly put it back in his locker and shut the door. He looked around and saw Ruth standing a few feet away from him. His clenched his fist as he fumed with anger and stomped to her. He placed his hand on the open locker door and closed it shut. The noise startled Ruth, and she looked at him.

   "You put-" he noticed something folded in her hand. It was a pride flag. Ruth opened it, and he was shocked to see the words I'm coming for you written on it in bold. There was a lipstick kiss on the side and a stain of blood running down the lips. Dorian looked at her in shock and whispered, "So it wasn't you."

   Ruth quickly put the flag away and closed the locker. "Who was it then?" Dorian whispered.


   All the lights went off, and they stood in darkness. It was a cloudy day, so there was not much sunlight to light the room either. Only silhouettes could be seen. And then they heard someone whistling. "W-what's happening?" Ruth shuttered. "I don't know," Dorian said and moved closer to her.

   The whistling continued and was heard about all the murmuring sounds that echoed though hall. The whistling stopped and giggles were heard. Dorian immediately recognized the laughter and pinned a face to it. Rosie. Then a soothing was echoed through the hall as it sang, "Rosie is dead. Her body is gone blue. Karma wants to play and it chose you."

   Dorian's hands started to sweat. He felt someone breathing against his neck and this breath hitched. He slowly turned around, and was met face to face with blue eyes. The blonde hair girl leaned forward as she smiled.


   A scream was heard followed by a thud sound. The lights came on. Dorian was on the floor, panting as he looked up in fear. Everyone started laughing at him. Everyone except Ruth. She looked scared. They stared at each other while their hearts pounded in sync. They knew something was out to get them, and the game had begun.

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