30. The Killer

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Bulcock got down from his car and walked up to Leek's front door. He rang the doorbell, but no one answered it. Then he noticed the door slightly ajar and pushed it. He walked inside the dark house, that was dimly lit by the moon. "Evin?" Bulcock pressed the switches, but none of the lights came on. He noticed a glow coming from Leek's room. He heard a noise and followed it. The light was coming from the bathroom. He walked inside and his legs stepped on something that caused him to slip. The stout man fell with full force on the flush. He groaned in pain as he sat up and touched his head. He felt hot liquid on his head that made him frown. "Evin! Where are you?" Bulcock yelled as he stood up. He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight. He looked at the blood mark on the flush and frowned. He took the first aid kit and started aiding to his wound.

   As he was tying the bandage, his ear caught a sound from outside. Click. Click. Krrrrr. The sound of clicking and dragging. He looked in the mirror and saw a silhouette behind him. "What the-" he was fast to turn around and dodge the axe that was swung at him. The figure swung it again and the stout man dodged it again. He grabbed something from the kit and flung it at them. The sharp object slit the killer's cheeks, and they groaned in pain. Bulcock heard them mutter something. He quickly grabbed his phone and ran past the killer. He ran to the door and tried opening it, but it was locked. "Fuck!" he kicked door. He went through the bowl of keys, but that one big blue head key was missing. "C'mon. C'mon," he muttered as his hands searched the table, but he had no luck. Once again, his ears picked up a sound from the background. The same clicking and dragging sound but this time accompanied by whistling.

   "I'm calling the cops!" he warned and started dialing the number. Something came flying past him and knocked the phone from his hand. He jumped in surprise. The moonlight lit the small frame of his murderer. She stood on one heel shoe while her other feet stood on the floor. In front of his eyes, she lifted the axe and smashed his phone. He stretched out his hand as he tried to find something. His hands trembled as he watched his killed over and over again hitting the floor. Every time the axe collided with the floor, it made a thud noise that made Bulcock's heart skip a beat.

   His hand found a big object, and he flung it at his killer. The female swiftly lifted her axe and shattered the ceramic bowl in pieces. Bulcock watched the little particles bust in the air. The female turned and looked at him. She started to whistle again as she strolled towards him. "Who are you! What do you want?" Bulcock walked backwards as his hands desperately moved to find something. He grabbed a vase and threw it at her. She dunked and the object when flying over her head. Just as the vase was about to hit the floor, a calming tune echoed through the house as a soothing voice sang, "I see trees of green. Red roses too. I see them bloom. For me and you..." Bulcock knew that voice very well.

   "You're messing with the wrong person, Ms. Davis-" the killer swung her axe at him and he quickly dodged it. The axe went in to the wooden table and got stuck. While she was distracted by trying to pull the axe, Bulcock slowly tip toed away. Bulcock went into Leek's room and tried to navigate his way in the dark. In the process, he ended up knocking something. The shattering sound was very feeble thanks to the song that echoed through the silent house. Bulcock opened Leek's drawer and pulled out the gun from it. He walked outside and found the girl missing. He stepped into the living room as his eyes scanned the room for the killer.

   He turned around and saw her coming at him with the axe. He was quick to grab her hand. She growled as she tried to force her hand forward, but Bulcock had a tighter grip. He snatched the axe from her hand and flung it. The metal went clattering to the floor. He stood in front of her with a gun pointed at her head. "Lift your hands!" The killer lifted her hand slowly. "Now tell me, who are you?" he demanded.

   I stood there motionless. He moved closer and shook his gun as he growled, "Tell me or I'll shoot you." I chuckled, but my smile was concealed by my mask. I lifted my hand higher and my fingers touched the door frame. My mind calculated my next move as I watched him. The perks of wearing high heels is that it makes you extra tall. "I'm Karma," I whispered.


   "I'm Karma!!" I yelled and Nerf balls came flying out of nowhere, hitting him in the face. He looked around for his other attacker and I used the chance to grab the door frame. I lifted myself up and swung forward. I kicked Bulcock and sent him stumbling back. What I did not calculate was that Bulcock would pull the trigger. I felt the bullet pierce into my left arm, and I let go of the frame. I fell on my knees as I screamed in pain. Bulcock was quick to recover and approach me. I held my hand tight, trying to stop the blood. He nudged the gun in my head and I looked at him in despise.

   "Take out your mask," he ordered. I just stared at him while I gripped my hand. He grabbed my mask and pulled it from my face. The moonlight shun on my face, revealing my identity. "It's you." For a second he looked shock but then a smudge smile came on his face. "Tsk. Tsk. You choose the wrong thing to do, Ms. Woods. Now tsk. tsk. You are going to go to hell."

   I smiled shyly, mirroring his expressions as I chuckled, "Oh Malcom, where do you think I came from." As the words fell from my mouth, something whizzed in front of us and went through his hand. Bulcock gasped as he looked at his right hand, that was bleeding from missing a piece. He screamed as he looked at the other half of his hand, which was on the floor. "My hand. My hand!" I took the moment to kick his legs. He fell on his back and looked at the two of us. Allison stood beside me wearing a blonde wig and a cat mask as she held the axe in her hand. She handed me the gun as he spoke, "You won't get away with this."

   "Well, I guess we did," I replied, and shot him. "This is for Rosabella." I shot him again. "For Jerry." BANG!  "For Dylan." BANG! "Let's see who will help your friend now."

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