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Rosie stood in front of the purple building and hesitated. It was finally time to get back after the holidays. But Rosie didn't want to go. She didn't want to see her boyfriend that cheated on her or his chick. She didn't want to face anyone, but she had to go. As she walked through the door, all eyes fell on her. She walked with her head bent. She heard whispering but didn't dare to look up. Rosie had no clue what was happening. Suddenly, her feet hit something, and she tripped. She fell on her face. She turned around on her back and saw Ryan laughing at her. "Why did you do that?" she groaned as she tried standing up, but he made her trip again. "What the fuck, Ryan!" she growled.

   "That's for lying to my bud," he said. She looked at Dorian, who stood beside Ryan. She frowned. "What do you mean?" she asked.

   "Playing dumb, are we? You think we would never find out?" he showed her a poster. It was a picture of her kissing Ruth. Ruth's face wasn't visible, for her hair was blocking her face. But Rosie's blonde hair and the words Rosie is gay? typed under it, gave her away. "H-how did you get.." she trailed off and looked around. She saw everyone holding a paper in their hand. Her eyes landed on Isolda, and she found her standing there with a sly smile.

   "Whose the other one?" Ryan yelled as he stepped forward. She looked at Dorian, hoping he'd say something, but deep down, she knew he wouldn't.

   Her hands trembled as she pushed herself up. She tried to stay strong, but tears threatened to spill. Any minute she knew she would brake. "That's none of your business, Ryan," she replied.

   "You cheat on my friend and have the audacity to flip me off," Ryan flared and grabbed her hair. She bit her teeth as she looked at him and struggled to get his hands off. But his grip was firm. She looked at Dorian and he looked away. She looked around for anyone who would help. Everyone was staring. No one budged. Then her eyes landed on her best friends. Ila and Amelia just watched in shock.

   The bell rang, and Rosie quickly stamped Ryan's feet. "Stay away from me!" she yelled and took off. She went straight into class and took the back seat. The teacher was already in class. She watched as the classroom started to fill up. Rosie looked around for Ruth but didn't find her. She saw Amelia walk in with Ila. They both sat in the front without her. Rosie hung her head low and started drawing circles in her book. Round and round she scribbled.

   "Ms. Davis, you are wanted in the counseling room."

   At the mention of her name, she lifted her head. Seeing her look blank, the teacher repeated herself. Rosie nodded and left the classroom. She opened the door to the counseling room and peeped in. "Mr. Leek?" the square face guy looked up at her and gestured for her to come in. She walked in and he gestured her to sit. "Is there a problem, sir?" she asked.

   He took a paper and put it on the desk. It was the same photo. She looked at him in confusion. "Is this you Ms. Davis?"

   "Yes, Mr. Leek."

   "Are you facing any problems, Ms. Davis? Any stress at home? Anything that would cause you to act out," he asked calmly.

   "I don't understand..." she looked at the photo and back at him.

   "Don't you know this is against God's will? If anyone else sees you, you could get cast away to the west."

   "Sir, I really don't see the problem with me kissing a girl," Rosie replied, still not understanding the whole situation.

   "It is a sin!" Leek slapped the table making Rosie jumped. Then he smiled, "I apologize. Maybe I can help?"

   "Help? Mr. Leek, I'm really confused," she replied as she watched Leek stand up and make his way to her. He hovered over her and placed his hand on her chest. "I can help you get onto the right part," he answered as he squeezed her breast. Rosie gasped and pushed herself back in the chair. She stood up and looked at Leek in disgust. "Mind your own business," she yelled before storming out of the door.

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