29. The Stalker

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It was 7pm. People were already in their houses. All alone on the street, she walked, typing on her phone. She heard footsteps, but thought little into it. She giggled as she looked at something on her phone. The sound of footsteps got closer, and she took a swift turn. She saw no one on the road. Bam! She jumped and slowly turned around to see a garbage can knocked down by a cat. Isolda sighed and started walking again. The road was silent once again as she walked, but not for too long. Barely a minute passed, and the footsteps were heard again. The minute her ears picked that up, she started running. Without looking back, she ran as fast as she could and went home safe.

The next day she got dropped off at her street by a car. Inside the car was the boy who once fell off the stairs and fractured his leg. I should have broken his face. He drove away, and she walked down the street. She heard a feeble noise in the background, but the strong wind with made it sound distant. She noticed a shadow beside hers and spun around. "Who is that? I'll call the cops if you don't stop!" she yelled. She got no reply. The wind rustled and blew her hair in her face. The wind must have gotten strong in enough, for she felt a cold hand trace down her spin. She froze as her skin was contacted with the icy touch. "W-what do you want?" she dared to turn around really slowly and to meet with her intruder, but she saw no one. She glanced around one last time before sprinting off to her house.

A seven-day countdown was started after the day Allison and I met. Seven days until the real fight: Power vs Justice. We took day one to plan the whole thing. Day two, I started following my next victim. It was day three when I decided to take things to the next step.

Once all the lights were turned off and there was no sign of human movement, I made my move. I went behind the house and grabbed the ladder that was covered in sand. I put it to stand by Rosie's window and climbed it. Trying my best to not make any noise, I climbed inside and made my way out of her room. I looked downstairs to ensure no one was there before turning to Isolda's room. I slowly twisted the knob and crept inside. The place was dark, but I was able to see with my night vision goggles that Dylan gave me. I saw a pair of ribbons laid on her dresser. I kneeled down and grabbed the enamel bottle from my pocket. I applied a coat of the transparent liquid on the ribbon. I stood up and walked over to Isolda. She was fast asleep and my hand hitched to mess with her, but I had to be patient. Sleep well cause this is the last night you'll get to sleep in peace, I thought to myself as I smirked and walked away. I closed the door gently and left the house the way I came in.

Isolda stood in the bus holding onto the post. The ribbons on her two ponytails bobbed as the bus moved. She felt someone stand behind her and hot breath fan against her neck. She turned around in fear and saw an old lady. Isolda sighed and gave way for her. Isolda took a seat and placed her bag on her lap. That's when she noticed it. She pulled out the small note from the pocket of her bag and opened the letter. It was a warning: Rosie is dead, Her body is gone blue, Karma wants to play, and it chose you. She looked lifeless for a second before she snapped out of thoughts and looked around. She found no one suspicious and looked back at the letter. Isolda pushed it in her bag and stood up as the bus stopped at school.

Day 4. Wednesday. The day of the last match of the Bridgewoods football tournament. It was held in the stadium beside my school. Bridgewooders which comprised students only from the East, vs a football team from a school in Berks called the Astronauts. The stadium lights beamed while everyone waited for the match to start. Mr. Leek got on stage and addressed the crowd. Everyone cheered for him. The sound made my blood boil. "Hello Bridgewoods-" Suddenly Boom! All the lights went out, and the stadium stood still in darkness.

I walked into the room filled with cheerleaders. Every one bustled and was hushing in the dark. I saw a glow in the dark and smiled as I moved to my target. I took out the string as I got closer. "Everyone go. Go out and get ready," someone yelled. As she moved forward, I sprung and struck the needle in her skin. I caught her as she fell and pulled the glowing ribbon from her hair. I placed it in my pocket and got on my knees. I watched as the silhouettes left the room. I moved on my knees as I dragged her with me. I turned on the flashlight on my head and looked around. I grabbed the wheel waste bin and stood up. I lifted Isolda and tilted the green bin. Her hands got in the way. making it difficult to push her in. I knew I needed to move fast cause the lights would go on any second. I took the ribbons and grabbed her hand. I tied them together and pushed her into the bin. Just as I closed it, the lights came on. I pulled the hood of my hoodie down till my forehead. The mask I had on covered my nose, so it was just my eyes that were visible.

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