10. Bag Full Of Lies

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  "Ey, Did you hear the news?" Ila asked Ruth as soon as she came out of her classroom.

   "What news?" Ruth was clueless.

   "Mr. Bulcock warned the 12 graders not to say anything against the school."


   "Yes. Officer Thompson is coming for investigation again and so he warned the class that if he gets to know anyone spoke against the school, they will be suspended."

   "What the fuck, dude!" Ruth yelled and Ila quickly placed her hand on Ruth's mouth. "Bruh, Keep it down," she hissed.

   "Sorry," Ruth whispered. "but didn't he do the same thing when the investigation was going on for Rosie?"

   "Exactly my point."

   "But for Rosie wasn't it-"

   "I think it's the same."

   "What are they hiding!" Ruth hissed.

   "I don't exactly know, but whatever happened in that room led them both to suicide," Ila replied.

   "I hope Mr. Thompson succeeds this time," Ruth wishes.

   "You know no one can go against Evin."

   Ruth sighed.

   As they strolled down the hallway, someone called out to Ruth. She turned around and saw her math teacher, Mrs. Benjamin, by the stairs. "Can you go tell Mr. Bulcock that the meet started. Everyone is waiting." Ruth nodded. Ila and Ruth went back the way they came from, to go to Mr. Bulcock's office.

   "Great, they are even having a meeting about what to lie," Ila muttered.

   Ruth nodded and put her hand out to open the door. But just as she pushed it, Ila grabbed her wrist and Ruth looked at her. Ila tapped her ear and then pointed at the room. In silence, they both stood and listened. "What!... how did he know about that if you didn't tell him...Even the hair?! Did you tell him that?... good, good. Yes, I'll tell him the same thing. Yes, yes... you know what happens if you tell them the truth, right?" Ila and Ruth exchanged looks and took a step back. Ruth came to say something, but Ila placed her fingers on her lips. They waited for a moment, then Ila pushed the door and went in.

   "Mr. Bulcock, Mrs. Benjamin said the meeting started."

   "Oh yes, yes!"

   As he walked out, Ruth stared at him. Bulcock was in a hurry and didn't notice it. He gave a quick smile and walked away. Ruth and Ila walked in silence to the cafeteria. They took the last seat where no one would notice. Ruth looked at Ila and cursed, "What the fuck was that?"

   "Who do you think that was?" Ila asked.

   "Who was called for investigation today?"

   "Jennifer's parents. Do you think..." Ila trailed off.

   "Yes. But why would they do that?"

   "I don't know," Ila whispered.

   "Ugh! Now their lies would match and this case is never getting solved!" Ruth exclaimed and fisted the table. The cafeteria fell silent and looked at her. She felt embarrassed and muttered, "Sorry." and buried her face in her hand. Then Mara came and joined them, so their discussion came to an end.

   Thompson came to Bridgewood High after lunch. Bulcock was called for investigation first. His answers were similar to the Stewarts.

   "Your pupil Ms. Davis was also called to the principal's office few days before her suicide. Why was she called?" Thompson urged.

   Bulcock's eyes went wide. That wasn't something he expected. "S-she got poor grades, too. So we called her mother."

   "Really? Cause when I asked her class teacher, she said that Ms. Davis was an excellent student. She never got a poor grade," Thompson retorted.

   "Oh, you mean Davis. I thought David." Bulcock chuckled nervously. "Age is catching up, sorry. Why do you ask about Ms. Davis?"

   "I think there might be a connection between both the suicides."

   Bulcock took his handkerchief and dabbed his face with shaky hands. "Ms. Davis was called because her mother needed to take her home. There was some kind of emergency."

   "Are you sure you are not mixing up Rosabella Davis with anyone else again?"

   "No. Ms. Davis was needed by her mother," Bulcock replied as he pushed his handkerchief in his pocket.

   "Is your school very strict with grades?" Thompson questioned further.

   "No. Not at all. We encourage our students the best we can."

   "So why was Jennifer called upon if she only failed once?" this question knocked Bulcock off guard. He was speechless for a moment. "W-well, it was twice. So we just wanted to keep her parents informed."

   Thompson nodded and then left to meet Jennifer's class teacher and subject teachers. All gave the same account.

   "Okay, can I meet the students now?"

   "No!" Mr. Bulcock exclaimed. Thompson looked at him with suspicion. "They are having a mock exam. It would take an hour."

   "I can wait."

   "Well, okay."

   Thompson was made to wait in the principal's room. After an hour, he walked into the 12th grade classroom and picked 4 random students, along with Jennifer's best friend Mia, to investigate. Each gave similar accounts of what happened. Then it was Mia's turn. Even her account was similar. It was like they all were trained to say that. Just as he was about to tell her to leave, he felt Mia kick his boot. He opened his mouth to say something, but she kicked it again and looked down. Thompson looked under the table and saw a folded paper by his boots. He picked it up and stuffed it in his socks.

   "You may leave."

   He got into his car and opened the letter. Everyone is lying. People are watching. Be careful of who you trust. He frowned, looking at those words. Those words gave him the closure he needed. He knew there was something more to all this than what everyone was saying. So he waited.

   Thompson knew Mia was the only one who could help him. He drove to the bus stop and waited in front of it. He saw people coming and boarding the bus. It didn't take long for him to spot her with her friends. He followed the bus and stopped the cars few meters away from the bus stand, so that no one would notice. But when Mia got down, she noticed his car. She quickly started walking without looking back. Thompson got down and ran behind her. "Ms. Hart wait!"

   "It is better you leave. Please don't ask me anything."

   "Why! What is everyone hiding? You can get into my car and tell me."

   "People are watching Mr. Thompson. Bridgewoods is a small town," she hissed as she picked up her pace.

   "It was you who sent me that letter the other day, wasn't it?"

   "I didn't send you anything."

   Thompson grabbed her hand. Immediately, she turned around and looked at him. There was fear in her wide eyes. She looked at his hand and then snatched her hand.

   "Go away, you'll get yourself in trouble," she whispered.

   "Mia," someone called. It was her father. He walked up to them and looked at Thompson. He wrapped his arm around his daughter and said, "Sir, please, this is no place or time for investigation. Kindly go home without causing trouble."

   Thompson looked at Mia. It was like her eyes were begging him to leave. He nodded and walked away. He got into his car and fisted the steering wheel in frustration. "How am I going to solve this if everyone lies!"

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