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It had been a month since Rosie died. The school had already spoken to Dylan and forced him to close the case. Finding no evidence, he gave up. I stood amongst the trees and waited for him. Every day, I watched him sit by Rosie's grave and cry. He would apologize for not saving her and for being of no use. I wanted to talk to him, but I was scared. But that day I had made my mind. If I was to become Karma, I needed help. I needed a partner. Dylan was my only hope. So I waited for him. I saw him walking up to her grave, and he sat in the mud. He placed the bouquet of white roses on her grave and stared at it blankly. I hadn't tried talking to him ever since Rosie died. It was only for the investigation we spoke twice and after Dorian blackmailed me; I knew I was being watched and so I kept away. But I wasn't going to do that anymore.

   I saw him take the note I left on the grave. Dylan frowned and then looked up. He saw me and I stood there staring at him. He stood up, and I turned around. I started walking into the forest without looking back. I stopped at the big rock and sat on it. Dylan made his way to the rock and looked at me. "Are you okay Ruth?"

   "I guess. How are you?"

   "Okay, I guess." I observed him. There were big circles under his puffy red eyes. I could tell that he had been searching for answers through day and night. He tried his best, and it was time I gave this man some rest. I jumped down from the rock and walked up to him. "I need your help," I informed.

   "What happened? Do you need to talk about what happened?" I shook my head and held out a diary. The one diary that had all information regarding Rosie. The one I used to tell you, my dear readers, about the stories of Rosabella. He took it from me and traced his fingers over it. "This is Rosabella's diary. Everything she went through and felt is written in it," I told him and his eyes lit up. "I'm not giving it to you as information for the case. I need Dylan's help. Not officer Thompson's. So I trust you won't share this information with anyone."

   "Okay. But-"

   "Just read it and meet me here tomorrow same time. I'll explain everything," I said and left without another word.

   The next day, he came with a small bag in his hand. He took the diary and gave it to me. "Did you read it?" he nodded and said, "Those people need to pay. Let me use the diary, Ruth. I will put Bella where she belongs. In jail."

   I shook my head. "Do you remember the story of Dexter?" he shook his head, so I told him what happened to Dexter. "... So if this case gets escalated to court, I don't think the council will see what the school did has a bad thing. As for Bella, she will just change the plate. She has enough money to do so. You know money is what works here, right? Dorian can't be put in jail for cheating. We need to do something different."

   "Like what? We need to do something about those homophobes in school."

   "You see, Dylan, when justice is in the hand of power and truth is at the cost of money. People like these don't need jail. They need something different. Karma is what they need, and I'm going to be the face of it. In other words, Dylan, I want revenge. So will you help me?"

   "But it could be dangerous... I don't-"

   "I have been planning this for a while. With your help, everything will be fine. We can give them a piece of their own medicine, Dylan! We must do this for Rosabella."

   He finally bobbed his head and said, "Deal." Then I noticed something in his bag. "What's that?" I asked.

   He chuckled and took out a box. I gasped, seeing blueberry cupcakes inside. I clung onto him happily and exclaimed, "Gosh you are the best." From there are partnership began. A new bond was formed. I was happy to have him as my partner and being around him kept the memories of Rosie fresh and alive. Though she wasn't there, it always felt like two sisters hanging with their big brother whenever we got together, though it wasn't often.


Now this plan of mine was soon modified when Jerry committed suicide. A day after seeing Allison, I met up with Dylan to run him through the changes. We met at our spot and sat down. Dylan looked deep in thoughts. I placed my hand on his shoulders and he looked at me. "There goes another soul. Do you know what happened to them?" I nodded and explained what happened t school.

   "So it was you who dropped that letter?!" he exclaimed with a smile like Einstein.

   "Yes, and that is how we will be moving the case forward with anonymous clues," I said, and went on to tell him about my meeting with Allison. "...We need a change of plans, Dylan. We need to focus more on Mr. Leek and getting him in prison than the others. Because the longer Leek is out, the more will die." He nodded in agreement. "But I can't give you all the proof in hand now."

   "Why not?"

   "Because it is too risky. Knowing Leek, he has snitches in your station. If you collect all information now. He will be onto you and that will lead you to me. I need to dig into this case too, a little more. So as I keep getting information I will give it to you as anonymous clues as I said."

   "Just be careful, okay? I can't lose you too," he said and patted my head. "I'll help you however you want as long as we can put that man behind bars and I can get justice for my Princess."

   "Oh, we will. But until that, Leek is going to have a lot of sleepless nights. Just like Rosie did and so will Bella."

   "Deal." We fist bunched, and I giggled. He took out a box and opened it. My eyes lit up, seeing the blueberry cupcakes in it. I took one while he watched me and ate it as I smiled. I guess blueberry cupcakes was our thing.

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