34. Finding Nemo

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After having no success in finding him for the past ten minutes; I stopped the car to think. I put myself in his shoe and tried to think like him. He would have woken up with the realization that Dylan was dead. So either he was running away or doing something stupid. Then it hit me. Where would he commit suicide!! I was busy looking at buildings, but not the rooftop. So I got down and started running as I looked at every rooftop. The sun blurred my vision, but I tried to blink and see. Then I noticed something on a building. It was hard to see who, but the person was standing at the edge. "Shit!" I looked around, trying to figure out how I was going to climb a three story building. Then I noticed a little narrow lane. I walked in and saw an emergency exist. My feet immediately started jumping and skipping stairs as I ran upstairs. By the time I reach the roof, I was breathless. I saw a boy in an hospital gown. I wanted to scream, but my chest was heavy as I gasped for air. No. No. No. I can't let him die, were my only thoughts. My throat felt dry, but yet I opened my mouth and let out a weird noise as I fell to my knees.

   "Ruth?" I was wheezing so hard. I felt his hand on my arm and he sounded worried. "Ruth, are you okay!?" I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked at him as I gasped for air. I gestured him to wait, and he started to rub my back. I left like I was going to die because my heart was beating so fast it might burst out of my chest.

   It took me sometime but eventually I calmed down. I sat down and finally spoke, "What is wrong with you!" I tried not to yell cause I didn't want to have another attack.

   "What do you want me to do, Ruth? My Rosabella is dead. My Jerry is gone and so is my brother. Who do I have to live for?" he asked.

   "Your parents! Your grandfather! Me!" I exclaimed.

   "They don't need me, Ruth."

   "Well, I need you. I need you a lot. You are the only piece left from Rosabella and Dylan. You think I don't miss them? I know it is hard, Marcel. I spent as much time with them as you did. I m-miss them too," my voice cracked at the end. I didn't know how to comfort him cause I wasn't sure how to help myself either.

   "But it hurts so bad. He died in my arms," he cried. I clung onto him as I cried along and whispered, "I know. I know. It broke my heart too."

   "I couldn't save him. He died in my arms. I tried so hard, Ruth. But I was no match for them." I held him as secure as I could, but yet gently not wanting to hurt him. "I'll never be able to fix our relationship. I'll never be able to fix things with Rosabella. I'll never be able to tell Jerry I love him. Please let me die, Ruth. Let me go to them."

   "I know I sound selfish, but I need you, Marcel. I need you to live. You have become an important part in my life. We all can't keep killing ourselves just because a loved one died. We have people counting on us, Marcel. We are needed," I told him.

   "Who needs me?" He asked as he pulled away. I placed my fingers on his cheeks and wiped his tears as I whispered, "Your parents. They are right now in the council trying to get justice for Dylan, Rosie and Jerry. They've been searching for you for a week now. Your dad brought in new cop too."

   Marcel looked shocked. "Does he know that they were gay? I'm sure he doesn't cause if he did, he wouldn't have bothered then." I realized that Marcel was talking without a shutter and it made me smile. "Yes Marcel. I'm telling the truth when I say that your dad regretted his decisions. Your dad somehow got hands on Dylan's files and he brought in a new cop."

   "But how? I'm sure everything was destroyed by Evin."

   I stood up and gave him my hand. "That is a story for another day. We got to go now. I must get you back to the hospital and go confess in council."

   "Wait!" he put his hand on his bare neck. "Where is my chain?"

   "At the hospital. Why?" I replied.

   "It has a hidden camera. I recorded everything that happened," he stated.

   "Oh my Marcel, you are a genius!" I clung onto him and he winced in pain. "Sorry."

   I held his hand, and as we climbed downstairs. He frowned a lot and limped down the stairs. "How the fuck did you get up with that leg?" I asked. He had a big bandage on his leg and his movement looked painful. It was a miracle that he even climbed one floor.

   "When you are determined to die, nothing stops you, I guess," he shrugged.

   We got into the car and I drove us to my car first. "What is your car doing in the middle of the forest?" he asked, and I shrugged. I quickly got the required supplies from my car before I drove us back to the clinic. As soon as we got down, Mr. Martin ran towards us, saying something that I didn't pay attention to. I walked to Marcel's room and grabbed my sling bag. I pushed my phone inside it before I turned to look at Mr. Martin. I grabbed his shoulders and looked at him. "Mr. Martin, where is Marcel's chain?" He led me to a room and gave it to me. I handed it to Marcel, and he showed me how to get the data from it. Just with a twist.

   "Ruth, I will have to come with you to the council. Ila just messaged, saying they are trying to turn the case on Marcel and make him look bad," Mr. Martin explained.

   "I'll come too. Let me come and blow that bitch," Marcel cursed. I looked at him and took his hand in mine. "I need you to stay here. I will win this case for you. I promise, but I need you to promise me you will listen to the nurse. No running away." I looked him in the eyes as I sincerely said, "I need you." He smiled and nodded, giving my hand a squeeze.

   I waved at him before getting in the car with Mr. Martin and he drove me to the council. I ran to the big brown door, as I knew a lot of time had passed. I heard a voice screaming, followed by a male voice. They went on back and forth. It took me a moment to realize who it was, and I froze. Mr. Martin was about to open the door, and I grabbed his hand. I felt my chest tighten. "Are you okay?"

   "L-let's wait. Let's not intrude now, please," I begged. I kept hearing his voice over and over again. My heart ached. It couldn't be him, right?  But that was his voice... How could I face the man I hadn't seen in five years of which almost two years I had stopped talking to him?

   "I say what Mr. Leek did was right. He was only trying to get her on the right track. Plus, he did have the father's consent," a voice said. I was confused about what was going on, but the realization hit me. Oh no.

   "But did he have the child's consent?" I heard my father ask. The room went silent. "You're telling me it is okay to indulge with someone who is a minor in the name of doing good when you already have a wife? Hmmm I think cheating on your wife comes under God's commandments. I don't remember trangerderism being part of it."

   "Mr. Woods, mind your words!" a voice yelled and confirmed to me it was indeed my father who had been talking. But what was he doing here? "Mr. Leek is a nobleman and only does good."

   "How is it Good when One, It disobeys God's words if I'm to put it as you say. Two. It hurts the feelings of a child mentally and physically. Three, forces them to suicide."

   "The child was trying to be something she is not!"

   "But I don't see anything in the commandments about transgenderism."

   "That is because the term wasn't coined then!" the other voice yelled back.

   "Hmm, exactly my point," my father said, and a buzz of whispers followed. I looked at Mr. Martin and nodded. He pushed the door, and I walked in, making all eyes to fall on me. "This man is also responsible for the death of Dylan and I have proof of it!" Leek looked at me like I was a devil and I smirked. He wasn't wrong, though. I was the grim reaper come to take him to hell. 

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