22. Marcel's POV

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I walked into the cafe and sat in the last booth. I placed a cap on my head so no one would notice me. I saw a pair of shoes and lifted my head to be met with brown eyes. He pushed his long black hair back and pulled the hood of his gray hoodie over his head as he sat in front of me. "What happened? You called?" He asked.

   "W-when are you going to arrest E-evin?" I asked.

   "Marcel, I told you I need more evidence. I promise I will soon. Just trust me," he replied.

   "Fine. I'm sorry to keep p-pestering you," I muttered.

   "It's okay, at least I get to talk to you like this."

   "I-I'm sorry it's just you being a cop and me being gay doesn't g-go well. I-I don't know." I looked at my fingers. "Maybe it is more than that. You remind me of Ro-rosabella," I explained, feeling guilty.

   "It's okay. It is better this way. You'll at least be safe," Dylan said, and I heard the pain in his voice.

   I wanted to tell him I still cared for him and still look up to him, but I stopped myself for some reason. What if he wasn't proud of me? That is why he didn't put effort? Those questions haunted my mind. Right then, his phone pinged. He took it out and whatever he saw on the screen made him smile. He stood up and looked at me. "I got to go."

   "But you just got here."

   "I know. But I got to arrest Evin. I finally got proof. I'll text you, okay?" he spoke swiftly as he left. I smiled and watched him get into his black Chevrolet. I guess someone must have sent him the video I took out that had been spreading around the school that entire day. I walked outside and got on my cycle. I rode it to school since I didn't want to miss the show. I parked the cycle behind a truck and hide behind it as I watched. I couldn't see Dylan around for the first few minutes. Then I saw him dragging Evin.

   "Leave me Thompson. Don't do this. I'll make you regret this," he warned, but my cousin didn't give a damn. He continued dragging Evin with his handcuffed to his. Malcom followed behind, pleading with Dylan to leave Evin, but my cousin took a deaf ear. The scene was pleasing to my eyes. I'll see that you never come, I thought to myself. Dylan pushed Evin into his car and closed the door with a bang. He got in and drove away while Malcom huffed and stormed back into the school.

   I took my cycle and rode back to my house. I felt at peace knowing Evin was finally caught and that soon my boyfriend and my best friend will get justice. When I got home, my grandfather asked me to help him repair his truck. I debated whether or not to help him cause I needed to get the last evidence I had to Dylan. But knowing Evin wasn't going anywhere, I agreed.

   By the time I fixed it and my grandfather left for his Daughter's house, it was around 9 o'clock. I quickly took the blue sweater and put it in the washing machine with some Tide To Go. I took a shower and put on some pants before I attended to the washed sweater. I took it out and blow dried it before I Ironed it. It was Rosabella's lucky sweater and right then I really needed some lucky so I wore it. I looked at myself in the mirror. It was a bit tight on me, but I didn't mind. I grabbed the letter my boyfriend wrote to me and push it in my pocket.

   I was about to head to the door when someone rang the doorbell, making my heart skip a beat. I tip toed to the window and peeped through the curtains. At first, I couldn't really tell who it was, but then the guy lifted his hand and I saw the gold Rolex watch. What was he doing here? My heart started to pound in its cage, and I stumbled back as I heard a bang. I need to tell Dylan. Without making too much noise, I went to my backyard. I pulled a chair to the fence and just as I climbed on it; I heard a gunshot. I jumped in surprise and looked behind me. I saw no one and sighed. I quickly climbed the fetch and jumped down. I fell on my knees and felt something sharp pierce into my flesh. I groaned in pain as I held my right knee. "F-fuck." But I couldn't waste ant time, so I stood up and ran into the woods. I took my phone and tried to call my cousin, but the calls wouldn't go. I groaned in frustration. I ran/limped as fast as could, hoping that I would get to his house on time. The route I took was much longer than the main road, so I couldn't let the throbbing pain stop me

   By the time I got to his house, I was in one mass of sweat. My heart was pounding in my chest and I felt dizzy due to the rush of adrenaline. I tried to catch my breath as I violently knocked on the door. I slapped my things as I bent down and panted heavily. I heard the door open. "Marcel, are you okay?" I nodded and quickly walked inside. I looked at him and tried to speak as I caught my breath, "Evin *gasps* he *gasps* my h-house."

   "Marcel calm down. Are you okay? Do you have your inhaler?" I shook my head and waved my hand as I repeated, "E-evin he was *gasps* my place."

   "Awe look at them," someone said from behind. My blood ran cold as I turned around and saw Evin walking in with Malcom and two muscular men. One bald and one with raven black hair.

   "What the-? How did you get out?" Dylan asked.

   Evin chuckled and replied, "C'mon Thompson, a man who is filthy rich like me with so much power, how hard can it be to come out."

   Dylan immediately took out his gun and pointed at Evin. Simultaneously, both his men pointed a gun at Dylan. I stood there nervously, fiddling with the locket on my neck. "I'm here to talk, so can we do this without violence? I'm sure you don't want your cousin dead." My eyes widened hearing him. No one knew Dylan was my relative because we barely hung out, so how did he find out?

   "Tell them to put the gun down first," Dylan said and Evin gestured his men to do so. Dylan put his gun back in its holder, mirroring their action. Evin walked up to us and sat on the couch. Dylan took a seat in front of him. "You know I can arrest you right now, right?"

   "Yes, but that would mean having to lose your cousin. I'm sure you don't want your precious cousin dead," Evin taunted.

   "What do you want?"

   "I want you both to give me all the evidence you have against me. I will burn it right here. We can call it a truce and I will leave."

   "If not?"

   "Look son, I know you and your cousin were behind this whole trick that has been happening. You hacked into my school computer and I can sue you for that, but I'm letting you off the hook if you give me everything you found. If not, there will be bloodshed," Evin blackmailed.

   "F-fuck you, I'm not giving anything!" I cursed at him.

   "I would cut the attitude if I were you, boy," he warned. "So Thompson, are you taking the easy way or hard way?"

   Dylan nodded and walked to his room. I tried running behind him, but one of the muscular men grabbed onto my arm. "Leave me!" I yelled and struggled, but he was too strong. Dylan walked out holding a folder. "Dylan don't!"

   "Leave Marcel," Dylan commanded. The guy let go of me and as I moved towards Dylan, he gave the folder to Evin. In one swift movement, he pulled me towards him and took out his gun. Seeing him, Evin's men mirrored his action. Evin opened the empty folder and chuckled, "You chose the wrong way, Thompson."

   "Finish him and get me the folder." At his command, the bald guy pulled the trigger. The loud bang made my heart stop. Dylan was quick to push me and dodge the bullet. He went sliding on the floor and kicked the bald guy with his leg. The other guy started to shoot at him, but Dylan dogged him by rolling behind the couch. Wanting to be of some help, I threw myself on the Raven head. We both fell down with me on top of him. I quickly grabbed the gun from his hand and pointed it at his head. I nudged his head as I look at the bald guy who was pointing the gun at me. "Drop the gun now or I'll shoot him," I warned, trying my best to sound brave. 

   My knees were pressed to the floor because of the position I was in. This made the pain in my leg worsen, but I tried my best not to let it stop me. I couldn't let Dylan die. I was going to save the person I love this time, and I wasn't going to let anyone hurt him. 

    I looked at the bald guy and commanded, "Now!"

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