38. Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog

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As Tim watched Austin work with their bandmates and crew getting their set torn down and packed away, he was surprised at the streak of fierce possessiveness he felt towards his lover. There was something about knowing Austin still carried his semen inside that made Tim want to wrap his lover in his arms and declare, "Mine, mine, mine!"

Austin seemed to sense Tim's eyes on him, and looked up, meeting his gaze with a knowing smile.

"You two are too much," Nate said.

"Hmm?" Tim looked at their merch man in confusion.

"I've asked you twice to pass me that stack of tee shirts in front of you."

"Sorry," Tim apologized, picking up the shirts in question.

"Do you guys actually think you'll be able to hide your relationship?" Nate asked. "Because you haven't been very good so far."

"We haven't really been trying," Tim answered.

"Oh, believe me, you've been very trying," Nate teased.

"Oh, a pun! How smart."

"But seriously. I know Luke agrees that you should keep it on the down low, but I just think it's borrowing trouble. You're both too honest to hide for very long, and when it comes out the fans will feel betrayed."

Tim shrugged. "You may be right."

"But I guess I shouldn't tell you how to live your life. So long as you're not hurting anyone, it's none of my business."

"I don't plan on ever hurting him," Tim said, gazing at Austin, "and I can't imagine him ever hurting me."


{Smut warning}

"Home sweet home," Austin said, dropping his bags in the entryway and shutting the door behind him. He drew Tim into his arms and kissed him hard. "The looks you've been giving me all day have been driving me crazy."

"Sorry," Tim responded. "I keep looking at you knowing you've still got me inside you."

"That really turns you on, does it?"

"It does."

"Mmmm... Maybe I should try it, see how it makes me feel," Austin suggested.

Tim shivered at the idea. "God, please."

Instead of moving them into the bedroom, Austin merely knelt down, opened his bag, and found the tube of lube. Austin stood and took Tim in a hard, demanding kiss, then surprised Tim by spinning him around and pushing him against the front door.

Tim could see his startled face reflected in the glass as he stopped himself with his hands on the door on either side of the window. Austin's face appeared behind him, grinning mischievously as he reached around and undid Tim's jeans and pushed them down till they caught at Tim's knees.

"We're doing this here?" Tim asked, growing hard as he heard Austin undoing his own fly.

"Yup," was Austin's only reply.

A neighbor walked by with a dog on a leash. Tim heard the click of the lube being opened, the rude sound of some being squeezed out, then Austin's fingers were at his entrance, pushing into him.

Tim groaned. The kid who delivered the evening paper biked by.

"I want you nice and tight," Austin whispered in his ear, then scissored his fingers, stretching Tim just a little bit.

Tim could hear the wet sounds of Austin coating himself with lube. He watched the neighbor across the street pull in to her drive and get out of the car, picking up a couple bags of groceries. The head of Austin's cock pressed against him. Tim let out a slow, shaky exhalation as Austin pushed slowly, relentlessly into him till he bottomed out, hips pressed to Tim's buttocks.

"God, you're so hot and tight," Austin gasped in his ear.

He didn't know if it was his imagination or if Austin was truly that much hotter bare inside him.

"You good?" Austin asked, already sounding close to losing control.

"Yeah." He was going to be so sore in the morning, but he didn't care. Austin was hot and hard and naked and deep inside him. "Fuck me."

His neighbor came back out to her car and got two more bags of groceries. Austin gripped Tim's hips and drew back slowly, then slammed into him. Tim let out an oof and steadied himself against the door.

Austin set up a hard, driving pace as Tim held on as if for dear life. The neighbor returned for two more bags and again for a couple twelve packs of soda.

Tim groaned as the head of Austin's cock stroked against his sweet spot. Austin paused, then gave several short thrusts right against the spot, setting off fireworks behind Tim's eyes. "There?" Austin whispered.

"Yeah," Tim moaned.

Austin froze, right against it. "Make yourself come, babe," he whispered.

Tim closed his eyes and pushed back, then thrust forward, short and fast at first, then harder and deeper, his entire focus narrowing to the sensation of Austin's manhood inside him, pleasuring him, till he let out a groan, pushing back till he was impaled deep, and was seized by his orgasm.

"God, Tim... Oh, God," Austin moaned, thrusting a couple times till Tim felt the throbbing and heat of Austin filling him. That thought sent another rush of pleasure through him as he was taken by another ejaculation.

They leaned against each other, breathing hard, till Austin slipped out of him and slid down to the floor, pulling Tim into his lap. They pressed their foreheads together, breathing as one, till Austin pressed a kiss to Tim's lips. "I'm not sure I'll be able to walk after this."

Tim chuckled and kissed him again. "I know I won't for a while."

Austin pulled him closer, then turned them both to lean against the door. "We'll just rest here."

"I think you're sitting in my come."

"Don't care."

They sat curled together for a long time, almost drifting to sleep. Austin stirred awake and kissed Tim's forehead. "We should go to bed."

"Gotta clean up first," Tim said and sighed.

"I suppose so." Austin patted Tim's naked butt. "Get up, babe."

Tim managed to lever himself up and then pulled up his jeans and underwear. "By the way," he said as he fastened his jeans, "if I develop a kink for watching our neighbor unload groceries, it's all your fault."

{End of smut}


Tim stood holding Austin's hand on one side and Betsy's hand on the other as they stood in a huge circle. The smells of so much food was causing his mouth to water like crazy. He was almost not going to miss his mother's cooking. Almost.

There were nearly a fifty people here -- Austin's family and step-father's family.

"Before we say grace for the meal," Austin's uncle announced, "we're going to go around the circle and anyone who wants can share something we're grateful for this Thanksgiving day. If you're feeling too shy or unprepared," he smiled at Tim and then at a young lady a cousin of some sort had brought along, "you can squeeze the hand of the person next to you. I'll start."

Tim listened as many of Austin's family shared a piece of themselves. Gratitude for healing, rekindled love, a better job, friendships made, a deepened faith, strength in a season of grief. "My puppy," a little girl said. His eyes began to brim with tears.

Then it was Austin's turn. "This last year I've been so blessed to work with an amazing group of men, and to embark on a relationship with one very special man." Austin lifted their joined hands and kissed Tim's.

"Ummm... I'm..." Tim stopped, struggling to express what he was feeling. "I'm thankful to have Austin in my life... and to finally... be comfortable with who I am." He squeezed Betsy's hand.

As the circle of gratitude continued and then the prayer was offered, Tim felt the tears slide down his face, too full of joy to hold them back.

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