34. Wagon Wheel (Song of the South)

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Austin and Tim dragged into Tim's place in the middle of the afternoon. Austin had managed to pack all his things in three newly purchased suitcases, his carry-on, plus little corners of Tim's luggage. They deposited their baggage in a pile in the entryway, Austin making a beeline for the restroom.

Tim wandered into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Beer, soda, bottled water, and a couple sticks of butter were the only things in it. Before he left on long trips, Tim would always clean it out and carry any perishables over to a neighbor family. He pulled a couple beers out, then dug into the freezer. There were some individual hamburger patties, chicken breasts, and a stack of pizzas. He pulled the ice cube bin out and dumped the half-evaporated ice out, gave it a quick wipe and replaced it.

Austin walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him from behind. "So when are we breaking in the bed?" he whispered in Tim's ear.

"Well, I was thinking of getting a bit of food first," Tim answered, "but it is tempting."

"Hmm. Actually, I am pretty hungry. Have you actually got any food?"

"Frozen pizzas."

"That'll do. Maybe I'll go unpack some stuff."

"Okay. You know where the bedroom is. The dresser with the mirror has some empty drawers, and there should be some hangers in the closet."

"Thanks, babe."

As Austin left, Tim was suddenly struck by what a momentous thing he'd agreed to. Austin was moving in with him, not just to crash on his couch for a few weeks, but to sleep in his bed and keep his stuff there -- toothbrushes and boots and suit jackets and underwear-- until they parted ways. Tim grabbed the nearest chair and sat, his head suddenly swimming.

"What the hell are those sheets on the bed?" Austin asked, walking back into the kitchen. "Tim? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just--"

Austin laid a hand on his forehead. "You feel a little warm. Let's get you some water instead of this beer."

"I'm okay," Tim protested. "I just scared myself."

"Scared yourself?" Austin looked at him with concern.

"Just thinking about us, how fast everything's been."

"Oh." Austin looked unsettled.

Tim reached out and took his hand. "I've never done anything like this before with anyone. I just had a moment, okay?"

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay, well you just sit there. I'll get the pizza in."

Tim nodded and took a drink from the bottle of water Austin had given him. "The oven runs hot. You'll want to set it about twenty-five degrees below what it calls for."

"Got it." Austin turned and studied him, appearing a little less worried. "Now, as I was saying, your sheets, how old are those things?"

"Ummm... That's the Jurassic Park sheets?"


"Pretty old. They're my 'I haven't had time to do anything but basic laundry but want clean sheets' emergency set."

"Dude, that movie came out when I was seven." Austin shook his head. "If you'd picked me up in a bar and I walked into your room and saw those sheets, I would be out of here so fast. That's a 'This is a straight dude' red flag right there."

"If I were going to go pick up guys in bars-- which I've never done, by the way-- I'd have made sure I had nicer sheets first."

"Well, we're going to need to do some laundry, cause I ain't having sex with you on kid sheets. Also, how old is that mattress? I think we need a new one ASAP."

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