10. Your Man

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There was a soft knock at his door. Austin padded across the room and opened it. Tim stood there, eyes bloodshot from crying. Austin stepped into the hallway and quietly shut the door behind him. "Is Adam okay?"

Tim took his hand and began walking. Austin walked alongside him, not questioning. "Yeah. Chris has made some calls and the captain has pulled some strings. As soon as we get into port, there's going to be a car waiting to get him and Chris to the airport. There's a flight to Minneapolis taking off half an hour after we arrive. They're boarding without any luggage or carry on, just to get through security faster. Matt and Rob will make sure their luggage gets back to them."

"Couldn't they, I don't know, get a helicopter out here or something?" Austin asked.

"Since she's already miscarried and isn't in any danger, it's not considered a medical emergency."

"Bullshit," Austin said angrily.

"I know," Tim said. "They didn't want to make any more fuss. But we felt like he needed to be there before they released her from the hospital. This is a compromise."

"I don't know how they kept all that grief and worry to themselves," Austin said.

"Sometimes we think it's easier to handle on our own, I guess." He reached out and ran the back of his hand gently across the yellowed bruise under Austin's eye.

"I picked a fight," Austin said quietly. "I got to talking to this guy in the bar, made a pass at him... like an idiot, he called me a... slur, and I was just so angry and miserable already... So, I picked a fight."

"And you lost."

"Yeah. After I was down he started kicking me... while saying all these... horrible things. I really thought for a minute that he was going to kill me. I just started praying. I couldn't do anything, couldn't say anything because he'd kicked the wind out of me. And suddenly he just stopped. Said something about not ruining his vacation and left."

Tim closed his eyes and shook his head. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Austin said quietly. "I just want to put it all behind me. I don't want that to be what defines this trip for me."

Tim nodded, meeting Austin's eyes. "I understand." He tilted Austin's face and leaned down, his lips meeting Austin's in a gentle kiss. "I know I said we wouldn't, and it's probably a really bad idea, but I don't want to sleep alone tonight."

"Me either."

"Are you okay if we...?"

Austin met his eyes. "Whatever you want."


{Warning: Smut below & to the end of the chapter.}

"I want you inside of me," Austin breathed in Tim's ear. They had spent what felt like hours kissing and exploring while they undressed each other.

Tim let out a low moan, "Oh, yeah."

Austin's mouth traveled down his throat, pressing open-mouthed kisses as he went, dropping to Tim's chest and then slowly down the slight curve of his belly. Tim grabbed the sheets as he felt Austin's breath ghost over his manhood. He was surrounded by the hot wetness of Austin's mouth so suddenly that he threw his head back, thumping against the headboard. "Easy there, fellah," Austin took a second from his ministrations to say.

"If you keep doing that, you're not going to get me inside anywhere but your mouth," Tim warned.

"We've got all night," Austin answered. "I want it to last a while."

"Are you worried I'm a hair trigger?"

"Prove me wrong," Austin answered, then slid his mouth back around Tim's cock.

Tim tangled his fingers into Austin's hair and gave himself over to the pleasure.


"You've definitely done that before," Tim said.

"Never said I hadn't done anything with other men," Austin answered, then kissed him.

Tim hummed as he tasted himself in Austin's mouth, pulling Austin closer to chase the flavor.

"My turn," he said when they broke apart.

"You don't have to," Austin said.

"Sure I do. Though you'll have to forgive my lack of experience."

"Just take your time, start with what feels good to you, and pay attention to your partner," Austin said, "and you'll do fine."


"Sorry," Austin said again, as Tim gagged and coughed some more. "I was going to warn you. And then you hummed, and I kinda... lost it."

Tim wiped his watering eyes, then shook his head. "It's okay. What kind of first time would it be if everything was perfect?"

"Come here," Austin said, gently pulling on his hair. "I want to kiss you."

Tim slid up Austin's body, their lips finding each other, and kissed, Austin's tongue darting out to run along his lips where a hint of Austin's semen remained. It didn't take long before they were both hard again, slowly thrusting against the other man's body.

"Open me up," Austin whimpered in his ear. "Please."

"Yeah," Tim breathed, grabbing the lube from the bedside table. He sat up, looking down to where Austin had spread his legs. Tim had had a couple girlfriends who'd been willing to try anal sex with him. While Austin certainly had some bits Tim wasn't used to, it wasn't like he had no idea what he was doing here.

But as he opened the other man up, he was surprised at Austin's groans of pleasure.

"That is pleasure, right?" Tim asked. "You'd tell me if I'm hurting you."

"Yes," Austin gasped. "Oh, God, yes..."

Tim pulled out, adding a third finger and watched Austin's face as he slid back in. "Right there?" he asked when Austin moaned and bucked against him.

"Fuck, yeah!" Austin answered.

Tim watched as Austin's eyes went unfocused from pleasure, a light sheen of sweat coating his face.

"I need you in me now." Austin's voice shook with desire.

"You sure?"

"Tim, please," Austin practically whined.

"Okay. You want me on top, missionary style?"

Austin nodded. "I want to be able to kiss you."

Tim reached for the condoms, trying to take calming breaths as he tore the packet open. Even with his earlier orgasm, he felt like he wasn't going to last long. He rolled the condom on, then added more lube, before positioning himself between Austin's legs, pressing against Austin's opening. He looked up and met Austin's eyes. "You ready?"

"Oh, yeah," Austin breathed. They locked eyes as Tim pushed slowly forward. Austin's eyelids fluttered, but he didn't close them. He let out a shaky breath.

"You doing okay?" Tim asked, fighting the urge to slam into the tight heat of the other man's body.

Austin nodded. "Just give me a minute to adjust."

Tim cupped Austin's face. "I can't believe we're doing this."

Austin turned, kissing his palm. "I need to kiss you."

Tim leaned down and kissed him, slow and hungry, desperate to move and bury himself deep inside Austin's body. Austin's nails raked down his back, and he moved, bucking up to take Tim deeper. It took them a moment to find their rhythm, then they were moving together, breathy moans, kisses, and gasps of pleasure supplanting words, until Austin arched beneath him. Tim felt the hot pulse of Austin's release between them, the contractions of Austin's body around him, and found himself pulled over the edge.

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