Not so perfect now is she

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"I did see the article, is it really true". Its more complicated then that but yes. My eyes widened I couldn't believe it was true... I stayed silent in utter disbelief. She still spoke despite the obvious shocked look on my face.
"I was in a rough place... she was my exes sister, and used to be my best friend. I just wanted a way back at my ex for what he put me through I didn't mean to take it so far. I feel so much guilt and I know I have nothing that could excuse why I did it." I stayed quiet the rest of class I didn't know what to say.  When class was over I finally said
"I can't imagine what your ex put you through but a girls life is  gone now."

She looked at me with a sad look on her face." I know If only I could turn back time maybe one day I'll have the courage to tell you everything he did" she said.
She walked  away with a devastated look obviously full of guilt. A slight piece of me felt sorry for her but that girl was gone because of her and nothing can change that. I took a big breath gasping in air. My world feels like it's been turned upside down. This beautiful kind girl did that to someone. I have to faith left in this world if she could do something like that.

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