Trick or treat

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"Babe, theirs no fucking way I'm wearing this" I heard him call from the bedroom as my eyes reached Landons, silently asking him to watch the kids for a minute whilst I dealt with the man who I'm sure could find a way to moan about anything.

Walking straight into the room, my gaze instantly shot towards the man positioned in front of the mirror with a look of absolute disgust written across his features. Unable to hide my laughter, I quickly let out a chuckle prompting his mouth to start moving, "Tess it's not funny, what the hell is this shit supposed to be"

"Babe the kids will love it, and plus you look hot" I tried not to laugh referring to the boots wrapped around his feet and the large hat positioned on his head replicating Woody from Toy Story. Emery and I had decided weeks ago on this years themed Halloween costumes, my 9-year-old having a very clear plan in mind that her mummy and daddy would go as woody and bo peep whilst she dressed up as Jessie with my little boy as buzz lightyear.

Walking over to me with the biggest grin plastered upon his face, shivers traveled down the base of my spine in the way he'd always caused as he began talking once again, "Baby, I always look hot, and this" he spoke messing with the fabric of the dress id brought, making the material rise higher so his fingers could graze my bare skin whilst his lips moved closer to my ear, "is being ripped in two fucking halves as soon as we get home"

After regaining my composure and slapping my perverted boyfriend's arm, I quickly reapplied a final layer of lipgloss after pecking his lips feeling his eyes glued to me before leading the two of us out of the room.

"Say anything and I swear to-" Hardin started looking straight towards his brother who was clearly trying to hold himself like I was only minutes ago, only to be cut off by Emery and Auden running straight towards the two of us.

"Daddy look" my little girl said twirling around as Hardin kneeled down on the ground with a dimpled smile written on his cheeks, "You look beautiful princess"

As she stopped spinning, he pulled his hat down in a cowboy gesture causing Emery to replicate his actions before he took our little Auden in his arms rising to his feet.

"To infinity, and beyond" the most perfect daddy in the world screamed as he wooshed our son all around the room filling the area with my 3-year olds laugh as Emery and Addy joined in giggling at the two. Attacking him with kisses all over his cheeks only making his little voice seem so much louder before placing him on his shoulders, I watched as Auden messed with his daddy's hat whilst Hardin started talking, "Are we ready, miss bo peep?" He questioned in a flirtatious manner which made my own smile only broaden.

"We certainly are Woody" I spoke giving Emery and Addy their buckets as they held onto each other's hands whilst I kept Audens in my own.

Watching my family exit the room, I couldn't help but see everything as perfect. Never in 1000 years could I have expected as a teen to see the man scattered with tattoos dressed up for his children on Halloween.

"Are you coming, baby?" Hardin asked knocking me out of my daze as he stood there with his hand reached out ready to take my own.

Simply smiling, I quickly locked the door checking it was secure before following the steps of the man I could never quite believe I was lucky enough to meet and fall in love with.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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