I'd love to make you my wife

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"Tess, are you almost ready" I heard as the door slammed before the sound of footsteps grew louder.

"Yeah, give me two minutes" I shouted out even though I could already see his eyes dilating to extreme heights in the mirror as he glanced over my dolled up state.

"Wow" he simply started moving closer wrapping his arms around my waist, "you never fail to amaze me Miss Young"

"Did the kids get to Landon's okay?" I asked referring to the babysitter Hardin had 'hired' in preparation for our date night as he nuzzled his face into my neck placing gentle kisses in a trail.

"Yes, baby. Now before I rip this oh so bloody tempting dress of your body" he began playing with the strap sitting on my shoulder, "I actually need to take the most stunning woman in the world out for the night"

Whipping around, I placed a gentle kiss on his lips before his own moved closer to my ear whispering as if someone other than the two of us was present, "but know as soon as we get back, I'm tearing this thing in fucking half"

Twenty minutes later after many protests from myself begging for my abnormally gorgeous man to drag me back to the bedroom and forget any plans that were made, I was sitting in the car whilst staring at the jawline I wanted nothing more than to attach my lips too.

All of a sudden, we turned down a dimly lit alley as several trees encased the area. Raising my eyebrows in curiosity as he took a quick glance at me, he spoke up immediately answering my unvocalized question.

"Its a surprise baby" he answered with his dimples prominent as ever whilst he continued down the path that couldn't possibly be a road. After what seemed like forever, he finally parked between the branches as he unbuckled his seatbelt before opening my door and taking my hand.

"Such the gentleman" I said with my interest with where we were staying persistent.

"I'll show you gentleman later baby" he said bringing the Hardin Id come to love straight into view.

With a soft laugh from myself, he began to move through the forest which only seemed to be getting darker with each step as the sun began to set in the background. Stopping making me run straight into him, he took the piece of material from his back pocket before handing it to me.

"Put this on" he said referring to the blindfold that was laying on his palm with his green eyes staring straight into mine.


"Trust me baby" he simply responded having me grab the contents of his hands before allowing him to tie it into place.

"I swear Mr Scott, if you've brought me here to be murdered by some fucking bears, I will come back and haunt you" I said as he moved towards the unknown letting out a chuckle.

Around two minutes later, his movements stopped as the sound of soft waves came into play. Before taking off the fabric hiding my eyes, he took a deep breath I could hear from a mile away as if his entire body was smothered with nerves.

As soon as my eyes met the sight before me, I couldn't help the emotions rushing over my entire being like a train. The scene which looked like an exact replica of the lake id first fallen for the brooding bad boy only in a different state was in place whilst the small table lit by fairy lights sat on the dock. My eyes already glossed over, I looked towards the man I love having to take a full 180-degree turn with the water still insight seeing an image id never once expected since meeting him.

Down on one knee, he opened the box holding the diamond ring which glistened in the now darkened proximity with his green orbs glued to mine before starting in his tangent.

"Tessa Young, since the moment I met you, I knew there was something different. I never could of fucking imagined id ever be here right now but am I bloody glad you took me" he began as I laughed with tears running down my cheeks, "you took this broken man and you fixed him tess, I have no fucking clue where id be without you. Your not only the best mother in this world but your the most incredible person to spend my days loving and I wouldn't want it any other way. You've made a man out of me baby and if you allow it, id love to make you my wife. So, Theresa Lynn Young, will you do me the hono-"

Without even allowing him chance to finish, I launched my arms around his neck sending us both toppling to the floor with tears littering in my eyes. The second my lips finally disattached from his own, I put my hand out as he slid the ring onto my finger with the proudest look on his face.

"So, is that a yes?" He asked causing us both to chuckle as I placed another passionate kiss on his lips ready for where this new stage of our lives would take us.

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