20-week scan

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Forcing my gaze away from the magazine spilling out ounces of gossip I failed to believe, the repetitive sound of tapping feet disrupted the otherwise silent atmosphere. 'Hardin baby, what's the matter?' I questioned peering into the green id become so accustomed too. The sound of his shoes colliding with the ground failed to stop forcing my arm onto his calf, putting a stop to his anxious movements whilst never failing to send a new heatwave down the back of my spine. Damn, these hormones. 'Its nothing Tess, just nerves' he finally voiced causing a small smile to break out wide on his cheeks, showing off the cheeky dimples id come to love more than any fictional piece. 'We'll be fine, I promise' I announced, caressing the bump framing my middle half whilst hiding my own fears about the 20-week scan. Losing a child was a pain like no other, one I knew for sure I could never endure again. The memories of the torturous day swam through my mind, only stopping only at the announcement of my name, 'Tessa Young'. Standing to my feet, I grabbed the hand of the man I loved the most, gently squeezing before another set of words broke from his lips, 'It should be Tessa Scott'.

The smirk on his face became a mirror to my own whilst the nurse leads us to room 7, opening the door wide to an area I'd seen plenty of times over the past 5 months. 'The doctor will be just a minute' she announced after asking me several questions I saw as completely pointless before proceeding to leave myself and an overly anxious man alone. 'What if the baby's not ok Tess? What if we did something wro-? he croaked causing me to instantly try and clear his helpless state, 'Baby, I promise everything's going to be great'. The words sent his eye line straight to me as his lips perked up before meeting my own, savoring the thought of a healthy baby until we were alerted of the doctor's entrance. 'Tessa, Hardin it's great to see you' she announced showing her set of pearly whites before sitting down next to the set of equipment which seemed all the more daunting. After questioning me about the 4 weeks since my last visit, she began talking through the process of the next ten minutes, saying how baby would be measured and checked over for any abnormalities.

A new rush of panic washed over me at the thought, forcing all the statistics and numbers id researched only hours before back into my head as the wand gently rolled over the skin hiding my little one. Minutes seemed like hours as the words I so desperately desired escaped from her parted lips, 'everything looks great'. Looking to my left, I launched my arms around the man who's facial expression replicated my own, consuming us both in the dreams we never thought would come true. 'Are you sure?' he asked quietly, almost begging with his tone for the happy moment not to be broken. 'Im 100% sure' she paused giving us time to place a simple kiss on each other's lips, 'Would you like to know the sex?'. The question caught me off guard, forcing a gasp of air to escape my lungs before reality settled in my brain. With my eyes locked with Hardins, I muttered the words that would indicate my future, 'yes please'. 'Ok then, let's have a look shall we'. It was just seconds later when the news was announced, forcing a new set of tears to stain my face as my grip on the once anxious individual got tighter with glee.

'Congratulations, it's a girl' 

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