I'll wait for you

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It's crazy how fast a lifetime can zoom bye. It seemed only yesterday I was moving out to college, saying goodbye to my mother before running off to meet the handsome bad boy id spent every single day of my life since loving. Even after the day that broke my heart into more pieces than I deemed possible.

Exactly 9 months and 12 days ago, I watched as the most important person in my world slipped away before my eyes. The last few moments of his life were spent by us flipping through the photo album id developed over our journey with one another.

Starting from the first picture id managed to get him to take of us, the many years following, the pregnancy scan of my little Emery and later Auden, the proposal that I never expected to experience, the ceremony I would never forget, every single moment I could possibly capture detailed in a small plastic folder.

With each page, I watched his soul beginning to slip away, the green of his eyes seeming to disappear with the dilation of his pupils increasing. After saying his final goodbyes to the children he never believed he'd come to have, I bent down on my knees grabbing his cheeks and wiping the tears forming dry.

"Tess" he spoke as if coming back to me completely one final time, "I love you more than anything in the world baby"

Using all of his strength, he moved forward taking me in his arms before leaning back against his death bed, "one life isn't enough for our love baby, ill be waiting for you in the next, I promise"

Those were the last words I was lucky enough to hear.

Exactly two months later, I walked out the Dr's office with news id somehow come to expect. They said it was cancer but truly, I knew my diagnosis was heartbreak.

My state only seemed to deteriorate over time eventually leading me to my current own moment of death surrounded by the people I loved with my whole unfixed heart. Knowing the time was coming, I had my mouth rushing at the fastest paste I could with my weakened state telling my children how much I loved them and about the nonexistence of my fear they were so concerned I was having.

The truth was, I was ready to die. The man I loved was waiting for me on the other side and I was more than desperate to see him again. This may be an end of one life, but this was just the beginning of a whole other.

Holding the hands of my babies, I closed my eyes taking one final breath before washing away towards my new journey with the person I would never be able to forget.

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