My perfect little family

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"Baby, I'm home" I heard his voice echo through the kitchen as I lay back against the couch taking in every last word shared between Elizabeth and Darcy whilst munching on the strawberries sat to my left. Placing the nook down, I placed my hands back against the pillow currently keeping my body comfortable trying desperately to move to my feet.

"Tess, wait for me next time" he spoke with hand meeting the base of my spine allowing me to finally part from the spot I was once secluded to. Giving him a quick smile, I felt his hand meet the t-shirt I was wearing, pulling it up to just below my bra allowing his hand to meet the exposed skin.

"How's my little girl been this afternoon?" He asked whilst I placed my hand on top of his as his eyes widened in a way I knew meant she'd just kicked.

"Oh, you know the usual. Kicking her mommy's belly, not resting until her daddy gets home, and we even ate some very delicious strawberries. I tried reading Mr Darcy to her but I think she's more on Heathcliff's side, well it's either that or she enjoys kicking my spine."  I said causing a laugh to escape his lips before he pecked my lips.

As if my sense of smell just hit me, I instantly forced my eyes straight to the bag I never noticed he'd placed down, "Is that my food"

Without waiting for him to answer, I walked as swiftly as I could with the human sitting on my abdomen towards the brown paper bag I'd never wanted to open so badly in my life. Spilling the fries into my mouth, I quickly pulled out a chair for me to sit down on as I watched Hardin wander over to my new position, dipping his hand in the bag before being slapped by my fingertips.

"Get your own food" I glared at him as he looks back in disbelief.

"Tess, I brought that for both of us baby. Now give me my burg-"

"Excuse me, Hardin Scott, I'm eating for two here and you barely brought me enough food for a child" I began looking down at the two sets of fries, 3 burgers and 10 chicken nuggets he had brought home, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be here feeding the child you impregnated me with"

At this, he simply smiled in response before getting down on his knees and touching my bump once again.

"You, little miss, are causing your daddy to starve here" he started earning an instant kick in response allowing my eyes to shine with glee, "mommy keeps eating all my food Emery what am I going to do? It's a good job I love the two of you more than anything in this fuc- I mean anything in this world" he stated, looking up to my eyes waiting for telling off but only receiving a smile.

"Wait here" he spoke to my bump again as if an idea had just struck him in the face at full force.

"I don't think she's going anywhere, Hardin"

"Wow Tessa pregnancy really did give you a sense of humour" he replied with my nook in hand as I pierced my eyes into his skull. Oh, if looks could kill.

"I'm joking" he quickly rushed out with a frightened look on his face before he began again, "how about I try reading a bit of Darcy and Heathcliffe to my baby girl whilst you eat both of our food's"

After one final slap across the head and a wince from his end, he quickly began speaking the words to my exposed skin in his thick British accent I loved more with each day.

As if the sound of his voice was medicine, I instantly felt the pain pressing against my back demolish and her kicks instead hit her daddy straight in the face.

As I continued to munch on my food, I lay back in bliss just listening to the conversation Hardin was reading to our little girl. Feeling completely and utterly ready to start my new chapter with the man before me, I stroked his slightly grown out hair from his eyes and watched on as his dimples popped.

This was my perfect. This right here, the three of us becoming the most extraordinary little family, everything about it was better than how I could have ever imagined my life to be.

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