Husband & wife

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"I promise Tessa, you look perfect" Nora spoke from my right side as I examined every last detail of the dress I had chosen to marry the love of my life in. Noticing a small fray just below the belt, my hands instantly started messing with the fabric as my nerves seemed to escalate to a whole new level.

"No, no, no look Nora. I can't go out there like this" I said referring to the tear which I knew wouldn't be visible from a distance to the human eye.

"Tessa" she began taking my elbows in her palms whilst looking straight towards my naturally made-up face, "You have absolutely nothing to worry about, I promise. You look drop-dead gorgeous, the dress looks stunning, everything is going perfect Tessa. All you need to worry about is not tripping in them heels"

Her last remark made us both chuckle sending a rush of relief through my body relaxing every muscle which previously remained tense.

As we continued with the small talk gradually easing my nerves, the sound of the door creaking open instantly draws my eyes towards the opening as my mother, Trish and Karen walk in side by side.

"You look beautiful Theresa" "my sons one lucky man" "you look absolutely gorgeous Tessa" The three all spoke simultaneously whilst I took the few steps necessary to meet the mirror. Barely allowing my eyes to scan over the look I would be moving down the aisle in, the sound of little footsteps clashing in through the doorway made themselves know.

"Mommy, mommy, you look like a princess" my gorgeous little girl spoke as she twirled around in the dress I'd allowed her to choose by her self. Holding her hand as she continued to spin, I responded in a way I knew she'd love, "I thought for a moment I was seeing cinderella when I saw you miss emery"

As I tickled her chin, yet another person entered the already overcrowded room filling my anxiety to the brim, "I'm sorry Tessa, she really wanted to see her mommy" David spoke walking over to me after kissing the side of my mothers cheek.

"No, its okay David, in fact, she was just the thing I needed right now" I spoke looking down twirling her one final time before her grandma Trish took her into her arms, the four saying their final words of encouragement before exiting.

"Are you ready Mrs Scott?" Nora shook me out of my trance as the man who had become the greatest father figure to me took my arm in his own. Staring between the two of them realizing who would be waiting for me at the end of the aisle, I grabbed the bottom of my dress moving towards the door,

"More ready than you could possibly imagine"

Hardin's POV

"Is it supposed to be so fucking hot in here" I spoke loud enough for Landon to hear but not so overbearing that the atmosphere inside the church was disrupted. There wasn't a single chance I was messing anything up for Tess.

"Its called nerves bro" he responded chuckling making me tempted to wack him across the head.

"Shut the f-" I started, instantly forgetting my words at the sound of violins chiming along with some other instruments I didn't give two shits about.

"Breathe" spoke the words of my best man as he patted my shoulder one final time before the ceremony began.

What I loved all the more about the woman I was marrying was her lack of need for a big fancy show. After only Candice and Nora walking down the aisle as bridesmaids, I watched on as the other two most important people in my life walked towards me hand in hand.

My little boy who had just learned to walk tightly gripped to his sister's arm and she threw the flower petals aimlessly in the air making the guests laugh. At the sight of me, the pair completely ignored the instructions given around what to do making me the happiest fucking man alive as they launched straight into my arms after I leant down on the ground.

Giving my stunning princess a twirl and a fist bump to my little man's wrist, Landon quickly took the fake ring carrier in Auden's arm and passed it over to Karen soon followed by my two babies I never would have guessed I'd be so lucky to have during my teen years.

As if my heart wasn't bursting enough, the most beautiful sight ever captured by the human eye made itself known. With Carol's husband attached to her arm, my Tess walked towards me in a dress I didn't even have words to describe. Feeling as though I was about to faint, I quickly took a moment to relax stepping back on my feet with my eyes still glued to her own.

The moment her hand met mind, a jolt of electricity which never failed to hit me captured me entirely. I took no attention to the words of the priest, only speaking up when necessary not moving my view from her for a millisecond as she duplicated my actions. The entire event passed with what felt like only the two of us. Nothing but Tessa Young and the fucked up teenager turned man she saved stood less than a metre apart as a man with authority joined us together.

After what only seemed like minutes, the words I was most desperate to hear left his throat causing the grin on my face to widen more than I thought possible, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

With that, my lips attached straight onto hers allowing no time for either of us to catch the breathes we were holding in during the duration of the ceremony. Leaning away after all of our oxygen had escaped, I listened to her heavy breathing as I leaned my head against her own.

"I love you so much Mr Scott" she announced pecking my lips once again before I said the words I knew would remain for the rest of my life,

"And I love you so fucking much more Mrs Scott"

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