Chapter 105 : A Startling Change

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Jiang Su Su is back!


Translated by : Mazu

Edited by : Anks & Ely


Trigger Warning: brief mentions of child loss and suicide.

A plain carriage came to a slow stop at the gate of the Jiang fu. Xia Yan, who went out to greet the guest, trembled when she saw two maidservants supporting a beautiful girl stepping out of the carriage.

The girl was none other than Jiang Su Su. She was obviously taller than she had been three years ago. Perhaps due to her long stay in the family ancestral temple, her temperament seemed calm and her past arrogance had gone completely, leaving only a faint sense of aloofness. There was a smile on her lips and the scar on her face had disappeared without a trace. Her facial features were vivid and beautiful. Furthermore, it was intriguing to see that even though her appearance was beautiful and virtuous, she also seemed to have a newfound seductive charm. Anyone who closely followed her every move would become a little distracted.

When Xia Yan first saw her face, her heart was filled with joy. Then, while awkwardly holding her waist, she leaned forward and looked at Jiang Su Su's face again. "Su'er, how did your face heal?"

The physician who had visited the fu at that time had said that the scars on Jiang Su Su's face might never heal completely, though if he were to find some rare and precious medicinal ingredients in the future, the scars might lessen. But at present, Jiang Su Su's skin was like a perfectly peeled boiled egg with no trace of disfigurement.

Jiang Su Su looked at her and chuckled softly. "It healed on its own[1]." Her glance at Xia Yan was so soft that Xia Yan unexpectedly felt a flutter in her heart. For some reason, the Jiang Su Su in front of her was so unfamiliar, as if she were a different person. But on closer inspection, she was also still the same. She held back her suspicion and said, "Su'er, it's great that you're back. You're so heartless, unwilling to see your mother for the past three years..."

[1] T/N: 时间到了,自然就好了 – literally, the time has come, naturally it's healed.

Jiang Su Su pretended not to hear her. Her gaze went past Xia Yan and fell on a soft sedan chair that had appeared in front of the fu's gate.

It was a mahogany[2] coloured soft sedan chair carried by four imperial guards in uniforms. Even though the sedan chair was exquisite and gorgeous, nothing was revealed about the status of the person inside. There had been many onlookers watching the excitement along the way, eager to see which fu the nobility was from.

[2] T/N: 海棠 is Chinese flowering crabapple. 海棠色 refers to the colour between red and light wood, similar to that of pearwood or mahogany.

The sedan chair stopped at the gate of the Jiang fu.

Jiang Su Su stared at the sedan chair without saying a word.

Two maidservants in beautiful dresses came out from the back of the sedan. They opened its beaded curtain with a smile and welcomed the person inside to come out.

An incomparably beautiful girl in a red dress stepped out with mesmerizing elegance. She moved at an unhurried pace, and with each step she took, Xia Yan dug her fingers deeper into her palm.

Finally, the girl in red stood in front of Xia Yan. She spoke with a smile, "Ruan nianggreets Mother, Second Sister. It's been a while."

Xia Yan felt the suffocation in her chest rush to her face. The news of Jiang Ruan's grand spectacle in the palace had already spread throughout the capital. As Xia Yan thought of this, she itched to tear Jiang Ruan to shreds. Why did such good luck not fall on Jiang Su Su! And now, when Jiang Su Su had finally returned to the fu, Jiang Ruan picked the exact same time to appear as well. The contrast between the two was evident and the people outside could see it clearly, so perhaps by tomorrow more rumours would be spread throughout the capital . Afterall, people always flattered their superiors and trampled those inferior to them. In the same way, both of them had entered the ancestral temples at the same time, but now, Jiang Ruan returned in glory whereas Jiang Su Su arrived in a humble carriage. Xia Yan's heart was about to burst with rage. Jiang Ruan clearly did this on purpose!

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